Thursday, 28 May 2015

English to Turkish Translator first steps - Noun Phrases

. This reduction
in influx leads to a slow decrease in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration because the extrusion of Ca2+ continues.
Ca2+<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">Ca2+<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">.S This ||a.
S reduction ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 0 2    This reduction
SRN in ||+prep.
S influx ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 3 4   IN influx
S leads ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i.||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> leads
S to ||+prep.
S a ||+indef. art.
S slow ||a.
S decrease ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 6 9   TO a slow decrease
S in ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S intracellular ||a.
S Ca2+ ||n.
S concentration ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 10 14   IN the intracellular Ca2+ concentration
S because ||+conj.
=================================================================================subordinating conjunction------> because
S the ||+def. art.
S extrusion ||n.
S of ||prep.
S Ca2+ ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 15 19    the extrusion of Ca2+
S continues ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Continued||p. pr. & vb. n. Continuing||v. t.||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> continues

. This reduction ----->Noun Phrase----->   bu azaltma
 influx ----->Noun Phrase----->   istila
 leads||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i.||present t. 
 a slow decrease ----->Noun Phrase----->   bir yavaş azalmak
 the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ----->Noun Phrase----->    hücre içi ca2+ toplama
 because||+conj. {{because0-0
 the extrusion of Ca2+ ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{because0-4   çıkarma  -in ca2+
 continues||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Continued||p. pr. & vb. n. Continuing||v. t.||present t. {{because0-5

The slow decrease in Ca2+ concentration also causes the desensitization of the cone during light adaptation, at least partly through effects on the visual pigments
and the cGMP-gated channels.
Ca2+<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">desensitization<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">.RNRN The ||+def. art.
S slow ||a.
S decrease ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 0 3    The slow decrease
S in ||+prep.
S Ca2+ ||n.
S concentration ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 4 6   IN Ca2+ concentration
S also ||adv. manner
S causes ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Caused||p. pr. & v.||v. i.||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> causes
S the ||+def. art.
S desensitization ||n.
S of ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S cone ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 8 13    the desensitization of the cone
S during ||prep.
S light ||n.
S adaptation ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 14 16   DURING light adaptation
,S at ||+prep.
;;;;;   punctuation---> ,S
S least ||adv. manner
S partly ||adv.
S through ||+prep.
S effects ||n.||pl.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 20 21   THROUGH effects
S on ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S visual ||a.
S pigments ||n.||pl.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 22 25   ON the visual pigments
SRN and ||+conj.
===================================================================================conjunction--&&-||---> and
S the ||+def. art.
S cGMP-gated ||a.
S channels ||n.||pl.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 26 29    the cGMP-gated channels

. The slow decrease ----->Noun Phrase----->    yavaş azalmak
 Ca2+ concentration ----->Noun Phrase----->   ca2+ toplama
 also||adv. manner 
 causes||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Caused||p. pr. & v.||v. i.||present t. 
 the desensitization of the cone ----->Noun Phrase----->    ışığa karşı duyarlılığını giderme  -in  koni
 light adaptation ----->Noun Phrase----->   ışık uyarlama
, at||+prep.  {{comma0-0
 least||adv. manner  {{comma0-1
 partly||adv.  {{comma0-2
 through||+prep.  {{comma0-3
 effects ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma0-4  kişisel varlık
 on||+prep.  {{comma0-5
 the visual pigments ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma0-8   görsel pigments
 and||+conj.!  {{comma0-9
 the cGMP-gated channels ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma0-12   cgmp-gated channels

. Also||adv. manner 
, once||+conj.  {{comma0-0
 activated||v. t.  {{comma0-1
, rhodopsin ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma1-0  rodopsin
 becomes||+irreg. v. neutral||+irreg. v. participle||v. i.||imp.||p. p. Become||p. pr. & vb. n. Becoming||v. t.||present t.  {{comma1-1
 a target ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma1-3  bir hedef
 for||prep.  {{comma1-4
 phosphorylation ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma1-5  phosphorylation
 by||+prep.  {{comma1-6
 a specific protein kinase, opsin kinase ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma2-1  bir özgül protein kinaz opsin kinaz
; the phosphorylated rhodopsin ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma2-4  phosphorylated rodopsin
 then||+adv. manner  {{comma2-5
 interacts||v. i.||present t.  {{comma2-6
 with||+prep.  {{comma2-7
 a specific regulatory protein ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma2-11  bir özgül regulatory protein
 called||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling  {{comma2-12
 arrestin ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma2-13  arrestin
, leading||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i.  {{comma3-0
 to||+prep.  {{comma3-1
 its||+poss. det.  {{comma3-2
 rapid inactivation ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma3-4  hızlı inactivation