Mehmet okula gitti.
Mehmet nereye gitti?
Mehmet gitti mi?
Okula kim gitti?
Mehmet okula nasıl gitti?
Mehmet ne yaptı?
0 1 Mehmet İsim (f_önü koşarak %intr. *o refverbalPOS=0 ) \Nesne\ \possible Özne\ <************ÖZNE
1 2 okula İsim->Dolaylı Tümleç -a
2 3 koşarak Zarf -arak -fiilimsi %intr.
3 4 gitti Fiil %dat.intr. *o
3 4 .crlf postPunctuation
Mehmet nereye gitti?
1-Find sentences which has Mehmet as SUBJECT(ÖZNE)
2-Find sentences which has Mehmet and gitti/gitmek(from Morpholojik analysis) as Fiil.
3-Find a Dolaylı Tümleç with -e/a type (nere-ye)
4-Use this tümleç to form an answer sentence -->Mehmet OKULA gitti.
Mehmet gitti mi?
1-Find sentences which has Mehmet as SUBJECT(ÖZNE)
2-Find sentences which has Mehmet and gitti/gitmek(from Morpholojik analysis) as Fiil.
3-If above items are found form answer as YES else NO.
Okula kim gitti?
1-Find sentences which has gitti/gitmek(from Morpholojik analysis) as Fiil.
2-Find sentences which has okula
3-Find Özne in this sentence and ANSWER with the text of that word(s)
Mehmet okula nasıl gitti?
1-Find sentences which has Mehmet as SUBJECT(ÖZNE)
2-Find sentences which has Mehmet and gitti/gitmek(from Morpholojik analysis) as Fiil.
2-Find sentences which has okula
4- Find Zarf before or after Fiil answer with the text of that word
Mehmet ne yaptı?
1-Find sentences which has Mehmet as SUBJECT(ÖZNE)
2-Limit/warn that the number may be many.
3-Extract Nesne and fiil of these sentences and form sentences such as
'Mehmet gitti'.