Friday, 29 June 2007

Data Redefine problem in program conversion from Natural to JAVA

*S****DF 0000A 44 1#APPL-TYP-VAL
*S****DRR 0000 R1#APPL-TYP-VAL
*S****DFR 0000A 8 2#APPLID
*S****DFR 0000A 20 2#TYPE
*S****DFR 0000A 16 2#VALUE

The conversion process has to find a solution for how to
Convert the data redefines…

One open source solution from an established
IT conversion company is given below. Please
note that this solution requires a total approach
defining variable types as classes etc. This
means a large amount of substructure code
and home-keeping.

// 0000A 44 1#APPL-TYP-VAL
public final AValMem _applTypVal=newAValMem(44);

// 0000 R1#APPL-TYP-VAL
public static class DataRedefine_1 extends AValMem {

// 0000A 8 2#APPLID
public final AValMem _applid;

// 0000A 20 2#TYPE
public final AValMem _type;

// 0000A 16 2#VALUE
public final AValMem _value;

public DataRedefine_1() {
this(new AValMem(44),0);

public DataRedefine_1(MemoryBlock PARENT,int OFFSET) {

public DataRedefine_1(MemoryBlock PARENT,int OFFSET,boolean MUST_INITIALIZE) {


public final DataRedefine_1 redefine_1=new DataRedefine_1(_applTypVal,0);