Sunday, 25 November 2018

Indexing a matrix with two matrixes

How to index a matrix with matrixes?

A short outline of the matrix indexing will be followed by
octave:6> a(b,c)
ans =

    1    2
    9   10
    5    6
    5    6
    9   10
    9   10

Indexing Vectors (
Let's start with the simple case of a vector and a single subscript. The vector is:

  v = [16 5 9 4 2 11 7 14];
The subscript can be a single value:

  v(3)     % Extract the third element
  ans =
Or the subscript can itself be another vector:

  v([1 5 6])      % Extract the first, fifth, and sixth elements
  ans =
        16   2   11

The crucial point here is item 1  selects item 1 of v which is 16 and
item 5 selects item 5 of v which is 2 and
item 6 selects item 6 of v which is 11.

Let's take an a matrix with octave:
C:\Users\ars>octave -qf
octave:1> a=[1,2,3,4;5,6,7,8;9,10,11,12]
a =
    1    2    3    4
    5    6    7    8
    9   10   11   12

Let's take a b matrix:
octave:2> b=[1,2;3,4;5,6]
b =
   1   2
   3   4
   5   6

Let's take a c matrix:
octave:3> c=[1;2]
c =

octave:4> a(b,c)
error: A(I,J): row index out of bounds; value 6 out of bound 3
Octave does not like 6 because a has only 3 rows.

Let's take b with only one item bigger than a's row count.
octave:4> b=[1,2;3,4;2,3]
b =

   1   2
   3   4
   2   3

octave:5> a(b,c)
error: A(I,J): row index out of bounds; value 4 out of bound 3
The error repeats.  Hence, the items of b matrix must not be
bigger than the row count of a matrix.

Let's take a b matrix with all of its items less or equal to
the row count of a matrix.

octave:5> b=[1,2;3,3;2,3]
b =

   1   2
   3   3
   2   3

Let's try a(b,c) again:
octave:6> a(b,c)
ans =

    1    2
    9   10
    5    6
    5    6
    9   10
    9   10

It works.  Let's recall a and c matrixes and analyze this result:

a =
    1    2    3    4
    5    6    7    8
    9   10   11   12

c =
We have to refer for each of b the related row
and each of c to the realed column of a matrix.

b=1 c=1,2 -> 1 2
b=3 c=1,2 -> 9 10
b=2 c=1,2 -> 5 6
Please notice that b points to each row according to the value of item in sequence
of b 1 5 9 2 6 10 3 7 11 4 8 12
and for each row c proceeds for each column of each row with the value of items in matrix sequence
of c that is 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ...
b=2 c=1,2 -> 5 6
b=3 c=1,2 -> 9 10
b=3 c=1,2 -> 9 10

Just another example:

octave:7> b=[1,1;2,2;3,3]
b =

   1   1
   2   2
   3   3

Let's recal a and c matrixes:

a =
    1    2    3    4
    5    6    7    8
    9   10   11   12

c =
octave:8> a(b,c)
ans =

    1    2
    5    6
    9   10
    1    2
    5    6
    9   10

c selects first and second columns. b selects
1 2 3 1 2 3 rows.

Let's increase the rows count of b.  And observe:

octave:9> b=[1,1;2,2;3,3;1,1]
b =

   1   1
   2   2
   3   3
   1   1

octave:10> a(b,c)
ans =

    1    2
    5    6
    9   10
    1    2
    1    2
    5    6
    9   10
    1    2

Increasing the size of b (or c) does not cause an
abnormal end.  It only increases the selected items
of the output matrix.  Infact
the size of the output matrix = size(b) times size(c).
Below given examples show that, the size and shape of the
b and c matrixes a(b,c) does not cause an abend because
the a(b,c) calculation is done according to the item
sequence of b and c matrixes.

octave:11> b=[1,1,1;2,2,2;3,3,3]
b =

   1   1   1
   2   2   2
   3   3   3

octave:12> a(b,c)
ans =

    1    2
    5    6
    9   10
    1    2
    5    6
    9   10
    1    2
    5    6
    9   10

octave:13> c=[1,2,2]
c =

   1   2   2

octave:14> a(b,c)
ans =

    1    2    2
    5    6    6
    9   10   10
    1    2    2
    5    6    6
    9   10   10
    1    2    2
    5    6    6
    9   10   10

octave:15> c=[1,2;3,4]
c =

   1   2
   3   4

octave:16> a(b,c)
ans =

    1    3    2    4
    5    7    6    8
    9   11   10   12
    1    3    2    4
    5    7    6    8
    9   11   10   12
    1    3    2    4
    5    7    6    8
    9   11   10   12


Ali Riza SARAL

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Otomatik Cevap Motoru - Cevap Analizi

Mehmet okula gitti.
Mehmet nereye gitti?
Mehmet gitti mi?
Okula kim gitti?
Mehmet okula nasıl gitti?
Mehmet ne yaptı?

0 1 Mehmet  İsim  (f_önü koşarak   %intr. *o refverbalPOS=0 ) \Nesne\   \possible Özne\ <************ÖZNE
1 2 okula  İsim->Dolaylı Tümleç -a 
2 3 koşarak  Zarf -arak  -fiilimsi  %intr.
3 4 gitti Fiil %dat.intr. *o
3 4 .crlf postPunctuation

Mehmet nereye gitti?
1-Find sentences which has Mehmet as SUBJECT(ÖZNE)
2-Find sentences which has Mehmet and gitti/gitmek(from Morpholojik analysis) as Fiil.
3-Find a Dolaylı Tümleç with -e/a type (nere-ye)
4-Use this tümleç to form an answer sentence -->Mehmet OKULA gitti.

Mehmet gitti mi?
1-Find sentences which has Mehmet as SUBJECT(ÖZNE)
2-Find sentences which has Mehmet and gitti/gitmek(from Morpholojik analysis) as Fiil.
3-If above items are found form answer as YES else NO.

Okula kim gitti?
1-Find sentences which has gitti/gitmek(from Morpholojik analysis) as Fiil.
2-Find sentences which has okula
3-Find Özne in this sentence and ANSWER with the text of that word(s)

Mehmet okula nasıl gitti?
1-Find sentences which has Mehmet as SUBJECT(ÖZNE)
2-Find sentences which has Mehmet and gitti/gitmek(from Morpholojik analysis) as Fiil.
2-Find sentences which has okula
4- Find Zarf before or after Fiil answer with the text of that word

Mehmet ne yaptı?
1-Find sentences which has Mehmet as SUBJECT(ÖZNE)
2-Limit/warn that the number may be many.
3-Extract Nesne and fiil of these sentences and form sentences such as
'Mehmet gitti'.

Otomatik Cevap Motoru - Soru Dosyası Analizi

Mehmet okula koşarak gitti.
Ayşe topu bana attı.
O matematik dersini çok çalışır.
Ahmet heyecanlı bir çocuktur.

Mehmet okula gitti.
Mehmet nereye gitti?
Mehmet gitti mi?
Okula kim gitti?
Mehmet okula nasıl gitti?
Mehmet ne yaptı?

Ayşe topu bana attı.
Kim topu attı?
Kim topu bana attı?
Bana topu kim attı?
Ayşe bana ne attı?
Ayşe ne yaptı?
Top ne oldu?

O matematik dersini çok çalışır.
Matematik dersini kim çok çalışır?
O neyi çok çalışır?
O hangi dersi çok çalışır?
O matematik dersini ne yapar?
O ne yapar?

Ahmet heyecanlı bir çocuktur.
Ahmet nasıl bir çocuktur?
Ahmet kimdir?

Otomatik Cevap Motoru - Ref Dosyası Analizi

sentence= 0<<****************************dumpSentenceAsText
Mehmet okula koşarak gitti.

sentence= 0<<----------------------------dumpstructlist p="">0 1 Mehmet  İsim  (f_önü koşarak   %intr. *o refverbalPOS=0 ) \Nesne\   \possible Özne\ <************ÖZNE
1 2 okula  İsim->Dolaylı Tümleç -a 
2 3 koşarak  Zarf -arak  -fiilimsi  %intr.
3 4 gitti Fiil %dat.intr. *o
3 4 .crlf postPunctuation

sentence= 1<<****************************dumpSentenceAsText
Ayşe topu bana attı.

sentence= 1<<----------------------------dumpstructlist p="">0 2 Ayşe topu  İsim Tamlaması -i/ı/u/ü  (f_önü attı  %tr.intr.dat. *o ref ) \Nesne\  <************NESNE
2 3 bana  Zamir->Dolaylı Tümleç -a 
3 4 attı Fiil %tr.intr.dat. *o
3 4 .crlf postPunctuation

sentence= 2<<****************************dumpSentenceAsText
O matematik dersini çok çalışır.

sentence= 2<<----------------------------dumpstructlist p="">0 1 O  Zamir   \possible Özne\ ( çalışır  %tr.intr. *o ref )<************ÖZNE
1 3 matematik dersini  Sıfat Tamlaması->Nesne -ini   (f_önü çalışır  %tr.intr. *o ref ) \Nesne\  <************NESNE
3 4 çok  Zarf
4 5 çalışır Fiil %tr.intr. *o
4 5 .crlf postPunctuation

sentence= 3<<****************************dumpSentenceAsText
Ahmet heyecanlı bir çocuktur.

sentence= 3<<----------------------------dumpstructlist p="">0 1 Ahmet  İsim  (f_önü heyecanlı bir çocuktur   %intr. *o ref ) \Nesne\    \possible Özne\ <************ÖZNE
1 4 heyecanlı bir çocuktur  Fiil İsim/Sıfat Tamlaması Türevi %intr.  -tur 
3 4 .crlfcrlfcrlfcrlfcrlf postPunctuation

BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 1 second)


sentence= 0<<****************************dumpSentenceAsText
Mehmet okula koşarak gitti.

sentence= 0<<----------------------------morphologic analysis="" p="">0 0   0 Mehmet
R is. ===>Mehmet mehmet
1 0   1 okula
N is. ===>okula   =okul -a ^Noun->Noun 
2 0   2 koşarak
V f. ===>koşarak   =koş -arak ^Verb->Adverb ->Adverb %intr.
3 0   3 gitti.

V f. ===>gitti   =git -ti ^DiliGeçmiş %dat.intr.

sentence= 1<<****************************dumpSentenceAsText
Ayşe topu bana attı.

sentence= 1<<----------------------------morphologic analysis="" p="">4 1   0 Ayşe
R is. ===>Ayşe ayşe
5 1   1 topu
R is. ===>topu   top -u 
6 1   2 bana
R zm. ===>bana   ben -a
7 1   3 attı.
V f. ===>attı   =at -tı ^DiliGeçmiş %tr.intr.dat.

sentence= 2<<****************************dumpSentenceAsText
O matematik dersini çok çalışır.

sentence= 2<<----------------------------morphologic analysis="" p="">8 2   0 O
R zm. ===>O   o
9 2   1 matematik
R sf. ===>matematik
10 2   2 dersini
N is. ===>dersini   =ders -ini ^Noun->Noun 
11 2   3 çok
R zf. sf. ===>çok
12 2   4 çalışır.

V f. ===>çalışır   =çalış -ır ^IRliGenişZ %tr.intr.

sentence= 3<<****************************dumpSentenceAsText
Ahmet heyecanlı bir çocuktur.

sentence= 3<<----------------------------morphologic analysis="" p="">13 3   0 Ahmet
R is. ===>Ahmet ahmet
14 3   1 heyecanlı
R sf. ===>heyecanlı
N is. ===>heyecanlı   =heyecan -lı ^Noun->Noun/Adjective 
15 3   2 bir
R sf. ===>bir
16 3   3 çocuktur.
N is. ===>çocuktur   =çocuk -tur ^Noun->Verb %intr.

Otomatik Cevap Motoru - Ref Dosyası

Mehmet okula koşarak gitti.
Ayşe topu bana attı.
O matematik dersini çok çalışır.
Ahmet heyecanlı bir çocuktur.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

mnistclassify analysis 4

% Version 1.000
% Code provided by Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Geoff Hinton
% Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, modify, or distribute this
% program and accompanying programs and documents for any purpose, provided
% this copyright notice is retained and prominently displayed, along with
% a note saying that the original programs are available from our
% web page.
% The programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or
% implied.  As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have
% not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important
% application.  All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own risk.

function [f, df] = CG_CLASSIFY(VV,Dim,XX,target);

l1 = Dim(1); % 784
l2 = Dim(2); % 250
l3= Dim(3); % 250
l4= Dim(4); 5 50
l5= Dim(5); % 10
N = size(XX,1); % 1000 785

% Do decomversion.
 w1 = reshape(VV(1:(l1+1)*l2),l1+1,l2); % 785 250 = 272060(1:785*250, 785,250)
 xxx = (l1+1)*l2; % 785 * 250
 w2 = reshape(VV(xxx+1:xxx+(l2+1)*l3),l2+1,l3); % 251 250
 xxx = xxx+(l2+1)*l3;
 w3 = reshape(VV(xxx+1:xxx+(l3+1)*l4),l3+1,l4); % 251 50
 xxx = xxx+(l3+1)*l4;
 w_class = reshape(VV(xxx+1:xxx+(l4+1)*l5),l4+1,l5); % 51 10

  XX = [XX ones(N,1)]; %1000 785  data+1col
  w1probs = 1./(1 + exp(-XX*w1)); w1probs = [w1probs  ones(N,1)]; % 1000 785 * 785 250 -> 1000 251
  w2probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w1probs*w2)); w2probs = [w2probs ones(N,1)]; % 1000 251 * 251 250 -> 1000 251
  w3probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w2probs*w3)); w3probs = [w3probs  ones(N,1)]; % 1000 251 * 251 50 -> 1000 51

  targetout = exp(w3probs*w_class); % 1000 51 * 51 10 = 1000 10
  targetout = targetout./repmat(sum(targetout,2),1,10); % repmat((1000 1),1,10) normalize
  f = -sum(sum( target(:,1:end).*log(targetout))) ;  % cross enthropy

IO = (targetout-target(:,1:end));  % 1000 10
dw_class =  w3probs'*Ix_class; % 1000 51' * 1000 10 = 51 10

Ix3 = (Ix_class*w_class').*w3probs.*(1-w3probs); % 1000 10 * 51 10' = 1000 51 .* 1000 51 = 1000 51
Ix3 = Ix3(:,1:end-1); % 1000 50
dw3 =  w2probs'*Ix3; %1000 251' * 1000 50 = 251 50

Ix2 = (Ix3*w3').*w2probs.*(1-w2probs); % 1000 50 * 251 50' .* 1000 251 = 1000 251
Ix2 = Ix2(:,1:end-1); % 1000 250
dw2 =  w1probs'*Ix2; % 1000 251' * 1000 250 = 251 250

Ix1 = (Ix2*w2').*w1probs.*(1-w1probs); % 1000 250 * 251 250' .* 1000 251 = 1000 251
Ix1 = Ix1(:,1:end-1); % 1000 250
dw1 =  XX'*Ix1; % 1000 785' * 1000 250 = 785 250

df = [dw1(:)' dw2(:)' dw3(:)' dw_class(:)']'; % 272060 1

mnistclassify analysis 3

% Version 1.000
% Code provided by Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Geoff Hinton
% Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, modify, or distribute this
% program and accompanying programs and documents for any purpose, provided
% this copyright notice is retained and prominently displayed, along with
% a note saying that the original programs are available from our
% web page.
% The programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or
% implied.  As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have
% not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important
% application.  All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own risk.

function [f, df] = CG_CLASSIFY_INIT(VV,Dim,w3probs,target); % 510 1, 2 1, 1000 51, 1000 10
l1 = Dim(1); % 50
l2 = Dim(2); % 10
N = size(w3probs,1); % 1000
% Do decomversion.
  w_class = reshape(VV,l1+1,l2); % 51 10
  w3probs = [w3probs  ones(N,1)];  % 1000 51

  targetout = exp(w3probs*w_class); % 1000 51 * 51 10 = 1000 10
  targetout = targetout./repmat(sum(targetout,2),1,10); % repmat((1000 1),1,10) normalize

  f = -sum(sum( target(:,1:end).*log(targetout))) ; % cross enthropy
IO = (targetout-target(:,1:end)); % 1000 10
dw_class =  w3probs'*Ix_class; % 1000 51' * 1000 10 = 51 10

df = [dw_class(:)']'; % 510 1

 debug> a=[1,2,3;4,5,6]
a =
   1   2   3
   4   5   6

debug> sum(a,2)
ans =

debug> repmat(sum(a,2),1,10)
ans =
6    6    6    6    6    6    6    6    6    6
   15   15   15   15   15   15   15   15   15   15

mnistclassify analysis 2

% Version 1.000
% Code provided by Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Geoff Hinton
% Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, modify, or distribute this
% program and accompanying programs and documents for any purpose, provided
% this copyright notice is retained and prominently displayed, along with
% a note saying that the original programs are available from our
% web page.
% The programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or
% implied.  As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have
% not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important
% application.  All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own risk.

% This program fine-tunes an autoencoder with backpropagation.
% Weights of the autoencoder are going to be saved in mnist_weights.mat
% and trainig and test reconstruction errors in mnist_error.mat
% You can also set maxepoch, default value is 200 as in our paper. 

maxepoch=2; %maxepoch=200;
fprintf(1,'\nTraining discriminative model on MNIST by minimizing cross entropy error. \n');
fprintf(1,'60 batches of 1000 cases each. \n');

load mnistvhclassify
load mnisthpclassify
load mnisthp2classify

[numcases numdims numbatches]=size(batchdata); % 100  784  600
N=numcases; % 100

%%%% PREINITIALIZE WEIGHTS OF THE DISCRIMINATIVE MODEL%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

w1=[vishid; hidrecbiases]; % 784 250 + 1 250 = 785 250
w2=[hidpen; penrecbiases]; % 250 250 + 1 250 = 251 250
w3=[hidpen2; penrecbiases2]; % 250 500 + 1 500 = 251 500
w_class = 0.1*randn(size(w3,2)+1,10); % randn(501,10)  = 501 10

%%%%%%%%%% END OF PREINITIALIZATION OF WEIGHTS  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

l1=size(w1,1)-1; % 784
l2=size(w2,1)-1; % 250
l3=size(w3,1)-1; % 250
l4=size(w_class,1)-1; % 500

for epoch = 1:maxepoch

 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMPUTE TRAINING MISCLASSIFICATION ERROR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 [numcases numdims numbatches]=size(batchdata); % 100  784  600
 N=numcases; % 100
 for batch = 1:numbatches  % 1 : 600
  data = [batchdata(:,:,batch)]; % 100  784
  target = [batchtargets(:,:,batch)]; % 100 10 600
  data = [data ones(N,1)]; % 100 785
  w1probs = 1./(1 + exp(-data*w1)); w1probs = [w1probs  ones(N,1)]; % 100 785 * 785 250 += 100 251
  w2probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w1probs*w2)); w2probs = [w2probs ones(N,1)]; % 100 251 * 251 250 += 100 251
  w3probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w2probs*w3)); w3probs = [w3probs  ones(N,1)]; % 100 251 * 251 500 += 100 501
  targetout = exp(w3probs*w_class); % 100 501 * 501 10 = 100 10
  targetout = targetout./repmat(sum(targetout,2),1,10); % 100 10 = 100 10 ./ repmat ( 100 1), 1 10) = 100 10

  [I J]=max(targetout,[],2);  % 100 1 , 100 1 = 100 1 -->I has the value J has the sequence
  [I1 J1]=max(target,[],2);  % max(100 10,[],2) 100 1
  counter=counter+length(find(J==J1));  % =6 for the first batch
  err_cr = err_cr- sum(sum( target(:,1:end).*log(targetout))) ;  %cross entrophy

 train_err(epoch)=(numcases*numbatches-counter); % total number of errors for all the batches in this epoche
 train_crerr(epoch)=err_cr/numbatches; % total cross enthropy error for the complete batchdata in this epoche

 %%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF COMPUTING TRAINING MISCLASSIFICATION ERROR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMPUTE TEST MISCLASSIFICATION ERROR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 [testnumcases testnumdims testnumbatches]=size(testbatchdata); % 100 784 100
 N=testnumcases; % 100
 for batch = 1:testnumbatches % 1: 100
  data = [testbatchdata(:,:,batch)]; % 100 784
  target = [testbatchtargets(:,:,batch)]; % 100 10 = (100 10 100(:,:,batch)
  data = [data ones(N,1)]; % 100 785
  w1probs = 1./(1 + exp(-data*w1)); w1probs = [w1probs  ones(N,1)]; % 100 785 *785 250 = 100 250 -> 100 251
  w2probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w1probs*w2)); w2probs = [w2probs ones(N,1)]; % 100 251 * 251 250 = 100 250 -> 100 251
  w3probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w2probs*w3)); w3probs = [w3probs  ones(N,1)]; % 100 251 * 251 50 = 100 50 -> 100 51
  targetout = exp(w3probs*w_class); % 100 51 * 51 10 = 100 10
  targetout = targetout./repmat(sum(targetout,2),1,10); % = 100 10 ./ repmat ( 100 1), 1 10) = 100 10

  [I J]=max(targetout,[],2); % 100 1 , 100 1 = 100 1 -->I has the value J has the sequence
  [I1 J1]=max(target,[],2); % max(100 10,[],2) 100 1
  counter=counter+length(find(J==J1));  % =9 for the first batch
  err_cr = err_cr- sum(sum( target(:,1:end).*log(targetout)));  %cross entrophy
 test_err(epoch)=(testnumcases*testnumbatches-counter);  % total number of errors for all the batches in this epoche
 test_crerr(epoch)=err_cr/testnumbatches; % total cross enthropy error for the complete batchdata in this epoche
 fprintf(1,'Before epoch %d Train # misclassified: %d (from %d). Test # misclassified: %d (from %d) \t \t \n',...

 %%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF COMPUTING TEST MISCLASSIFICATION ERROR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

 for batch = 1:numbatches/10
  fprintf(1,'epoch %d batch %d\n',epoch,batch);

  %%%%%%%%%%% COMBINE 10 MINIBATCHES INTO 1 LARGER MINIBATCH %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  for kk=1:10
         batchdata(:,:,(tt-1)*10+kk)]; % 1000 784
         batchtargets(:,:,(tt-1)*10+kk)];  % 1000 10

 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PERFORM CONJUGATE GRADIENT WITH 3 LINESEARCHES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

  if epoch<2 6="" fixed.="" holding="" irst="" nbsp="" original="" other="" p="" top-level="" update="" weights="">    N = size(data,1); % 1000 /1000 784)
    XX = [data ones(N,1)]; % 1000 785
    w1probs = 1./(1 + exp(-XX*w1)); w1probs = [w1probs  ones(N,1)]; % 1000 785 * 785 250 = 1000 250 -> 1000 251
    w2probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w1probs*w2)); w2probs = [w2probs ones(N,1)]; % 1000 251 * 251 250 = 1000 250 -> 1000 251
    w3probs = 1./(1 + exp(-w2probs*w3)); %w3probs = [w3probs  ones(N,1)]; % 1000 251 * 251 50 = 1000 50 -> 1000 51

    VV = [w_class(:)']'; % 51 10 = 510 1
    Dim = [l4; l5]; % 2 1
    [X, fX] = minimize(VV,'CG_CLASSIFY_INIT',max_iter,Dim,w3probs,targets); % 510 1, 4 1 = min(510 1,'CG_CLASS...',3, 2 1, 1000 51, 1000 10
    w_class = reshape(X,l4+1,l5); %reshape(X,51,10)= 51 10

    VV = [w1(:)' w2(:)' w3(:)' w_class(:)']'; % 272060 1
    Dim = [l1; l2; l3; l4; l5]; % 5 1
    [X, fX] = minimize(VV,'CG_CLASSIFY',max_iter,Dim,data,targets); %[% 272060 1, 4 1]=mini..(272060 1,'CG_CLA..', 3, 5 1, 1000 784, 1000 10);

    w1 = reshape(X(1:(l1+1)*l2),l1+1,l2); %reshape(272060(1 : 785*250,785,250) = 785 250
    xxx = (l1+1)*l2; % 785 * 250
    w2 = reshape(X(xxx+1:xxx+(l2+1)*l3),l2+1,l3); % reshape(X(251 : 251 * 250), 251, 250); = 251 250
    xxx = xxx+(l2+1)*l3; % 785 * 250 + 251 * 250
    w3 = reshape(X(xxx+1:xxx+(l3+1)*l4),l3+1,l4); % reshape(X(xxx+1: xxx+251*50, 251,50) = 251, 50
    xxx = xxx+(l3+1)*l4; % 271550
    w_class = reshape(X(xxx+1:xxx+(l4+1)*l5),l4+1,l5); % 51 10

  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF CONJUGATE GRADIENT WITH 3 LINESEARCHES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

 save mnistclassify_weights w1 w2 w3 w_class
 save mnistclassify_error test_err test_crerr train_err train_crerr;


mnistclassify analysis 1

% Version 1.000
% Code provided by Ruslan Salakhutdinov and Geoff Hinton 
% Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, modify, or distribute this
% program and accompanying programs and documents for any purpose, provided
% this copyright notice is retained and prominently displayed, along with
% a note saying that the original programs are available from our
% web page.
% The programs and documents are distributed without any warranty, express or
% implied.  As the programs were written for research purposes only, they have
% not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important
% application.  All use of these programs is entirely at the user's own risk.

% This program pretrains a deep autoencoder for MNIST dataset
% You can set the maximum number of epochs for pretraining each layer
% and you can set the architecture of the multilayer net.

clear all
close all

maxepoch=1; % maxepoch=50;
numhid=250; numpen=250; numpen2=50; % numhid=500; numpen=500; numpen2=2000;

fprintf(1,'Converting Raw files into Matlab format \n');
dos('erase *.ascii');

fprintf(1,'Pretraining a deep autoencoder. \n');
fprintf(1,'The Science paper used 50 epochs. This uses %3i \n', maxepoch);

[numcases numdims numbatches]=size(batchdata);  % 100 784 600

fprintf(1,'Pretraining Layer 1 with RBM: %d-%d \n',numdims,numhid); % 784 250
hidrecbiases=hidbiases; % 1 250
save mnistvhclassify vishid hidrecbiases visbiases; % 784 250, 1 250, 1 784

fprintf(1,'\nPretraining Layer 2 with RBM: %d-%d \n',numhid,numpen); % 250 250
batchdata=batchposhidprobs; % 100 250 600
numhid=numpen; %250
hidpen=vishid; penrecbiases=hidbiases; hidgenbiases=visbiases;
save mnisthpclassify hidpen penrecbiases hidgenbiases; %hidpen 250 250, penrecbiases 1 250, hidgenbiases 1 250

fprintf(1,'\nPretraining Layer 3 with RBM: %d-%d \n',numpen,numpen2); % 250 50
hidpen2=vishid; penrecbiases2=hidbiases; hidgenbiases2=visbiases;
save mnisthp2classify hidpen2 penrecbiases2 hidgenbiases2; %hidpen2 250 50, penrecbiases2 1 50, hidgenbiases2 1 250
