STRANGE NEWS! My computer has managed to understand English
not completely (yet) but began to understand word phrases and clauses.
Here is its proof!
. During prolonged illumination the cGMP-gated channels close, thus reducing the influx of Ca2+.
Ca2+<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">.S During ||adv. manner
S prolonged ||a.
S illumination ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 1 3 prolonged illumination-----fix>
S the ||+def. art.
S cGMP-gated ||a.
S channels ||n.||pl.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 3 6 the cGMP-gated channels
S close ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Closed||p. pr. & vb. n. Closing||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> close
,S thus ||adv. manner
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S
S reducing ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reduced||p. pr. & vb. n. Reducing
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> reducing
S the ||+def. art.
S influx ||n.
S of ||prep.
S Ca2+ ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 9 13 the influx of Ca2+
. During||adv. manner
prolonged illumination ----->Noun Phrase
the cGMP-gated channels ----->Noun Phrase
close||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Closed||p. pr. & vb. n. Closing||v. i.
, thus||adv. manner {{comma0-0
reducing||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reduced||p. pr. & vb. n. Reducing {{comma0-1
the influx of Ca2+ ----->Noun Phrase {{comma0-5
). The Ca2+ that enters is extruded by a specialized Ca2+ carrier in the outer segment membrane, and this process maintains a
constant Ca2+ concentration in the outer segment.
). The Ca2+ ----->Noun Phrase
that||+conj. {{that0-0
enters||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Entered||p. pr. & vb. n. Entering||v. i.||present t. {{that0-1
is||+reg. v.||v. i. {{that0-2
extruded||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Extruded||p. pr. & vb. n. Extruding {{that0-3
by||+prep. {{that0-4
a specialized Ca2+ carrier ----->Noun Phrase {{that0-8
in||+prep. {{that0-9
the outer segment membrane ----->Noun Phrase {{that0-13
, and||+conj. {{and1-0 {{comma0-0
this process ----->Noun Phrase {{and1-2{{comma0-2
maintains||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Maintained||p. pr. & vb. n. Maintaining||present t. {{and1-3 {{comma0-3
a constant Ca2+ concentration ----->Noun Phrase {{and1-7{{comma0-7
in||+prep. {{and1-8 {{comma0-8
the outer segment ----->Noun Phrase {{and1-11{{comma0-11
. This reduction
in influx leads to a slow decrease in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration because the extrusion of Ca2+ continues.
. This reduction ----->Noun Phrase
influx ----->Noun Phrase
leads||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i.||present t.
a slow decrease ----->Noun Phrase
the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ----->Noun Phrase
because||+conj. {{because0-0
the extrusion of Ca2+ ----->Noun Phrase {{because0-4
continues||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Continued||p. pr. & vb. n. Continuing||v. t.||present t. {{because0-5
The slow decrease in Ca2+ concentration allows the cone membrane potential to recover from its initial hyperpolarizing response to bright illumination because
Ca2+ inhibits guanylyl cyclase, the enzyme that synthesizes cGMP from GTP.
. The slow decrease ----->Noun Phrase
Ca2+ concentration ----->Noun Phrase
allows||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Allowed||p. pr. & vb. n. Allowing||v. i.||present t.
the cone membrane potential ----->Noun Phrase
recover ----->Noun Phrase
its||+poss. det.
initial hyperpolarizing response ----->Noun Phrase
bright illumination ----->Noun Phrase
because||+conj. {{because0-0
Ca2+ ----->Noun Phrase {{because0-1
inhibits||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t. {{because0-2
guanylyl cyclase ----->Noun Phrase {{because0-4
, the enzyme ----->Noun Phrase {{because0-6{{comma0-1
that||+conj. {{that1-0 {{comma0-2
synthesizes||v. t.||present t. {{that1-1 {{comma0-3
cGMP ----->Noun Phrase {{that1-2{{comma0-4
from||+prep. {{that1-3 {{comma0-5
GTP||pn. {{that1-4 {{comma0-6
. Thus, in darkness, when the Ca2+ level is relatively high, guanylyl cyclase is
maintained in a partially inhibited state.
Ca2+<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">guanylyl<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">cyclase<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">.S Thus ||adv. manner
,S in ||+prep.
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S-----fix>-----fix>-----fix>
S darkness ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 2 3 IN darkness
,S when ||+conj.
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S
===========================subordinating conjunction------> when
..................................................................................adverb clause------> when
S the ||+def. art.
S Ca2+ ||n.
S level ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 4 7 the Ca2+ level
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> is
S relatively ||adv.
S high ||a.
,S guanylyl ||n.
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S
S cyclase ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 10 12 guanylyl cyclase
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> is
SRN maintained ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Maintained||p. pr. & vb. n. Maintaining
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> maintained
S in ||+prep.
S a ||+indef. art.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 15 16 IN a
S partially ||adv. manner
S inhibited ||a.
S state ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 17 19 inhibited state
. Thus||adv. manner
, in||+prep. {{comma0-0
darkness ----->Noun Phrase {{comma0-1
, when||+conj. {{when0-0 {{comma1-0
the Ca2+ level ----->Noun Phrase {{when0-3{{comma1-3
is||+reg. v.||v. i. {{when0-4 {{comma1-4
relatively||adv. {{when0-5 {{comma1-5
high||a. {{when0-6 {{comma1-6
, guanylyl cyclase ----->Noun Phrase {{when0-8{{comma2-1
is||+reg. v.||v. i. {{when0-9 {{comma2-2
maintained||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Maintained||p. pr. & vb. n. Maintaining {{when0-10 {{comma2-3
in||+prep. {{when0-11 {{comma2-4
a ----->Noun Phrase {{when0-12{{comma2-5
partially||adv. manner {{when0-13 {{comma2-6
inhibited state ----->Noun Phrase {{when0-15{{comma2-8