ÖNEMLİ HABER! LANGANA-e İngilizce Türkçe Otomatik Tercüme Makinası projemde ,
herşeyi altüst edecek bir gelişme oldu. İngilizce parser'ını bitirdim.
Temizlik, ufak tefek eksikleri tamamlamak her zaman olacak fakat Noun Phrase, Preposition Phrase, Participial Phraselerin tüm çeşitleri, Gerund Phraselerin tüm çeşitleri ve adjective(which, that) vb. diğer phraseleri amamladım. Ayrıca çok sayıda cümle içeren conjunct (ve, veya, ; , ) 'ları
da parse ediyorum. Virgül ve and/or 'ların çeşitli halleri, örn iki isim rasında ya da fiilden sonra virgül ile isim gibi. bunların hepsini alletmek gerekti.
Şu anda programım parser olarak çalışıyor. Tüm phraseler, özne, nesne ve fiilleri ayrıştırıyor. adv.'leri phraseler ile yakın ilişki olduğunda le alıyor. Normalde adv., prep, conj.'ları phraselerin dışında belirtiyor.
Şimdi ilk iş, daha önce yapmış olduğum phrase tercümelerini devreye almak. aha sonra OBJECT'ler için gerekli tercüme eklentisini yapmak. Örn. Ali bana topu at! cümlesinde top nesne olduğu için -u takısını alıyor. Bu önemli bir iş değil.
Daha sonra, bütün bu parser çıktısını yeni bir veri yapısına,(bir Str array) koymak. Bu veri daha sonra veri tabanına da kolaylıkla yazılacak.
Böylece elimde:
sentence[], punctuation[] punctuationClause[],
wordtype[], structure[], clause[], fragment[] alanları oldu.
İlk satır kelime ve onun metin içindeki yazılış biçimi bilgileri, ikinci satır ise :
wordtype: kelime tipi, sözlük+cümle içindeki işlevine göre
structure: noun phrase bilgisi
clause: when,that, etc clauselarla ilgili bilgi
fragment: participial ve gerund fragmentlarla ilgili bilgi
Bu çalışmasırasında, KANDEL'in 'Pricipals of Neural Science' kitabından yaklaşık 450 cümlelik bir bölümü dönüştürmeyi esas aldım. Bunlardan yaklaşık 150 tane zorlu örnek üzerinde yoğunlaştım. Örneklerin hepsini burada sunmam mümkün değil.
Amacım, terüme motorunu 1-2 hafta içinde bitirip, daha sonra bunları kendi adıma açacağım bir sitede online olarak denemeye açmak.
Ali R+
. Also, once activated, rhodopsin becomes a target
for phosphorylation by a specific protein kinase, opsin kinase; the phosphorylated rhodopsin then interacts with a specific regulatory protein called arrestin, leading to
its rapid inactivation.
sentence details-----------------------------------------------
Also 26 514
once 26 514
activated 26 514
rhodopsin 26 514
becomes 26 514
a 26 514
target 26 514
for 26 514
phosphorylation 26 514
by 26 514
a 26 514
specific 26 514
protein 26 514
kinase 26 514
opsin 26 514
kinase 26 514
the 26 514
phosphorylated 26 514
rhodopsin 26 514
then 26 514
interacts 26 514
with 26 514
a 26 514
specific 26 514
regulatory 26 514
protein 26 514
called 26 514
arrestin 26 514
leading 26 514
to 26 514
its 26 514
rapid 26 514
inactivation 26 514
kinase<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">kinase<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">phosphorylated<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">arrestin<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">.S Also ||adv. manner
,S once ||+conj.
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S-----fix>-----fix>-----fix>-----fix>
S activated ||v. t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> activated
,S rhodopsin ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 3 4 rhodopsin
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S
S becomes ||+irreg. v. neutral||+irreg. v. participle||v. i.||imp.||p. p. Become||p. pr. & vb. n. Becoming||v. t.||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> becomes
S a ||+indef. art.
S target ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 5 7 a target
SRN for ||prep.
================================================================================conjunction------> for
S phosphorylation ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 8 9 FOR phosphorylation
S by ||+prep.
S a ||+indef. art.
S specific ||a.
S protein ||n.
S kinase ||n.
,S opsin ||n.
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S
S kinase ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 10 16 BY a specific protein kinase opsin kinase
;S the ||+def. art.
;;;;; punctuation---> ;S
S phosphorylated ||n.
S rhodopsin ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 16 19 the phosphorylated rhodopsin
S then ||+adv. manner
S interacts ||v. i.||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> interacts
S with ||+prep.
S a ||+indef. art.
S specific ||a.
S regulatory ||n.
S protein ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 22 26 WITH a specific regulatory protein
S called ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> called
S arrestin ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 27 28 arrestin
,S leading ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> leading
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S
S to ||+prep.
SRN its ||+poss. det.
S rapid ||a.
S inactivation ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 30 33 TO its rapid inactivation
nPH correctionssssssssss
3 ,S rhodopsin ||n. nPH0 null PCl(null) fr(null)
5 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 null PCl(null) fr(null)
6 S target ||n. nPH1 null PCl(null) fr(null)
8 S phosphorylation ||n. nPH0 null PCl(null) fr(null)
10 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 null PCl(null) fr(null)
11 S specific ||a. nPH1 null PCl(null) fr(null)
12 S protein ||n. nPH2 null PCl(null) fr(null)
13 S kinase ||n. nPH3 null PCl(null) fr(null)
14 ,S opsin ||n. nPH4 null PCl(null) fr(null)
15 S kinase ||n. nPH5 null PCl(null) fr(null)
16 ;S the ||+def. art. nPH0 null PCl(null) fr(null)
17 S phosphorylated ||n. nPH1 null PCl(null) fr(null)
18 S rhodopsin ||n. nPH2 null PCl(null) fr(null)
22 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 null PCl(null) fr(null)
23 S specific ||a. nPH1 null PCl(null) fr(null)
24 S regulatory ||n. nPH2 null PCl(null) fr(null)
25 S protein ||n. nPH3 null PCl(null) fr(null)
27 S arrestin ||n. nPH0 null PCl(null) fr(null)
30 SRN its ||+poss. det. nPH0 null PCl(null) fr(null)
31 S rapid ||a. nPH1 null PCl(null) fr(null)
32 S inactivation ||n. nPH2 null PCl(null) fr(null)
. Also||adv. manner
, once||+conj. {{comma0-0
activated||v. t. {{comma0-1
S activated ||v. t. null {{comma0-1 conjpFR0
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=0
, rhodopsin ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma1-0 rodopsin <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
becomes||+irreg. v. neutral||+irreg. v. participle||v. i.||imp.||p. p. Become||p. pr. & vb. n. Becoming||v. t.||present t. {{comma1-1
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
a target ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma1-3 bir hedef <================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
for||prep. {{comma1-4
phosphorylation ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma1-5 phosphorylation için
by||+prep. {{comma1-6
a specific protein kinase, opsin kinase ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma2-1 bir özgül protein kinazı opsin kinazı tarafından
; the phosphorylated rhodopsin ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma2-4 phosphorylated rodopsini <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
then||+adv. manner {{comma2-5
interacts||v. i.||present t. {{comma2-6
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
with||+prep. {{comma2-7
a specific regulatory protein ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma2-11 bir özgül regulatory proteini ile
called||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling {{comma2-12
S called ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling null {{comma2-12 pprepFR0
S arrestin ||n. nPH0 {{comma2-13 pprepFR1
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
arrestin ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma2-13 arrestin <================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
, leading||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i. {{comma3-0
,S leading ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i. null {{comma3-0 prgprFR0
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
to||+prep. {{comma3-1
its rapid inactivation ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma3-4 onun hızlı inactivationına
SENTENCE DUMP---------------------------------------------->
.S also ||adv. manner null PCl() fr(null)
,S once ||+conj. null PCl({{comma0-0) fr(null)
S activated ||v. t. null PCl({{comma0-1) fr(conjpFR0)
,S rhodopsin ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-0) fr(null)
S becomes ||+irreg. v. neutral||+irreg. v. participle||v. i.||imp.||p. p. Become||p. pr. & vb. n. Becoming||v. t.||present t. null PCl({{comma1-1) fr(null)
S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-2) fr(null)
S target ||n. nPH1 PCl({{comma1-3) fr(null)
SRN for ||prep. null PCl({{comma1-4) fr(null)
S phosphorylation ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-5) fr(null)
S by ||+prep. null PCl({{comma1-6) fr(null)
S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-7) fr(null)
S specific ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma1-8) fr(null)
S protein ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma1-9) fr(null)
S kinase ||n. nPH3 PCl({{comma1-10) fr(null)
,S opsin ||n. nPH4 PCl({{comma2-0) fr(null)
S kinase ||n. nPH5 PCl({{comma2-1) fr(null)
;S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-2) fr(null)
S phosphorylated ||n. nPH1 PCl({{comma2-3) fr(null)
S rhodopsin ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma2-4) fr(null)
S then ||+adv. manner null PCl({{comma2-5) fr(null)
S interacts ||v. i.||present t. null PCl({{comma2-6) fr(null)
S with ||+prep. null PCl({{comma2-7) fr(null)
S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-8) fr(null)
S specific ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma2-9) fr(null)
S regulatory ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma2-10) fr(null)
S protein ||n. nPH3 PCl({{comma2-11) fr(null)
S called ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling null PCl({{comma2-12) fr(pprepFR0)
S arrestin ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-13) fr(pprepFR1)
,S leading ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i. null PCl({{comma3-0) fr(prgprFR0)
S to ||+prep. null PCl({{comma3-1) fr(null)
SRN its ||+poss. det. nPH0 PCl({{comma3-2) fr(null)
S rapid ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma3-3) fr(null)
S inactivation ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma3-4) fr(null)
. Also, once activated, rhodopsin becomes a target for phosphorylation by a specific protein kinase, opsin kinase; the phosphorylated rhodopsin then interacts with a specific regulatory protein called arrestin, leading to its rapid inactivation
0 .S also ||adv. manner null PCl() fr(null)
1 ,S once ||+conj. null PCl({{comma0-0) fr(null)
____2 S activated ||v. t. null PCl({{comma0-1) fr(conjpFR0)
<------ ------="" activated="" fragment="">
________3 ,S rhodopsin ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-0) fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" noun="" phrase="" rhodopsin="">
4 S becomes ||+irreg. v. neutral||+irreg. v. participle||v. i.||imp.||p. p. Become||p. pr. & vb. n. Becoming||v. t.||present t. null PCl({{comma1-1) fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">____________5 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-2) fr(null)
____________6 S target ||n. nPH1 PCl({{comma1-3) fr(null)<================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" a="" noun="" phrase="" target="">
7 SRN for ||prep. null PCl({{comma1-4) fr(null)
________________8 S phosphorylation ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-5) fr(null)
<------ ------="" for="" phosphorylation="" phrase="" preposition="">
9 S by ||+prep. null PCl({{comma1-6) fr(null)
____________________10 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-7) fr(null)
____________________11 S specific ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma1-8) fr(null)
____________________12 S protein ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma1-9) fr(null)
____________________13 S kinase ||n. nPH3 PCl({{comma1-10) fr(null)
____________________14 ,S opsin ||n. nPH4 PCl({{comma2-0) fr(null)
____________________15 S kinase ||n. nPH5 PCl({{comma2-1) fr(null)
<------ ------="" a="" by="" kinase="" opsin="" phrase="" preposition="" protein="" specific="">
________________________16 ;S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-2) fr(null)
________________________17 S phosphorylated ||n. nPH1 PCl({{comma2-3) fr(null)
________________________18 S rhodopsin ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma2-4) fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" noun="" phosphorylated="" phrase="" rhodopsin="" the="">
19 S then ||+adv. manner null PCl({{comma2-5) fr(null)
20 S interacts ||v. i.||present t. null PCl({{comma2-6) fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">21 S with ||+prep. null PCl({{comma2-7) fr(null)
____________________________22 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-8) fr(null)
____________________________23 S specific ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma2-9) fr(null)
____________________________24 S regulatory ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma2-10) fr(null)
____________________________25 S protein ||n. nPH3 PCl({{comma2-11) fr(null)
<------ ------="" a="" phrase="" preposition="" protein="" regulatory="" specific="" with="">
________________________________26 S called ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling null PCl({{comma2-12) fr(pprepFR0)
________________________________27 S arrestin ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-13) fr(pprepFR1)
<------ ------="" arrestin="" called="" fragment="">
____________________________________28 ,S leading ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i. null PCl({{comma3-0) fr(prgprFR0)
<------ ------="" fragment="" leading="">
29 S to ||+prep. null PCl({{comma3-1) fr(null)
________________________________________30 SRN its ||+poss. det. nPH0 PCl({{comma3-2) fr(null)
________________________________________31 S rapid ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma3-3) fr(null)
________________________________________32 S inactivation ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma3-4) fr(null)
<------ ------="" inactivation="" its="" phrase="" preposition="" rapid="" to="">
end of sentences-------------------------------------------------------------->------>------>------>------>----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb>------>------>------>------>----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb>------>------>
Total #word=32
Total #sentences=1
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 5 seconds)
SMALL EXAMPLE------------------------------------
. A very bright light closes all cGMP-gated channels, hyperpolarizing the cones to -70 mV, the equilibrium potential for K+
____0 .S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
____1 S very ||adv. manner nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
____2 S bright ||a. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
____3 S light ||a. nPH3 PCl() fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" a="" bright="" light="" noun="" phrase="" very="">
4 S closes ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Closed||p. pr. & vb. n. Closing||v. i. null PCl() fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">________5 S all ||a. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
________6 S cgmp-gated ||a. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
________7 S channels ||n.||pl. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)<================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" all="" cgmp-gated="" channels="" noun="" phrase="">
____________8 ,S hyperpolarizing ||v. null PCl({{comma0-0) fr(prgprFR0)
____________9 SRN the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma0-1) fr(prgprFR1)
____________10 S cones ||n.||pl. nPH1 PCl({{comma0-2) fr(prgprFR2)
<------ ------="" cones="" fragment="" hyperpolarizing="" the="">
11 S to ||prep. null PCl({{comma0-3) fr(null)
________________12 S -70 ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma0-4) fr(null)
________________13 S mv ||n. nPH1 PCl({{comma0-5) fr(null)
<------ ------="" -70="" mv="" phrase="" preposition="" to="">
____________________14 ,S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-0) fr(null)
____________________15 S equilibrium ||n. nPH1 PCl({{comma1-1) fr(null)
____________________16 S potential ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma1-2) fr(null)
<------ ------="" equilibrium="" noun="" phrase="" potential="" the="">
17 S for ||+prep. null PCl({{comma1-3) fr(null)
________________________18 S k+ ||pn. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-4) fr(null)
<------ ------="" for="" k="" phrase="" preposition="">
REGULAR EXAMPLE----------------------------------
. Light applied to the surround inhibits the cell; the most effective inhibitory stimulus is a ring of light on the entire surround
____0 .S light ||n. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" light="" noun="" phrase="">
________1 S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i. null PCl() fr(pprepFR0)
<------ ------="" applied="" fragment="">
2 S to ||+prep. null PCl() fr(null)
____________3 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
____________4 S surround ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
<------ ------="" phrase="" preposition="" surround="" the="" to="">
5 S inhibits ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t. null PCl() fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">________________6 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
________________7 S cell ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)<================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" cell="" noun="" phrase="" the="">
____________________8 ;S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
____________________9 S most ||a. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
____________________10 S effective ||a. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
____________________11 S inhibitory ||a. nPH3 PCl() fr(null)
____________________12 SRN stimulus ||n. nPH4 PCl() fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" effective="" inhibitory="" most="" noun="" phrase="" stimulus="" the="">
13 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. null PCl() fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">________________________14 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
________________________15 S ring ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
________________________16 S of ||prep. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
________________________17 S light ||n. nPH3 PCl() fr(null)<================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" a="" light="" noun="" of="" phrase="" ring="">
18 S on ||+prep. null PCl() fr(null)
____________________________19 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
____________________________20 S entire ||a. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
____________________________21 S surround ||n. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
<------ ------="" entire="" on="" phrase="" preposition="" surround="" the="">
HUGE EXAMPLE----------------------------------------------
. Lowering the Ca2+ concentration is believed to speed up the inactivation of the visual pigments, so that the effectiveness of a given light flash in activating cGMP phosphodiesterase is reduced
0 .S lowering ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Lowered||p. pr. & vb. n. Lowering||v. i. null PCl() fr(null)
____1 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
____2 S ca2+ ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
____3 S concentration ||n. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" ca2="" concentration="" noun="" phrase="" the="">
4 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. null PCl() fr(null)................aux or modal verb
5 S believed ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Believed||p. pr. & vb. n. Believing||v. i. null PCl() fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">6 S to ||to-inf. null PCl() fr(null)inffffffffffffffffffffffff
7 S speed ||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Sped||p. pr. & vb. n. Speeding||v. t. null PCl() fr(null)
8 S up ||+prep. null PCl() fr(null)
________9 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
________10 S inactivation ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
________11 S of ||prep. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
________12 S the ||+def. art. nPH3 PCl() fr(null)
________13 S visual ||a. nPH4 PCl() fr(null)
________14 S pigments ||n.||pl. nPH5 PCl() fr(null)
<------ ------="" inactivation="" of="" phrase="" pigments="" preposition="" the="" up="" visual="">
15 ,S so ||+conj. null PCl({{comma0-0) fr(null)
16 S that ||+conj. null {{that0-0 PCl({{comma0-1) fr(null)
____________17 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 {{that0-1 PCl({{comma0-2) fr(null)
____________18 S effectiveness ||n. nPH1 {{that0-2 PCl({{comma0-3) fr(null)
____________19 S of ||prep. nPH2 {{that0-3 PCl({{comma0-4) fr(null)
____________20 S a ||+indef. art. nPH3 {{that0-4 PCl({{comma0-5) fr(null)
____________21 SRN given ||a. nPH4 {{that0-5 PCl({{comma0-6) fr(null)
____________22 S light ||n. nPH5 {{that0-6 PCl({{comma0-7) fr(null)
____________23 S flash ||n. nPH6 {{that0-7 PCl({{comma0-8) fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" a="" effectiveness="" flash="" given="" light="" noun="" of="" phrase="" the="">
________________24 S in ||+prep. null {{that0-8 PCl({{comma0-9) fr(prgprFR0)
________________25 S activating ||v. t. null {{that0-9 PCl({{comma0-10) fr(prgprFR1)
________________26 S cgmp ||n. nPH0 {{that0-10 PCl({{comma0-11) fr(prgprFR2)
________________27 S phosphodiesterase ||n. nPH1 {{that0-11 PCl({{comma0-12) fr(prgprFR3)
<------ ------="" activating="" cgmp="" fragment="" in="" phosphodiesterase="">
28 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. null {{that0-12 PCl({{comma0-13) fr(null)................aux or modal verb
29 S reduced ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reduced||p. pr. & vb. n. Reducing null {{that0-13 PCl({{comma0-14) fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">#word=29----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb>------>------>------>----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb>------>
COMPLEX, MULTIPLE CLAUSES-------------------------------------------
. Also, once activated, rhodopsin becomes a target for phosphorylation by a specific protein kinase, opsin kinase; the phosphorylated rhodopsin then interacts with a specific regulatory protein called arrestin, leading to its rapid inactivation
0 .S also ||adv. manner null PCl() fr(null)
1 ,S once ||+conj. null PCl({{comma0-0) fr(null)
____2 S activated ||v. t. null PCl({{comma0-1) fr(conjpFR0)
<------ ------="" activated="" fragment="">
________3 ,S rhodopsin ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-0) fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" noun="" phrase="" rhodopsin="">
4 S becomes ||+irreg. v. neutral||+irreg. v. participle||v. i.||imp.||p. p. Become||p. pr. & vb. n. Becoming||v. t.||present t. null PCl({{comma1-1) fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">____________5 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-2) fr(null)
____________6 S target ||n. nPH1 PCl({{comma1-3) fr(null)<================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" a="" noun="" phrase="" target="">
7 SRN for ||prep. null PCl({{comma1-4) fr(null)
________________8 S phosphorylation ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-5) fr(null)
<------ ------="" for="" phosphorylation="" phrase="" preposition="">
9 S by ||+prep. null PCl({{comma1-6) fr(null)
____________________10 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-7) fr(null)
____________________11 S specific ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma1-8) fr(null)
____________________12 S protein ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma1-9) fr(null)
____________________13 S kinase ||n. nPH3 PCl({{comma1-10) fr(null)
____________________14 ,S opsin ||n. nPH4 PCl({{comma2-0) fr(null)
____________________15 S kinase ||n. nPH5 PCl({{comma2-1) fr(null)
<------ ------="" a="" by="" kinase="" opsin="" phrase="" preposition="" protein="" specific="">
________________________16 ;S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-2) fr(null)
________________________17 S phosphorylated ||n. nPH1 PCl({{comma2-3) fr(null)
________________________18 S rhodopsin ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma2-4) fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" noun="" phosphorylated="" phrase="" rhodopsin="" the="">
19 S then ||+adv. manner null PCl({{comma2-5) fr(null)
20 S interacts ||v. i.||present t. null PCl({{comma2-6) fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">21 S with ||+prep. null PCl({{comma2-7) fr(null)
____________________________22 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-8) fr(null)
____________________________23 S specific ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma2-9) fr(null)
____________________________24 S regulatory ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma2-10) fr(null)
____________________________25 S protein ||n. nPH3 PCl({{comma2-11) fr(null)
<------ ------="" a="" phrase="" preposition="" protein="" regulatory="" specific="" with="">
________________________________26 S called ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling null PCl({{comma2-12) fr(pprepFR0)
________________________________27 S arrestin ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-13) fr(pprepFR1)
<------ ------="" arrestin="" called="" fragment="">
____________________________________28 ,S leading ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i. null PCl({{comma3-0) fr(prgprFR0)
<------ ------="" fragment="" leading="">
29 S to ||+prep. null PCl({{comma3-1) fr(null)
________________________________________30 SRN its ||+poss. det. nPH0 PCl({{comma3-2) fr(null)
________________________________________31 S rapid ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma3-3) fr(null)
________________________________________32 S inactivation ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma3-4) fr(null)
<------ ------="" inactivation="" its="" phrase="" preposition="" rapid="" to="">
Saturday, 27 June 2015
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Participials & Gerunds Parsing Examples
. Light applied to the surround inhibits the cell; the most effective inhibitory
stimulus is a ring of light on the entire surround.
. Light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışık <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
applied||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i.
S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i. null pprepFR0
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=0
the surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kuşatmaya
inhibits||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
the cell ----->Noun Phrase-----> hücre <================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
; the most effective inhibitory stimulus ----->Noun Phrase-----> en sonuç verici engelleyici stimulu <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
is||+reg. v.||v. i.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
a ring of light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışığın bir zili<================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
the entire surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> bütün kuşatmanın üstünde
Full dump output follows:
.S Light ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 0 1 Light
S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> applied
S to ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S surround ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 3 5 TO the surround
S inhibits ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> inhibits
S the ||+def. art.
S cell ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 6 8 the cell
;S the ||+def. art.
;;;;; punctuation---> ;S
S most ||a.
S effective ||a.
S inhibitory ||a.
SRN stimulus ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 8 13 the most effective inhibitory stimulus
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> is
S a ||+indef. art.
S ring ||n.
S of ||prep.
S light ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 14 18 a ring of light
S on ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S entire ||a.
S surround ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 19 22 ON the entire surround
. Light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışık <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
applied||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i.
S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i. null pprepFR0
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=0
the surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kuşatmaya
inhibits||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
the cell ----->Noun Phrase-----> hücre <================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
; the most effective inhibitory stimulus ----->Noun Phrase-----> en sonuç verici engelleyici stimulu <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
is||+reg. v.||v. i.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
a ring of light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışığın bir zili<================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
the entire surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> bütün kuşatmanın üstünde
SENTENCE DUMP---------------------------------------------->
.S light ||n. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i. null PCl() fr(pprepFR0)
S to ||+prep. null PCl() fr(null)
S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
S surround ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
S inhibits ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t. null PCl() fr(null)
S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
S cell ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
;S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
S most ||a. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
S effective ||a. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
S inhibitory ||a. nPH3 PCl() fr(null)
SRN stimulus ||n. nPH4 PCl() fr(null)
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. null PCl() fr(null)
S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
S ring ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
S of ||prep. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
S light ||n. nPH3 PCl() fr(null)
S on ||+prep. null PCl() fr(null)
S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
S entire ||a. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
S surround ||n. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
end of sentences-------------------------------------------------------------->
Total #word=21
Total #sentences=1
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 2 seconds)
. These transformations of the visual signal assist higher centers in detecting weak contrasts and rapid
changes in light intensity.
. These transformations of the visual signal ----->Noun Phrase-----> görsel işaretin bu dönüşümleri<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
assist||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Assisted||p. pr. & vb. n. Assisting||v. i.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
higher centers ----->Noun Phrase-----> daha yüksek merkezler <================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
detecting||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Detected||p. pr. & vb. n. Detecting
S in ||+prep. null prgprFR0
S detecting ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Detected||p. pr. & vb. n. Detecting null prgprFR1
S weak ||a. nPH0 prgprFR2
S contrasts ||n.||pl. nPH1 prgprFR3
S and ||+conj. ||conj.! prgprFR4
S rapid ||a. nPH0 prgprFR5
SRN changes ||n.||pl. nPH1 prgprFR6
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
weak contrasts ----->Noun Phrase-----> güçsüz karşıtlıklar ????????????????? nPH count=3vCount=1
rapid changes ----->Noun Phrase-----> hızlı değişmeler NPHH ANDDDDDDDDDDDD NPHHH----------->
????????????????? nPH count=3vCount=1
light intensity ----->Preposition Phrase-----> ışık güçlülüğünin içinde
. Therefore, light must travel through layers of other retinal neurons before striking the photoreceptors.
. Therefore||adv. manner
, light ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma0-0 ışık <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
must||mod. present {{comma0-1
travel||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Traveled||p. pr. & vb. n. Traveling||v. t. {{comma0-2
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=0
through||+prep. {{comma0-3
layers of other retinal neurons ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma0-8 diğer retinayla ilgili neuronun tabakalarının içinden
before||+prep. {{before0-0 {{comma0-9
striking||v. t.||imp.||p. p. Struck||p. pr. & vb. n. Striking||v. i. {{before0-1 {{comma0-10
S before ||+prep. null {{before0-0 {{comma0-9 prgprFR0
S striking ||v. t.||imp.||p. p. Struck||p. pr. & vb. n. Striking||v. i. null {{before0-1 {{comma0-10 prgprFR1
S the ||+def. art. nPH0 {{before0-2 {{comma0-11 prgprFR2
S photoreceptors ||n.||pl. nPH1 {{before0-3 {{comma0-12 prgprFR3
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=0
the photoreceptors ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{before0-3{{comma0-12 fotoreseptörler ????????????????? nPH count=2vCount=0
. Cells in the pigment epithelium are filled with the black pigment melanin, which absorbs any light not captured by the retina.
. Cells ----->Noun Phrase-----> hücreler <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
the pigment epithelium ----->Preposition Phrase-----> boya maddesi epitelyumunın içinde
are||+reg. v.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
filled||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Filled||p. pr. & vb. n. Filling||v. i.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
the black pigment melanin ----->Preposition Phrase-----> siyah boya maddesi melanini ile
, which||relative pron. {{which0-0 {{comma0-0
absorbs||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Absorbed||p. pr. & vb. n. Absorbing||present t. {{which0-1 {{comma0-1
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
any light ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{which0-3{{comma0-3 birisi ışık <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
not||+adv. manner {{which0-4 {{comma0-4
captured||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Captured||p. pr. & vb. n. Capturing {{which0-5 {{comma0-5
S not ||+adv. manner null {{which0-4 {{comma0-4 pbyFR0
S captured ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Captured||p. pr. & vb. n. Capturing null {{which0-5 {{comma0-5 pbyFR1
S by ||+prep. null {{which0-6 {{comma0-6 pbyFR2
S the ||+def. art. nPH0 {{which0-7 {{comma0-7 pbyFR3
S retina ||n. nPH1 {{which0-8 {{comma0-8 pbyFR4
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
by||+prep. {{which0-6 {{comma0-6
the retina ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{which0-8{{comma0-8 retina tarafından
. Also, once activated, rhodopsin becomes a target
for phosphorylation by a specific protein kinase, opsin kinase; the phosphorylated rhodopsin then interacts with a specific regulatory protein called arrestin, leading to
its rapid inactivation.
. Also||adv. manner
, once||+conj. {{comma0-0
activated||v. t. {{comma0-1
S activated ||v. t. null {{comma0-1 conjpFR0
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=0
, rhodopsin ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma1-0 rodopsin <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
becomes||+irreg. v. neutral||+irreg. v. participle||v. i.||imp.||p. p. Become||p. pr. & vb. n. Becoming||v. t.||present t. {{comma1-1
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
a target ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma1-3 bir hedef <================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
for||prep. {{comma1-4
phosphorylation ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma1-5 phosphorylation için
by||+prep. {{comma1-6
a specific protein kinase, opsin kinase ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma2-1 bir özgül protein kinazı opsin kinazı tarafından
; the phosphorylated rhodopsin ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma2-4 phosphorylated rodopsini <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
then||+adv. manner {{comma2-5
interacts||v. i.||present t. {{comma2-6
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
with||+prep. {{comma2-7
a specific regulatory protein ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma2-11 bir özgül regulatory proteini ile
called||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling {{comma2-12
S called ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling null {{comma2-12 pprepFR0
S arrestin ||n. nPH0 {{comma2-13 pprepFR1
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
arrestin ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma2-13 arrestin <================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
, leading||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i. {{comma3-0
,S leading ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i. null {{comma3-0 prgprFR1
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
to||+prep. {{comma3-1
its rapid inactivation ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma3-4 onun hızlı inactivationına
When illuminated, however, the cones become hyperpolarized, and the voltage-gated Ca2+ channels close, reducing the Ca2+ influx and therefore the amount of
glutamate the cells release; as a result, the on-center bipolar cells depolarize.
. When||adv. time {{when0-0
illuminated||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Illuminated||p. pr. & vb. n. Illuminating||v. i.
S illuminated ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Illuminated||p. pr. & vb. n. Illuminating||v. i. null conjpFR0
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=0
, however||conj. {{however1-0 {{comma0-0
, the cones ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{however1-2{{comma1-1 koniler <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
become||+irreg. v. neutral||+irreg. v. participle||v. i.||imp.||p. p. Become||p. pr. & vb. n. Becoming||v. t. {{however1-3 {{comma1-2
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
hyperpolarized||v. {{however1-4 {{comma1-3
S hyperpolarized ||v. null {{however1-4 {{comma1-3 verbpFR0
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
, and||+conj. {{and2-0 {{comma2-0
the voltage-gated Ca2+ channels ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{and2-4{{comma2-4 voltage-gated ca2+ kanalları ????????????????? nPH count=0vCount=0
close||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Closed||p. pr. & vb. n. Closing||v. i. {{and2-5 {{comma2-5
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
, reducing||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reduced||p. pr. & vb. n. Reducing {{and2-6 {{comma3-0
,S reducing ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reduced||p. pr. & vb. n. Reducing null {{and2-6 {{comma3-0 prgprFR1
S the ||+def. art. nPH0 {{and2-7 {{comma3-1 prgprFR2
S ca2+ ||n. nPH1 {{and2-8 {{comma3-2 prgprFR3
S influx ||n. nPH2 {{and2-9 {{comma3-3 prgprFR4
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
the Ca2+ influx ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{and2-9{{comma3-3 ca2+ istilası <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
and||+conj. {{and3-0 {{comma3-4
therefore||conj. {{and3-1 {{comma3-5
the amount of glutamate ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{and3-5{{comma3-9 glutamatenin miktarı<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
the cells ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{and3-7{{comma3-11 hücreler ????????????????? nPH count=2vCount=0
release||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Released||p. pr. & vb. n. Releasing {{and3-8 {{comma3-12
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
; as||+prep. {{and3-9 {{comma3-13
a result ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{and3-11{{comma3-15 bir -den sonuçlanma olarak
, the on-center bipolar cells ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{and3-15{{comma4-3 on-center çiftkutuplu hücreler <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
depolarize||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Depolarized||p. pr. & vb. n. Depolarizing {{and3-16 {{comma4-4
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
. Light applied to the surround inhibits the cell; the most effective inhibitory
stimulus is a ring of light on the entire surround.
. Light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışık <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
applied||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i.
S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i. null pprepFR0
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=0
the surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kuşatmaya
inhibits||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
the cell ----->Noun Phrase-----> hücre <================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
; the most effective inhibitory stimulus ----->Noun Phrase-----> en sonuç verici engelleyici stimulu <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
is||+reg. v.||v. i.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
a ring of light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışığın bir zili<================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
the entire surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> bütün kuşatmanın üstünde
Full dump output follows:
.S Light ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 0 1 Light
S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> applied
S to ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S surround ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 3 5 TO the surround
S inhibits ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> inhibits
S the ||+def. art.
S cell ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 6 8 the cell
;S the ||+def. art.
;;;;; punctuation---> ;S
S most ||a.
S effective ||a.
S inhibitory ||a.
SRN stimulus ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 8 13 the most effective inhibitory stimulus
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> is
S a ||+indef. art.
S ring ||n.
S of ||prep.
S light ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 14 18 a ring of light
S on ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S entire ||a.
S surround ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 19 22 ON the entire surround
. Light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışık <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
applied||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i.
S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i. null pprepFR0
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=0
the surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kuşatmaya
inhibits||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
the cell ----->Noun Phrase-----> hücre <================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
; the most effective inhibitory stimulus ----->Noun Phrase-----> en sonuç verici engelleyici stimulu <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
is||+reg. v.||v. i.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
a ring of light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışığın bir zili<================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
the entire surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> bütün kuşatmanın üstünde
SENTENCE DUMP---------------------------------------------->
.S light ||n. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i. null PCl() fr(pprepFR0)
S to ||+prep. null PCl() fr(null)
S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
S surround ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
S inhibits ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t. null PCl() fr(null)
S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
S cell ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
;S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
S most ||a. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
S effective ||a. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
S inhibitory ||a. nPH3 PCl() fr(null)
SRN stimulus ||n. nPH4 PCl() fr(null)
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. null PCl() fr(null)
S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
S ring ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
S of ||prep. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
S light ||n. nPH3 PCl() fr(null)
S on ||+prep. null PCl() fr(null)
S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
S entire ||a. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
S surround ||n. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
end of sentences-------------------------------------------------------------->
Total #word=21
Total #sentences=1
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 2 seconds)
. These transformations of the visual signal assist higher centers in detecting weak contrasts and rapid
changes in light intensity.
. These transformations of the visual signal ----->Noun Phrase-----> görsel işaretin bu dönüşümleri<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
assist||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Assisted||p. pr. & vb. n. Assisting||v. i.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
higher centers ----->Noun Phrase-----> daha yüksek merkezler <================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
detecting||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Detected||p. pr. & vb. n. Detecting
S in ||+prep. null prgprFR0
S detecting ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Detected||p. pr. & vb. n. Detecting null prgprFR1
S weak ||a. nPH0 prgprFR2
S contrasts ||n.||pl. nPH1 prgprFR3
S and ||+conj. ||conj.! prgprFR4
S rapid ||a. nPH0 prgprFR5
SRN changes ||n.||pl. nPH1 prgprFR6
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
weak contrasts ----->Noun Phrase-----> güçsüz karşıtlıklar ????????????????? nPH count=3vCount=1
rapid changes ----->Noun Phrase-----> hızlı değişmeler NPHH ANDDDDDDDDDDDD NPHHH----------->
????????????????? nPH count=3vCount=1
light intensity ----->Preposition Phrase-----> ışık güçlülüğünin içinde
. Therefore, light must travel through layers of other retinal neurons before striking the photoreceptors.
. Therefore||adv. manner
, light ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma0-0 ışık <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
must||mod. present {{comma0-1
travel||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Traveled||p. pr. & vb. n. Traveling||v. t. {{comma0-2
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=0
through||+prep. {{comma0-3
layers of other retinal neurons ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma0-8 diğer retinayla ilgili neuronun tabakalarının içinden
before||+prep. {{before0-0 {{comma0-9
striking||v. t.||imp.||p. p. Struck||p. pr. & vb. n. Striking||v. i. {{before0-1 {{comma0-10
S before ||+prep. null {{before0-0 {{comma0-9 prgprFR0
S striking ||v. t.||imp.||p. p. Struck||p. pr. & vb. n. Striking||v. i. null {{before0-1 {{comma0-10 prgprFR1
S the ||+def. art. nPH0 {{before0-2 {{comma0-11 prgprFR2
S photoreceptors ||n.||pl. nPH1 {{before0-3 {{comma0-12 prgprFR3
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=0
the photoreceptors ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{before0-3{{comma0-12 fotoreseptörler ????????????????? nPH count=2vCount=0
. Cells in the pigment epithelium are filled with the black pigment melanin, which absorbs any light not captured by the retina.
. Cells ----->Noun Phrase-----> hücreler <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
the pigment epithelium ----->Preposition Phrase-----> boya maddesi epitelyumunın içinde
are||+reg. v.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
filled||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Filled||p. pr. & vb. n. Filling||v. i.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
the black pigment melanin ----->Preposition Phrase-----> siyah boya maddesi melanini ile
, which||relative pron. {{which0-0 {{comma0-0
absorbs||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Absorbed||p. pr. & vb. n. Absorbing||present t. {{which0-1 {{comma0-1
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
any light ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{which0-3{{comma0-3 birisi ışık <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
not||+adv. manner {{which0-4 {{comma0-4
captured||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Captured||p. pr. & vb. n. Capturing {{which0-5 {{comma0-5
S not ||+adv. manner null {{which0-4 {{comma0-4 pbyFR0
S captured ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Captured||p. pr. & vb. n. Capturing null {{which0-5 {{comma0-5 pbyFR1
S by ||+prep. null {{which0-6 {{comma0-6 pbyFR2
S the ||+def. art. nPH0 {{which0-7 {{comma0-7 pbyFR3
S retina ||n. nPH1 {{which0-8 {{comma0-8 pbyFR4
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
by||+prep. {{which0-6 {{comma0-6
the retina ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{which0-8{{comma0-8 retina tarafından
. Also, once activated, rhodopsin becomes a target
for phosphorylation by a specific protein kinase, opsin kinase; the phosphorylated rhodopsin then interacts with a specific regulatory protein called arrestin, leading to
its rapid inactivation.
. Also||adv. manner
, once||+conj. {{comma0-0
activated||v. t. {{comma0-1
S activated ||v. t. null {{comma0-1 conjpFR0
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=0
, rhodopsin ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma1-0 rodopsin <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
becomes||+irreg. v. neutral||+irreg. v. participle||v. i.||imp.||p. p. Become||p. pr. & vb. n. Becoming||v. t.||present t. {{comma1-1
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
a target ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma1-3 bir hedef <================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
for||prep. {{comma1-4
phosphorylation ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma1-5 phosphorylation için
by||+prep. {{comma1-6
a specific protein kinase, opsin kinase ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma2-1 bir özgül protein kinazı opsin kinazı tarafından
; the phosphorylated rhodopsin ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma2-4 phosphorylated rodopsini <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
then||+adv. manner {{comma2-5
interacts||v. i.||present t. {{comma2-6
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
with||+prep. {{comma2-7
a specific regulatory protein ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma2-11 bir özgül regulatory proteini ile
called||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling {{comma2-12
S called ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling null {{comma2-12 pprepFR0
S arrestin ||n. nPH0 {{comma2-13 pprepFR1
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
arrestin ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma2-13 arrestin <================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
, leading||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i. {{comma3-0
,S leading ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i. null {{comma3-0 prgprFR1
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
to||+prep. {{comma3-1
its rapid inactivation ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma3-4 onun hızlı inactivationına
When illuminated, however, the cones become hyperpolarized, and the voltage-gated Ca2+ channels close, reducing the Ca2+ influx and therefore the amount of
glutamate the cells release; as a result, the on-center bipolar cells depolarize.
. When||adv. time {{when0-0
illuminated||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Illuminated||p. pr. & vb. n. Illuminating||v. i.
S illuminated ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Illuminated||p. pr. & vb. n. Illuminating||v. i. null conjpFR0
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=0
, however||conj. {{however1-0 {{comma0-0
, the cones ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{however1-2{{comma1-1 koniler <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
become||+irreg. v. neutral||+irreg. v. participle||v. i.||imp.||p. p. Become||p. pr. & vb. n. Becoming||v. t. {{however1-3 {{comma1-2
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
hyperpolarized||v. {{however1-4 {{comma1-3
S hyperpolarized ||v. null {{however1-4 {{comma1-3 verbpFR0
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
, and||+conj. {{and2-0 {{comma2-0
the voltage-gated Ca2+ channels ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{and2-4{{comma2-4 voltage-gated ca2+ kanalları ????????????????? nPH count=0vCount=0
close||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Closed||p. pr. & vb. n. Closing||v. i. {{and2-5 {{comma2-5
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
, reducing||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reduced||p. pr. & vb. n. Reducing {{and2-6 {{comma3-0
,S reducing ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reduced||p. pr. & vb. n. Reducing null {{and2-6 {{comma3-0 prgprFR1
S the ||+def. art. nPH0 {{and2-7 {{comma3-1 prgprFR2
S ca2+ ||n. nPH1 {{and2-8 {{comma3-2 prgprFR3
S influx ||n. nPH2 {{and2-9 {{comma3-3 prgprFR4
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
the Ca2+ influx ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{and2-9{{comma3-3 ca2+ istilası <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
and||+conj. {{and3-0 {{comma3-4
therefore||conj. {{and3-1 {{comma3-5
the amount of glutamate ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{and3-5{{comma3-9 glutamatenin miktarı<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
the cells ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{and3-7{{comma3-11 hücreler ????????????????? nPH count=2vCount=0
release||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Released||p. pr. & vb. n. Releasing {{and3-8 {{comma3-12
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
; as||+prep. {{and3-9 {{comma3-13
a result ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{and3-11{{comma3-15 bir -den sonuçlanma olarak
, the on-center bipolar cells ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{and3-15{{comma4-3 on-center çiftkutuplu hücreler <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
depolarize||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Depolarized||p. pr. & vb. n. Depolarizing {{and3-16 {{comma4-4
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
Participials & Gerunds Parsing Report
Güzel haber! LANGANA-e İngilizce - Türkçe Otomatik Tercüme Makinası projemde
Participial ve Gerund (fiilimsi cümlecikleri) parse işlemi tamamlandı.
Ligh applied to the surround deyiminde applied participial'ının aşağıda görüldüğü gibi
PARTICIPIAL FRAGMENTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT followed by a prep olduğu otomatik olarak belirlendi.
Öte yandan aşağıdaki cümlenin ilk kısmında ÖZNE'nin ışık NESNE'nin hücre olduğu fiilin ise inhibits olduğu doğru olarak belirlendi.Aynı şekilde 2. kısımda da. Cümlenin bütün kısımları,
noun phrase, prepositional phrase, participial fragment şeklinde parse edildi.
Şimdi yapılacak iş bu kısımları tercüme etmek ve işlevlerine göre Türkçe cümle içi sıralamaya göre dizmek...
Yakın bir zamanda, ilk tercüme örneklerini sizlere iletmiş olacağım.
Ali R+
Aşağıdaki linkte görebileceğiniz gibi, çok karmaşık cümleleri parse edebiliyorum.
. Cells in the pigment epithelium are filled with the black pigment melanin, which absorbs any light not captured by the retina.
____0 .S cells ||n.||pl. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
1 S in ||+prep. null PCl() fr(null)
________2 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
________3 S pigment ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
________4 S epithelium ||n. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
5 S are ||+reg. v. null PCl() fr(null)
6 S filled ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Filled||p. pr. & vb. n. Filling||v. i. null PCl() fr(null)
7 S with ||+prep. null PCl() fr(null)
____________8 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
____________9 S black ||a. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
____________10 S pigment ||n. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
____________11 S melanin ||n. nPH3 PCl() fr(null)
12 ,S which ||relative pron. null {{which0-0 PCl({{comma0-0) fr(null)
13 S absorbs ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Absorbed||p. pr. & vb. n. Absorbing||present t. null {{which0-1 PCl({{comma0-1) fr(null)
________________14 S any ||a. nPH0 {{which0-2 PCl({{comma0-2) fr(null)
________________15 S light ||n. nPH1 {{which0-3 PCl({{comma0-3) fr(null)
____________________16 S not ||+adv. manner null {{which0-4 PCl({{comma0-4) fr(pbyFR0)
____________________17 S captured ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Captured||p. pr. & vb. n. Capturing null {{which0-5 PCl({{comma0-5) fr(pbyFR1)
____________________18 S by ||+prep. null {{which0-6 PCl({{comma0-6) fr(pbyFR2)
____________________19 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 {{which0-7 PCl({{comma0-7) fr(pbyFR3)
____________________20 S retina ||n. nPH1 {{which0-8 PCl({{comma0-8) fr(pbyFR4)
(Bu biraz daha eski bir çıktı.)
. Light applied to the surround inhibits the cell; the most effective inhibitory
stimulus is a ring of light on the entire surround.
. Light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışık <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
applied||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i.
S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i. null pprepFR0
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=0
the surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kuşatmaya
inhibits||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
the cell ----->Noun Phrase-----> hücre <================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
; the most effective inhibitory stimulus ----->Noun Phrase-----> en sonuç verici engelleyici stimulu <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
is||+reg. v.||v. i.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
a ring of light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışığın bir zili<================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
the entire surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> bütün kuşatmanın üstünde
You can find much more complex examples and full dump of this example below:
Participial ve Gerund (fiilimsi cümlecikleri) parse işlemi tamamlandı.
Ligh applied to the surround deyiminde applied participial'ının aşağıda görüldüğü gibi
PARTICIPIAL FRAGMENTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT followed by a prep olduğu otomatik olarak belirlendi.
Öte yandan aşağıdaki cümlenin ilk kısmında ÖZNE'nin ışık NESNE'nin hücre olduğu fiilin ise inhibits olduğu doğru olarak belirlendi.Aynı şekilde 2. kısımda da. Cümlenin bütün kısımları,
noun phrase, prepositional phrase, participial fragment şeklinde parse edildi.
Şimdi yapılacak iş bu kısımları tercüme etmek ve işlevlerine göre Türkçe cümle içi sıralamaya göre dizmek...
Yakın bir zamanda, ilk tercüme örneklerini sizlere iletmiş olacağım.
Ali R+
Aşağıdaki linkte görebileceğiniz gibi, çok karmaşık cümleleri parse edebiliyorum.
. Cells in the pigment epithelium are filled with the black pigment melanin, which absorbs any light not captured by the retina.
____0 .S cells ||n.||pl. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
1 S in ||+prep. null PCl() fr(null)
________2 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
________3 S pigment ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
________4 S epithelium ||n. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
5 S are ||+reg. v. null PCl() fr(null)
6 S filled ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Filled||p. pr. & vb. n. Filling||v. i. null PCl() fr(null)
7 S with ||+prep. null PCl() fr(null)
____________8 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
____________9 S black ||a. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
____________10 S pigment ||n. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
____________11 S melanin ||n. nPH3 PCl() fr(null)
12 ,S which ||relative pron. null {{which0-0 PCl({{comma0-0) fr(null)
13 S absorbs ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Absorbed||p. pr. & vb. n. Absorbing||present t. null {{which0-1 PCl({{comma0-1) fr(null)
________________14 S any ||a. nPH0 {{which0-2 PCl({{comma0-2) fr(null)
________________15 S light ||n. nPH1 {{which0-3 PCl({{comma0-3) fr(null)
____________________16 S not ||+adv. manner null {{which0-4 PCl({{comma0-4) fr(pbyFR0)
____________________17 S captured ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Captured||p. pr. & vb. n. Capturing null {{which0-5 PCl({{comma0-5) fr(pbyFR1)
____________________18 S by ||+prep. null {{which0-6 PCl({{comma0-6) fr(pbyFR2)
____________________19 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 {{which0-7 PCl({{comma0-7) fr(pbyFR3)
____________________20 S retina ||n. nPH1 {{which0-8 PCl({{comma0-8) fr(pbyFR4)
(Bu biraz daha eski bir çıktı.)
. Light applied to the surround inhibits the cell; the most effective inhibitory
stimulus is a ring of light on the entire surround.
. Light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışık <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
applied||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i.
S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i. null pprepFR0
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=0
the surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kuşatmaya
inhibits||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
the cell ----->Noun Phrase-----> hücre <================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
; the most effective inhibitory stimulus ----->Noun Phrase-----> en sonuç verici engelleyici stimulu <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
is||+reg. v.||v. i.
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
a ring of light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışığın bir zili<================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
the entire surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> bütün kuşatmanın üstünde
You can find much more complex examples and full dump of this example below:
Monday, 15 June 2015
-----------Sentence 54===>
from the door
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
door ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the door
the door ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kapıdan
-----------Sentence 55===>
from the cat
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
cat ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the cat
the cat ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kediden
-----------Sentence 56===>
from the dog
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
dog ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the dog
the dog ----->Preposition Phrase-----> köpekten
-----------Sentence 57===>
from the street
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
street ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the street
the street ----->Preposition Phrase-----> sokaktan
-----------Sentence 58===>
from the blood
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
blood ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the blood
the blood ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kandan
-----------Sentence 59===>
from the ball
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
ball ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the ball
the ball ----->Preposition Phrase-----> toptan
-----------Sentence 60===>
from the age
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
age ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the age
the age ----->Preposition Phrase-----> yaştan
-----------Sentence 61===>
from the mountain
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
mountain ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the mountain
the mountain ----->Preposition Phrase-----> dağdan
-----------Sentence 62===>
from the hand
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
hand ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the hand
the hand ----->Preposition Phrase-----> elden
-----------Sentence 63===>
from door hand
from ||+prep.
door ||n.
hand ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM door hand
door hand ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kapı elinden
-----------Sentence 64===>
from blue hand
from ||+prep.
blue ||a.
hand ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM blue hand
blue hand ----->Preposition Phrase-----> mavi elden
-----------Sentence 65===>
from his hand
from ||+prep.
his ||n.
hand ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM his hand
----->Preposition Phrase-----> onun elinden
-----------Sentence 66===>
from Ali's hand
from ||+prep.
Ali's ||poss. n.
hand ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM Ali's hand
----->Preposition Phrase-----> alinin elinden
-----------Sentence 67===>
from the surround
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
surround ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the surround
the surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kuşatmadan
-----------Sentence 68===>
from house door
from ||+prep.
house ||n.
door ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM house door
house door ----->Preposition Phrase-----> ev kapısından
-----------Sentence 69===>
from blue door
from ||+prep.
blue ||a.
door ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM blue door
blue door ----->Preposition Phrase-----> mavi kapıdan
-----------Sentence 70===>
from his door
from ||+prep.
his ||n.
door ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM his door
----->Preposition Phrase-----> onun kapısından
-----------Sentence 71===>
from Ali's door
from ||+prep.
Ali's ||poss. n.
door ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM Ali's door
----->Preposition Phrase-----> alinin kapısından
-----------Sentence 72===>
from the surround of the receptive field
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
surround ||n.
of ||prep.
the ||def. art.
receptive ||a.
field ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 7 FROM the surround of the receptive field
the surround of the receptive field ----->Preposition Phrase-----> yenilikçi tarlanın kuşatmasından
-----------Sentence 73===>
from the light
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
light ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the light
the light ----->Preposition Phrase-----> ışıktan
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 2 seconds)
-----------Sentence 54===>
from the door
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
door ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the door
the door ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kapıdan
-----------Sentence 55===>
from the cat
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
cat ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the cat
the cat ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kediden
-----------Sentence 56===>
from the dog
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
dog ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the dog
the dog ----->Preposition Phrase-----> köpekten
-----------Sentence 57===>
from the street
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
street ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the street
the street ----->Preposition Phrase-----> sokaktan
-----------Sentence 58===>
from the blood
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
blood ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the blood
the blood ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kandan
-----------Sentence 59===>
from the ball
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
ball ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the ball
the ball ----->Preposition Phrase-----> toptan
-----------Sentence 60===>
from the age
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
age ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the age
the age ----->Preposition Phrase-----> yaştan
-----------Sentence 61===>
from the mountain
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
mountain ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the mountain
the mountain ----->Preposition Phrase-----> dağdan
-----------Sentence 62===>
from the hand
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
hand ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the hand
the hand ----->Preposition Phrase-----> elden
-----------Sentence 63===>
from door hand
from ||+prep.
door ||n.
hand ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM door hand
door hand ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kapı elinden
-----------Sentence 64===>
from blue hand
from ||+prep.
blue ||a.
hand ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM blue hand
blue hand ----->Preposition Phrase-----> mavi elden
-----------Sentence 65===>
from his hand
from ||+prep.
his ||n.
hand ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM his hand
----->Preposition Phrase-----> onun elinden
-----------Sentence 66===>
from Ali's hand
from ||+prep.
Ali's ||poss. n.
hand ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM Ali's hand
----->Preposition Phrase-----> alinin elinden
-----------Sentence 67===>
from the surround
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
surround ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the surround
the surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kuşatmadan
-----------Sentence 68===>
from house door
from ||+prep.
house ||n.
door ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM house door
house door ----->Preposition Phrase-----> ev kapısından
-----------Sentence 69===>
from blue door
from ||+prep.
blue ||a.
door ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM blue door
blue door ----->Preposition Phrase-----> mavi kapıdan
-----------Sentence 70===>
from his door
from ||+prep.
his ||n.
door ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM his door
----->Preposition Phrase-----> onun kapısından
-----------Sentence 71===>
from Ali's door
from ||+prep.
Ali's ||poss. n.
door ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM Ali's door
----->Preposition Phrase-----> alinin kapısından
-----------Sentence 72===>
from the surround of the receptive field
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
surround ||n.
of ||prep.
the ||def. art.
receptive ||a.
field ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 7 FROM the surround of the receptive field
the surround of the receptive field ----->Preposition Phrase-----> yenilikçi tarlanın kuşatmasından
-----------Sentence 73===>
from the light
from ||+prep.
the ||def. art.
light ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FROM the light
the light ----->Preposition Phrase-----> ışıktan
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 2 seconds)
). On-center
ganglion cells are excited when light is directed to the center of their receptive field.
).S On-center ||n.
))))) paranthesis---> ).S
SRN ganglion ||n.
S cells ||n.||pl.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 0 3 On-center ganglion cells
S are ||+reg. v.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> are
S excited ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Excited||p. pr. & vb. n. exciting
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> excited
S when ||+conj.
=============================================================subordinating conjunction------> when
..............................................................adverb clause------> when
S light ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 6 7 light
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> is
S directed ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Directed||p. pr. & vb. n. Directing||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> directed
S to ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S center ||n.
S of ||prep.
S their ||+poss. det.
S receptive ||a.
S field ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 10 16 TO the center of their receptive field
----->Noun Phrase-----> on-center gangliyon hücreleri
are||+reg. v.
excited||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Excited||p. pr. & vb. n. exciting
when||+conj. {{when0-0
light ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{when0-1 ışık
is||+reg. v.||v. i. {{when0-2
directed||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Directed||p. pr. & vb. n. Directing||v. i. {{when0-3
to||+prep. {{when0-4
the center of their receptive fieldPOSSESSIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{when0-10 onların yenilikçi tarlasının merkezine
. Light applied to the surround inhibits the cell; the most effective inhibitory
stimulus is a ring of light on the entire surround.
.S Light ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 0 1 Light
S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> applied
S to ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S surround ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 3 5 TO the surround
S inhibits ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> inhibits
S the ||+def. art.
S cell ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 6 8 the cell
;S the ||+def. art.
;;;;; punctuation---> ;S
S most ||a.
S effective ||a.
S inhibitory ||a.
SRN stimulus ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 8 13 the most effective inhibitory stimulus
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> is
S a ||+indef. art.
S ring ||n.
S of ||prep.
S light ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 14 18 a ring of light
S on ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S entire ||a.
S surround ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 19 22 ON the entire surround
. Light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışık
applied||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i.
the surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kuşatmaya
inhibits||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t.
the cell ----->Noun Phrase-----> hücre
; the most effective inhibitory stimulusPLURALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
----->Noun Phrase-----> en sonuç verici engelleyici stimulu
is||+reg. v.||v. i.
a ring of light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışığın bir zili
the entire surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> bütün kuşatmanın üstünde
. Off-center ganglion cells are inhibited by light applied to the center of their receptive field.
.S Off-center ||n.
S ganglion ||n.
S cells ||n.||pl.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 0 3 Off-center ganglion cells
S are ||+reg. v.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> are
S inhibited ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> inhibited
S by ||+prep.
S light ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 6 7 BY light
S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> applied
S to ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S center ||n.
S of ||prep.
S their ||+poss. det.
S receptive ||a.
S field ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 9 15 TO the center of their receptive field
----->Noun Phrase-----> off-center gangliyon hücreleri
are||+reg. v.
inhibited||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting
light ----->Preposition Phrase-----> ışık tarafından
applied||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i.
the center of their receptive fieldPOSSESSIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
----->Preposition Phrase-----> onların yenilikçi tarlasının merkezine
. However, their firing rate
increases for a short period of time after the light is removed; that is, they are excited when the spot of light on the center is turned off.
.S However ||+adv. manner
,S their ||+poss. det.
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S
S firing ||a.
S rate ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 1 4 their firing rate
SRN increases ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Increased||p. pr. & vb. n. Increasing||v. t.||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> increases
S for ||+prep.
================================================================================conjunction------> for
S a ||+indef. art.
S short ||a.
S period ||n.
S of ||+prep.
S time ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 6 11 FOR a short period of time
S after ||+prep.
=============================================================subordinating conjunction------> after
S the ||+def. art.
S light ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 12 14 AFTER the light
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> is
S removed ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Removed||p. pr. & vb. n. Removing||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> removed
;S that ||+conj.
;;;;; punctuation---> ;S
..............................................................adjective clause ------> that
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> is
,S they ||nom. pron.
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S
S are ||+reg. v.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> are
S excited ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Excited||p. pr. & vb. n. exciting
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> excited
S when ||+conj.
=============================================================subordinating conjunction------> when
..............................................................adverb clause------> when
S the ||+def. art.
S spot ||n.
S of ||prep.
S light ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 22 26 the spot of light
S on ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S center ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 27 29 ON the center
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> is
S turned ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Turned||p. pr. & vb. n. Turning||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> turned
S off ||prep.
. However||+adv. manner {{however0-0
----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma0-2 onların ateş etme oranı
increases||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Increased||p. pr. & vb. n. Increasing||v. t.||present t. {{comma0-3
for||+prep. {{comma0-4
a short period of time ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma0-9 zamanın bir kısa dönemi için
after||+prep. {{after1-0 {{comma0-10
the light ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{after1-2{{comma0-12 ışıktan sonra
is||+reg. v.||v. i. {{after1-3 {{comma0-13
removed||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Removed||p. pr. & vb. n. Removing||v. i. {{after1-4 {{comma0-14
; that||+conj. {{that2-0 {{comma0-15
is||+reg. v.||v. i. {{that2-1 {{comma0-16
, they||nom. pron. {{that2-2 {{comma1-0
are||+reg. v. {{that2-3 {{comma1-1
excited||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Excited||p. pr. & vb. n. exciting {{that2-4 {{comma1-2
when||+conj. {{when3-0 {{comma1-3
the spot of light ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{when3-4{{comma1-7 ışığın yeri
on||+prep. {{when3-5 {{comma1-8
the center ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{when3-7{{comma1-10 merkezin üstünde
is||+reg. v.||v. i. {{when3-8 {{comma1-11
turned||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Turned||p. pr. & vb. n. Turning||v. i. {{when3-9 {{comma1-12
off||prep. {{when3-10 {{comma1-13
. Light excites an off-center
ganglion cell when it is directed to the surround of the receptive field.
.S Light ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 0 1 Light
S excites ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Excited||p. pr. & vb. n. exciting||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> excites
S an ||+indef. art.
S off-center ||n.
SRN ganglion ||n.
S cell ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 2 6 an off-center ganglion cell
S when ||+conj.
=============================================================subordinating conjunction------> when
..............................................................adverb clause------> when
S it ||nom. pron.
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> is
S directed ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Directed||p. pr. & vb. n. Directing||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> directed
S to ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S surround ||n.
S of ||prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S receptive ||a.
S field ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 11 17 TO the surround of the receptive field
. Light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışık
excites||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Excited||p. pr. & vb. n. exciting||present t.
an off-center ganglion cell ----->Noun Phrase-----> bir off-center gangliyon hücresi
when||+conj. {{when0-0
it||nom. pron. {{when0-1
is||+reg. v.||v. i. {{when0-2
directed||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Directed||p. pr. & vb. n. Directing||v. i. {{when0-3
to||+prep. {{when0-4
the surround of the receptive field ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{when0-10 yenilikçi tarlanın kuşatmasına
. In both types of cells the response evoked by a ring of light on the entire surround cancels the
response evoked by light directed to the center almost completely.
.S In ||+prep.
S both ||a.
S types ||n.||pl.
S of ||+prep.
S cells ||n.||pl.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 5 IN both types of cells
S the ||+def. art.
S response ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 5 7 the response
S evoked ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Evoked||p. pr. & vb. n. Evoking
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> evoked
S by ||+prep.
S a ||+indef. art.
S ring ||n.
S of ||prep.
S light ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 9 13 BY a ring of light
S on ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S entire ||a.
S surround ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 14 17 ON the entire surround
S cancels ||v. i. & p. p. Canceled||p. pr. & vb. n. Canceling||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> cancels
S the ||+def. art.
SRN response ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 18 20 the response
S evoked ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Evoked||p. pr. & vb. n. Evoking
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> evoked
S by ||+prep.
S light ||n.
S directed ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 22 24 BY light directed
S to ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S center ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 25 27 TO the center
S almost ||+adv. manner
S completely ||+adv. manner
. In||+prep.
----->Preposition Phrase-----> hücrelerin her ikisi tiplerinin içinde
the response ----->Noun Phrase-----> yanıt
evoked||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Evoked||p. pr. & vb. n. Evoking
a ring of light ----->Preposition Phrase-----> ışığın bir zili tarafından
the entire surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> bütün kuşatmanın üstünde
cancels||v. i. & p. p. Canceled||p. pr. & vb. n. Canceling||present t.
the response ----->Noun Phrase-----> yanıt
evoked||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Evoked||p. pr. & vb. n. Evoking
light directed ----->Preposition Phrase-----> ışık directedi tarafından
the center ----->Preposition Phrase-----> merkeze
almost||+adv. manner
completely||+adv. manner
. For this reason, diffuse illumination of the entire receptive field evokes only a small response in
either type of cell (Figure 26-7)
26-7<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">.S For ||+prep.
================================================================================conjunction------> for-----fix>
S this ||a.
S reason ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FOR this reason
,S diffuse ||a.
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S
S illumination ||n.
S of ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S entire ||a.
S receptive ||a.
S field ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 3 10 diffuse illumination of the entire receptive field
S evokes ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Evoked||p. pr. & vb. n. Evoking||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> evokes
S only ||adv. manner
S a ||+indef. art.
S small ||a.
S response ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 12 15 a small response
S in ||+prep.
SRN either ||a.
S type ||n.
S of ||+prep.
S cell ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 16 20 IN either type of cell
S( Figure ||n.
))))) paranthesis---> S(
S 26-7 ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 21 22 26-7
. For||+prep.
this reason ----->Preposition Phrase-----> bu neden için
, diffuse illumination of the entire receptive field ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma0-6 bütün yenilikçi tarlanın yayılmış aydınlatması
evokes||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Evoked||p. pr. & vb. n. Evoking||present t. {{comma0-7
only||adv. manner {{comma0-8
a small response ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma0-11 bir küçük yanıt
in||+prep. {{comma0-12
either type of cell ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma0-16 hücrenin ikisinden biri tipinin içinde
(Figure||n. {{comma0-17
26-7 ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma0-18 26-7i
end of sentences----------------------------------------------->
Total #word=146
Total #sentences=7
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 12 seconds)
). On-center
ganglion cells are excited when light is directed to the center of their receptive field.
).S On-center ||n.
))))) paranthesis---> ).S
SRN ganglion ||n.
S cells ||n.||pl.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 0 3 On-center ganglion cells
S are ||+reg. v.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> are
S excited ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Excited||p. pr. & vb. n. exciting
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> excited
S when ||+conj.
=============================================================subordinating conjunction------> when
..............................................................adverb clause------> when
S light ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 6 7 light
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> is
S directed ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Directed||p. pr. & vb. n. Directing||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> directed
S to ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S center ||n.
S of ||prep.
S their ||+poss. det.
S receptive ||a.
S field ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 10 16 TO the center of their receptive field
----->Noun Phrase-----> on-center gangliyon hücreleri
are||+reg. v.
excited||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Excited||p. pr. & vb. n. exciting
when||+conj. {{when0-0
light ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{when0-1 ışık
is||+reg. v.||v. i. {{when0-2
directed||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Directed||p. pr. & vb. n. Directing||v. i. {{when0-3
to||+prep. {{when0-4
the center of their receptive fieldPOSSESSIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{when0-10 onların yenilikçi tarlasının merkezine
. Light applied to the surround inhibits the cell; the most effective inhibitory
stimulus is a ring of light on the entire surround.
.S Light ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 0 1 Light
S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> applied
S to ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S surround ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 3 5 TO the surround
S inhibits ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> inhibits
S the ||+def. art.
S cell ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 6 8 the cell
;S the ||+def. art.
;;;;; punctuation---> ;S
S most ||a.
S effective ||a.
S inhibitory ||a.
SRN stimulus ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 8 13 the most effective inhibitory stimulus
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> is
S a ||+indef. art.
S ring ||n.
S of ||prep.
S light ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 14 18 a ring of light
S on ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S entire ||a.
S surround ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 19 22 ON the entire surround
. Light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışık
applied||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i.
the surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> kuşatmaya
inhibits||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t.
the cell ----->Noun Phrase-----> hücre
; the most effective inhibitory stimulusPLURALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
----->Noun Phrase-----> en sonuç verici engelleyici stimulu
is||+reg. v.||v. i.
a ring of light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışığın bir zili
the entire surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> bütün kuşatmanın üstünde
. Off-center ganglion cells are inhibited by light applied to the center of their receptive field.
.S Off-center ||n.
S ganglion ||n.
S cells ||n.||pl.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 0 3 Off-center ganglion cells
S are ||+reg. v.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> are
S inhibited ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> inhibited
S by ||+prep.
S light ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 6 7 BY light
S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> applied
S to ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S center ||n.
S of ||prep.
S their ||+poss. det.
S receptive ||a.
S field ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 9 15 TO the center of their receptive field
----->Noun Phrase-----> off-center gangliyon hücreleri
are||+reg. v.
inhibited||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting
light ----->Preposition Phrase-----> ışık tarafından
applied||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i.
the center of their receptive fieldPOSSESSIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
----->Preposition Phrase-----> onların yenilikçi tarlasının merkezine
. However, their firing rate
increases for a short period of time after the light is removed; that is, they are excited when the spot of light on the center is turned off.
.S However ||+adv. manner
,S their ||+poss. det.
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S
S firing ||a.
S rate ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 1 4 their firing rate
SRN increases ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Increased||p. pr. & vb. n. Increasing||v. t.||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> increases
S for ||+prep.
================================================================================conjunction------> for
S a ||+indef. art.
S short ||a.
S period ||n.
S of ||+prep.
S time ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 6 11 FOR a short period of time
S after ||+prep.
=============================================================subordinating conjunction------> after
S the ||+def. art.
S light ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 12 14 AFTER the light
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> is
S removed ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Removed||p. pr. & vb. n. Removing||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> removed
;S that ||+conj.
;;;;; punctuation---> ;S
..............................................................adjective clause ------> that
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> is
,S they ||nom. pron.
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S
S are ||+reg. v.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> are
S excited ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Excited||p. pr. & vb. n. exciting
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> excited
S when ||+conj.
=============================================================subordinating conjunction------> when
..............................................................adverb clause------> when
S the ||+def. art.
S spot ||n.
S of ||prep.
S light ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 22 26 the spot of light
S on ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S center ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 27 29 ON the center
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> is
S turned ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Turned||p. pr. & vb. n. Turning||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> turned
S off ||prep.
. However||+adv. manner {{however0-0
----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma0-2 onların ateş etme oranı
increases||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Increased||p. pr. & vb. n. Increasing||v. t.||present t. {{comma0-3
for||+prep. {{comma0-4
a short period of time ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma0-9 zamanın bir kısa dönemi için
after||+prep. {{after1-0 {{comma0-10
the light ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{after1-2{{comma0-12 ışıktan sonra
is||+reg. v.||v. i. {{after1-3 {{comma0-13
removed||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Removed||p. pr. & vb. n. Removing||v. i. {{after1-4 {{comma0-14
; that||+conj. {{that2-0 {{comma0-15
is||+reg. v.||v. i. {{that2-1 {{comma0-16
, they||nom. pron. {{that2-2 {{comma1-0
are||+reg. v. {{that2-3 {{comma1-1
excited||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Excited||p. pr. & vb. n. exciting {{that2-4 {{comma1-2
when||+conj. {{when3-0 {{comma1-3
the spot of light ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{when3-4{{comma1-7 ışığın yeri
on||+prep. {{when3-5 {{comma1-8
the center ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{when3-7{{comma1-10 merkezin üstünde
is||+reg. v.||v. i. {{when3-8 {{comma1-11
turned||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Turned||p. pr. & vb. n. Turning||v. i. {{when3-9 {{comma1-12
off||prep. {{when3-10 {{comma1-13
. Light excites an off-center
ganglion cell when it is directed to the surround of the receptive field.
.S Light ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 0 1 Light
S excites ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Excited||p. pr. & vb. n. exciting||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> excites
S an ||+indef. art.
S off-center ||n.
SRN ganglion ||n.
S cell ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 2 6 an off-center ganglion cell
S when ||+conj.
=============================================================subordinating conjunction------> when
..............................................................adverb clause------> when
S it ||nom. pron.
S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> is
S directed ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Directed||p. pr. & vb. n. Directing||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> directed
S to ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S surround ||n.
S of ||prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S receptive ||a.
S field ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 11 17 TO the surround of the receptive field
. Light ----->Noun Phrase-----> ışık
excites||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Excited||p. pr. & vb. n. exciting||present t.
an off-center ganglion cell ----->Noun Phrase-----> bir off-center gangliyon hücresi
when||+conj. {{when0-0
it||nom. pron. {{when0-1
is||+reg. v.||v. i. {{when0-2
directed||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Directed||p. pr. & vb. n. Directing||v. i. {{when0-3
to||+prep. {{when0-4
the surround of the receptive field ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{when0-10 yenilikçi tarlanın kuşatmasına
. In both types of cells the response evoked by a ring of light on the entire surround cancels the
response evoked by light directed to the center almost completely.
.S In ||+prep.
S both ||a.
S types ||n.||pl.
S of ||+prep.
S cells ||n.||pl.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 5 IN both types of cells
S the ||+def. art.
S response ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 5 7 the response
S evoked ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Evoked||p. pr. & vb. n. Evoking
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> evoked
S by ||+prep.
S a ||+indef. art.
S ring ||n.
S of ||prep.
S light ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 9 13 BY a ring of light
S on ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S entire ||a.
S surround ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 14 17 ON the entire surround
S cancels ||v. i. & p. p. Canceled||p. pr. & vb. n. Canceling||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> cancels
S the ||+def. art.
SRN response ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 18 20 the response
S evoked ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Evoked||p. pr. & vb. n. Evoking
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> evoked
S by ||+prep.
S light ||n.
S directed ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 22 24 BY light directed
S to ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S center ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 25 27 TO the center
S almost ||+adv. manner
S completely ||+adv. manner
. In||+prep.
----->Preposition Phrase-----> hücrelerin her ikisi tiplerinin içinde
the response ----->Noun Phrase-----> yanıt
evoked||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Evoked||p. pr. & vb. n. Evoking
a ring of light ----->Preposition Phrase-----> ışığın bir zili tarafından
the entire surround ----->Preposition Phrase-----> bütün kuşatmanın üstünde
cancels||v. i. & p. p. Canceled||p. pr. & vb. n. Canceling||present t.
the response ----->Noun Phrase-----> yanıt
evoked||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Evoked||p. pr. & vb. n. Evoking
light directed ----->Preposition Phrase-----> ışık directedi tarafından
the center ----->Preposition Phrase-----> merkeze
almost||+adv. manner
completely||+adv. manner
. For this reason, diffuse illumination of the entire receptive field evokes only a small response in
either type of cell (Figure 26-7)
26-7<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">.S For ||+prep.
================================================================================conjunction------> for-----fix>
S this ||a.
S reason ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 1 3 FOR this reason
,S diffuse ||a.
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S
S illumination ||n.
S of ||+prep.
S the ||+def. art.
S entire ||a.
S receptive ||a.
S field ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 3 10 diffuse illumination of the entire receptive field
S evokes ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Evoked||p. pr. & vb. n. Evoking||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> evokes
S only ||adv. manner
S a ||+indef. art.
S small ||a.
S response ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 12 15 a small response
S in ||+prep.
SRN either ||a.
S type ||n.
S of ||+prep.
S cell ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 16 20 IN either type of cell
S( Figure ||n.
))))) paranthesis---> S(
S 26-7 ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 21 22 26-7
. For||+prep.
this reason ----->Preposition Phrase-----> bu neden için
, diffuse illumination of the entire receptive field ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma0-6 bütün yenilikçi tarlanın yayılmış aydınlatması
evokes||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Evoked||p. pr. & vb. n. Evoking||present t. {{comma0-7
only||adv. manner {{comma0-8
a small response ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma0-11 bir küçük yanıt
in||+prep. {{comma0-12
either type of cell ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma0-16 hücrenin ikisinden biri tipinin içinde
(Figure||n. {{comma0-17
26-7 ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma0-18 26-7i
end of sentences----------------------------------------------->
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