ÖNEMLİ HABER! LANGANA-e İngilizce Türkçe Otomatik Tercüme Makinası projemde ,
herşeyi altüst edecek bir gelişme oldu. İngilizce parser'ını bitirdim.
Temizlik, ufak tefek eksikleri tamamlamak her zaman olacak fakat Noun Phrase, Preposition Phrase, Participial Phraselerin tüm çeşitleri, Gerund Phraselerin tüm çeşitleri ve adjective(which, that) vb. diğer phraseleri amamladım. Ayrıca çok sayıda cümle içeren conjunct (ve, veya, ; , ) 'ları
da parse ediyorum. Virgül ve and/or 'ların çeşitli halleri, örn iki isim rasında ya da fiilden sonra virgül ile isim gibi. bunların hepsini alletmek gerekti.
Şu anda programım parser olarak çalışıyor. Tüm phraseler, özne, nesne ve fiilleri ayrıştırıyor. adv.'leri phraseler ile yakın ilişki olduğunda le alıyor. Normalde adv., prep, conj.'ları phraselerin dışında belirtiyor.
Şimdi ilk iş, daha önce yapmış olduğum phrase tercümelerini devreye almak. aha sonra OBJECT'ler için gerekli tercüme eklentisini yapmak. Örn. Ali bana topu at! cümlesinde top nesne olduğu için -u takısını alıyor. Bu önemli bir iş değil.
Daha sonra, bütün bu parser çıktısını yeni bir veri yapısına,(bir Str array) koymak. Bu veri daha sonra veri tabanına da kolaylıkla yazılacak.
Böylece elimde:
sentence[], punctuation[] punctuationClause[],
wordtype[], structure[], clause[], fragment[] alanları oldu.
İlk satır kelime ve onun metin içindeki yazılış biçimi bilgileri, ikinci satır ise :
wordtype: kelime tipi, sözlük+cümle içindeki işlevine göre
structure: noun phrase bilgisi
clause: when,that, etc clauselarla ilgili bilgi
fragment: participial ve gerund fragmentlarla ilgili bilgi
Bu çalışmasırasında, KANDEL'in 'Pricipals of Neural Science' kitabından yaklaşık 450 cümlelik bir bölümü dönüştürmeyi esas aldım. Bunlardan yaklaşık 150 tane zorlu örnek üzerinde yoğunlaştım. Örneklerin hepsini burada sunmam mümkün değil.
Amacım, terüme motorunu 1-2 hafta içinde bitirip, daha sonra bunları kendi adıma açacağım bir sitede online olarak denemeye açmak.
Ali R+
. Also, once activated, rhodopsin becomes a target
for phosphorylation by a specific protein kinase, opsin kinase; the phosphorylated rhodopsin then interacts with a specific regulatory protein called arrestin, leading to
its rapid inactivation.
sentence details-----------------------------------------------
Also 26 514
once 26 514
activated 26 514
rhodopsin 26 514
becomes 26 514
a 26 514
target 26 514
for 26 514
phosphorylation 26 514
by 26 514
a 26 514
specific 26 514
protein 26 514
kinase 26 514
opsin 26 514
kinase 26 514
the 26 514
phosphorylated 26 514
rhodopsin 26 514
then 26 514
interacts 26 514
with 26 514
a 26 514
specific 26 514
regulatory 26 514
protein 26 514
called 26 514
arrestin 26 514
leading 26 514
to 26 514
its 26 514
rapid 26 514
inactivation 26 514
kinase<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">kinase<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">phosphorylated<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">arrestin<<<-----fix br="" unknown="" word="">.S Also ||adv. manner
,S once ||+conj.
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S-----fix>-----fix>-----fix>-----fix>
S activated ||v. t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> activated
,S rhodopsin ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 3 4 rhodopsin
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S
S becomes ||+irreg. v. neutral||+irreg. v. participle||v. i.||imp.||p. p. Become||p. pr. & vb. n. Becoming||v. t.||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> becomes
S a ||+indef. art.
S target ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 5 7 a target
SRN for ||prep.
================================================================================conjunction------> for
S phosphorylation ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 8 9 FOR phosphorylation
S by ||+prep.
S a ||+indef. art.
S specific ||a.
S protein ||n.
S kinase ||n.
,S opsin ||n.
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S
S kinase ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 10 16 BY a specific protein kinase opsin kinase
;S the ||+def. art.
;;;;; punctuation---> ;S
S phosphorylated ||n.
S rhodopsin ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 16 19 the phosphorylated rhodopsin
S then ||+adv. manner
S interacts ||v. i.||present t.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> interacts
S with ||+prep.
S a ||+indef. art.
S specific ||a.
S regulatory ||n.
S protein ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 22 26 WITH a specific regulatory protein
S called ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> called
S arrestin ||n.
Noun Phrase ------------------> 27 28 arrestin
,S leading ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i.
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvverb------> leading
;;;;; punctuation---> ,S
S to ||+prep.
SRN its ||+poss. det.
S rapid ||a.
S inactivation ||n.
Preposition Phrase ------------------> 30 33 TO its rapid inactivation
nPH correctionssssssssss
3 ,S rhodopsin ||n. nPH0 null PCl(null) fr(null)
5 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 null PCl(null) fr(null)
6 S target ||n. nPH1 null PCl(null) fr(null)
8 S phosphorylation ||n. nPH0 null PCl(null) fr(null)
10 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 null PCl(null) fr(null)
11 S specific ||a. nPH1 null PCl(null) fr(null)
12 S protein ||n. nPH2 null PCl(null) fr(null)
13 S kinase ||n. nPH3 null PCl(null) fr(null)
14 ,S opsin ||n. nPH4 null PCl(null) fr(null)
15 S kinase ||n. nPH5 null PCl(null) fr(null)
16 ;S the ||+def. art. nPH0 null PCl(null) fr(null)
17 S phosphorylated ||n. nPH1 null PCl(null) fr(null)
18 S rhodopsin ||n. nPH2 null PCl(null) fr(null)
22 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 null PCl(null) fr(null)
23 S specific ||a. nPH1 null PCl(null) fr(null)
24 S regulatory ||n. nPH2 null PCl(null) fr(null)
25 S protein ||n. nPH3 null PCl(null) fr(null)
27 S arrestin ||n. nPH0 null PCl(null) fr(null)
30 SRN its ||+poss. det. nPH0 null PCl(null) fr(null)
31 S rapid ||a. nPH1 null PCl(null) fr(null)
32 S inactivation ||n. nPH2 null PCl(null) fr(null)
. Also||adv. manner
, once||+conj. {{comma0-0
activated||v. t. {{comma0-1
S activated ||v. t. null {{comma0-1 conjpFR0
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=0
, rhodopsin ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma1-0 rodopsin <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
becomes||+irreg. v. neutral||+irreg. v. participle||v. i.||imp.||p. p. Become||p. pr. & vb. n. Becoming||v. t.||present t. {{comma1-1
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
a target ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma1-3 bir hedef <================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
for||prep. {{comma1-4
phosphorylation ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma1-5 phosphorylation için
by||+prep. {{comma1-6
a specific protein kinase, opsin kinase ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma2-1 bir özgül protein kinazı opsin kinazı tarafından
; the phosphorylated rhodopsin ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma2-4 phosphorylated rodopsini <================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
then||+adv. manner {{comma2-5
interacts||v. i.||present t. {{comma2-6
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
with||+prep. {{comma2-7
a specific regulatory protein ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma2-11 bir özgül regulatory proteini ile
called||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling {{comma2-12
S called ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling null {{comma2-12 pprepFR0
S arrestin ||n. nPH0 {{comma2-13 pprepFR1
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
arrestin ----->Noun Phrase-----> {{comma2-13 arrestin <================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
, leading||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i. {{comma3-0
,S leading ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i. null {{comma3-0 prgprFR0
<=============VERBBBBBBBB count status=1
to||+prep. {{comma3-1
its rapid inactivation ----->Preposition Phrase-----> {{comma3-4 onun hızlı inactivationına
SENTENCE DUMP---------------------------------------------->
.S also ||adv. manner null PCl() fr(null)
,S once ||+conj. null PCl({{comma0-0) fr(null)
S activated ||v. t. null PCl({{comma0-1) fr(conjpFR0)
,S rhodopsin ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-0) fr(null)
S becomes ||+irreg. v. neutral||+irreg. v. participle||v. i.||imp.||p. p. Become||p. pr. & vb. n. Becoming||v. t.||present t. null PCl({{comma1-1) fr(null)
S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-2) fr(null)
S target ||n. nPH1 PCl({{comma1-3) fr(null)
SRN for ||prep. null PCl({{comma1-4) fr(null)
S phosphorylation ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-5) fr(null)
S by ||+prep. null PCl({{comma1-6) fr(null)
S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-7) fr(null)
S specific ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma1-8) fr(null)
S protein ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma1-9) fr(null)
S kinase ||n. nPH3 PCl({{comma1-10) fr(null)
,S opsin ||n. nPH4 PCl({{comma2-0) fr(null)
S kinase ||n. nPH5 PCl({{comma2-1) fr(null)
;S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-2) fr(null)
S phosphorylated ||n. nPH1 PCl({{comma2-3) fr(null)
S rhodopsin ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma2-4) fr(null)
S then ||+adv. manner null PCl({{comma2-5) fr(null)
S interacts ||v. i.||present t. null PCl({{comma2-6) fr(null)
S with ||+prep. null PCl({{comma2-7) fr(null)
S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-8) fr(null)
S specific ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma2-9) fr(null)
S regulatory ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma2-10) fr(null)
S protein ||n. nPH3 PCl({{comma2-11) fr(null)
S called ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling null PCl({{comma2-12) fr(pprepFR0)
S arrestin ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-13) fr(pprepFR1)
,S leading ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i. null PCl({{comma3-0) fr(prgprFR0)
S to ||+prep. null PCl({{comma3-1) fr(null)
SRN its ||+poss. det. nPH0 PCl({{comma3-2) fr(null)
S rapid ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma3-3) fr(null)
S inactivation ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma3-4) fr(null)
. Also, once activated, rhodopsin becomes a target for phosphorylation by a specific protein kinase, opsin kinase; the phosphorylated rhodopsin then interacts with a specific regulatory protein called arrestin, leading to its rapid inactivation
0 .S also ||adv. manner null PCl() fr(null)
1 ,S once ||+conj. null PCl({{comma0-0) fr(null)
____2 S activated ||v. t. null PCl({{comma0-1) fr(conjpFR0)
<------ ------="" activated="" fragment="">
________3 ,S rhodopsin ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-0) fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" noun="" phrase="" rhodopsin="">
4 S becomes ||+irreg. v. neutral||+irreg. v. participle||v. i.||imp.||p. p. Become||p. pr. & vb. n. Becoming||v. t.||present t. null PCl({{comma1-1) fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">____________5 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-2) fr(null)
____________6 S target ||n. nPH1 PCl({{comma1-3) fr(null)<================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" a="" noun="" phrase="" target="">
7 SRN for ||prep. null PCl({{comma1-4) fr(null)
________________8 S phosphorylation ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-5) fr(null)
<------ ------="" for="" phosphorylation="" phrase="" preposition="">
9 S by ||+prep. null PCl({{comma1-6) fr(null)
____________________10 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-7) fr(null)
____________________11 S specific ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma1-8) fr(null)
____________________12 S protein ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma1-9) fr(null)
____________________13 S kinase ||n. nPH3 PCl({{comma1-10) fr(null)
____________________14 ,S opsin ||n. nPH4 PCl({{comma2-0) fr(null)
____________________15 S kinase ||n. nPH5 PCl({{comma2-1) fr(null)
<------ ------="" a="" by="" kinase="" opsin="" phrase="" preposition="" protein="" specific="">
________________________16 ;S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-2) fr(null)
________________________17 S phosphorylated ||n. nPH1 PCl({{comma2-3) fr(null)
________________________18 S rhodopsin ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma2-4) fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" noun="" phosphorylated="" phrase="" rhodopsin="" the="">
19 S then ||+adv. manner null PCl({{comma2-5) fr(null)
20 S interacts ||v. i.||present t. null PCl({{comma2-6) fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">21 S with ||+prep. null PCl({{comma2-7) fr(null)
____________________________22 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-8) fr(null)
____________________________23 S specific ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma2-9) fr(null)
____________________________24 S regulatory ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma2-10) fr(null)
____________________________25 S protein ||n. nPH3 PCl({{comma2-11) fr(null)
<------ ------="" a="" phrase="" preposition="" protein="" regulatory="" specific="" with="">
________________________________26 S called ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling null PCl({{comma2-12) fr(pprepFR0)
________________________________27 S arrestin ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-13) fr(pprepFR1)
<------ ------="" arrestin="" called="" fragment="">
____________________________________28 ,S leading ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i. null PCl({{comma3-0) fr(prgprFR0)
<------ ------="" fragment="" leading="">
29 S to ||+prep. null PCl({{comma3-1) fr(null)
________________________________________30 SRN its ||+poss. det. nPH0 PCl({{comma3-2) fr(null)
________________________________________31 S rapid ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma3-3) fr(null)
________________________________________32 S inactivation ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma3-4) fr(null)
<------ ------="" inactivation="" its="" phrase="" preposition="" rapid="" to="">
end of sentences-------------------------------------------------------------->------>------>------>------>----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb>------>------>------>------>----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb>------>------>
Total #word=32
Total #sentences=1
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 5 seconds)
SMALL EXAMPLE------------------------------------
. A very bright light closes all cGMP-gated channels, hyperpolarizing the cones to -70 mV, the equilibrium potential for K+
____0 .S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
____1 S very ||adv. manner nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
____2 S bright ||a. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
____3 S light ||a. nPH3 PCl() fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" a="" bright="" light="" noun="" phrase="" very="">
4 S closes ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Closed||p. pr. & vb. n. Closing||v. i. null PCl() fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">________5 S all ||a. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
________6 S cgmp-gated ||a. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
________7 S channels ||n.||pl. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)<================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" all="" cgmp-gated="" channels="" noun="" phrase="">
____________8 ,S hyperpolarizing ||v. null PCl({{comma0-0) fr(prgprFR0)
____________9 SRN the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma0-1) fr(prgprFR1)
____________10 S cones ||n.||pl. nPH1 PCl({{comma0-2) fr(prgprFR2)
<------ ------="" cones="" fragment="" hyperpolarizing="" the="">
11 S to ||prep. null PCl({{comma0-3) fr(null)
________________12 S -70 ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma0-4) fr(null)
________________13 S mv ||n. nPH1 PCl({{comma0-5) fr(null)
<------ ------="" -70="" mv="" phrase="" preposition="" to="">
____________________14 ,S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-0) fr(null)
____________________15 S equilibrium ||n. nPH1 PCl({{comma1-1) fr(null)
____________________16 S potential ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma1-2) fr(null)
<------ ------="" equilibrium="" noun="" phrase="" potential="" the="">
17 S for ||+prep. null PCl({{comma1-3) fr(null)
________________________18 S k+ ||pn. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-4) fr(null)
<------ ------="" for="" k="" phrase="" preposition="">
REGULAR EXAMPLE----------------------------------
. Light applied to the surround inhibits the cell; the most effective inhibitory stimulus is a ring of light on the entire surround
____0 .S light ||n. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" light="" noun="" phrase="">
________1 S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i. null PCl() fr(pprepFR0)
<------ ------="" applied="" fragment="">
2 S to ||+prep. null PCl() fr(null)
____________3 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
____________4 S surround ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
<------ ------="" phrase="" preposition="" surround="" the="" to="">
5 S inhibits ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t. null PCl() fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">________________6 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
________________7 S cell ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)<================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" cell="" noun="" phrase="" the="">
____________________8 ;S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
____________________9 S most ||a. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
____________________10 S effective ||a. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
____________________11 S inhibitory ||a. nPH3 PCl() fr(null)
____________________12 SRN stimulus ||n. nPH4 PCl() fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" effective="" inhibitory="" most="" noun="" phrase="" stimulus="" the="">
13 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. null PCl() fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">________________________14 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
________________________15 S ring ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
________________________16 S of ||prep. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
________________________17 S light ||n. nPH3 PCl() fr(null)<================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" a="" light="" noun="" of="" phrase="" ring="">
18 S on ||+prep. null PCl() fr(null)
____________________________19 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
____________________________20 S entire ||a. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
____________________________21 S surround ||n. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
<------ ------="" entire="" on="" phrase="" preposition="" surround="" the="">
HUGE EXAMPLE----------------------------------------------
. Lowering the Ca2+ concentration is believed to speed up the inactivation of the visual pigments, so that the effectiveness of a given light flash in activating cGMP phosphodiesterase is reduced
0 .S lowering ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Lowered||p. pr. & vb. n. Lowering||v. i. null PCl() fr(null)
____1 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
____2 S ca2+ ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
____3 S concentration ||n. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" ca2="" concentration="" noun="" phrase="" the="">
4 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. null PCl() fr(null)................aux or modal verb
5 S believed ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Believed||p. pr. & vb. n. Believing||v. i. null PCl() fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">6 S to ||to-inf. null PCl() fr(null)inffffffffffffffffffffffff
7 S speed ||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Sped||p. pr. & vb. n. Speeding||v. t. null PCl() fr(null)
8 S up ||+prep. null PCl() fr(null)
________9 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl() fr(null)
________10 S inactivation ||n. nPH1 PCl() fr(null)
________11 S of ||prep. nPH2 PCl() fr(null)
________12 S the ||+def. art. nPH3 PCl() fr(null)
________13 S visual ||a. nPH4 PCl() fr(null)
________14 S pigments ||n.||pl. nPH5 PCl() fr(null)
<------ ------="" inactivation="" of="" phrase="" pigments="" preposition="" the="" up="" visual="">
15 ,S so ||+conj. null PCl({{comma0-0) fr(null)
16 S that ||+conj. null {{that0-0 PCl({{comma0-1) fr(null)
____________17 S the ||+def. art. nPH0 {{that0-1 PCl({{comma0-2) fr(null)
____________18 S effectiveness ||n. nPH1 {{that0-2 PCl({{comma0-3) fr(null)
____________19 S of ||prep. nPH2 {{that0-3 PCl({{comma0-4) fr(null)
____________20 S a ||+indef. art. nPH3 {{that0-4 PCl({{comma0-5) fr(null)
____________21 SRN given ||a. nPH4 {{that0-5 PCl({{comma0-6) fr(null)
____________22 S light ||n. nPH5 {{that0-6 PCl({{comma0-7) fr(null)
____________23 S flash ||n. nPH6 {{that0-7 PCl({{comma0-8) fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" a="" effectiveness="" flash="" given="" light="" noun="" of="" phrase="" the="">
________________24 S in ||+prep. null {{that0-8 PCl({{comma0-9) fr(prgprFR0)
________________25 S activating ||v. t. null {{that0-9 PCl({{comma0-10) fr(prgprFR1)
________________26 S cgmp ||n. nPH0 {{that0-10 PCl({{comma0-11) fr(prgprFR2)
________________27 S phosphodiesterase ||n. nPH1 {{that0-11 PCl({{comma0-12) fr(prgprFR3)
<------ ------="" activating="" cgmp="" fragment="" in="" phosphodiesterase="">
28 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. null {{that0-12 PCl({{comma0-13) fr(null)................aux or modal verb
29 S reduced ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reduced||p. pr. & vb. n. Reducing null {{that0-13 PCl({{comma0-14) fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">#word=29----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb>------>------>------>----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb>------>
COMPLEX, MULTIPLE CLAUSES-------------------------------------------
. Also, once activated, rhodopsin becomes a target for phosphorylation by a specific protein kinase, opsin kinase; the phosphorylated rhodopsin then interacts with a specific regulatory protein called arrestin, leading to its rapid inactivation
0 .S also ||adv. manner null PCl() fr(null)
1 ,S once ||+conj. null PCl({{comma0-0) fr(null)
____2 S activated ||v. t. null PCl({{comma0-1) fr(conjpFR0)
<------ ------="" activated="" fragment="">
________3 ,S rhodopsin ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-0) fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" noun="" phrase="" rhodopsin="">
4 S becomes ||+irreg. v. neutral||+irreg. v. participle||v. i.||imp.||p. p. Become||p. pr. & vb. n. Becoming||v. t.||present t. null PCl({{comma1-1) fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">____________5 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-2) fr(null)
____________6 S target ||n. nPH1 PCl({{comma1-3) fr(null)<================OBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" a="" noun="" phrase="" target="">
7 SRN for ||prep. null PCl({{comma1-4) fr(null)
________________8 S phosphorylation ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-5) fr(null)
<------ ------="" for="" phosphorylation="" phrase="" preposition="">
9 S by ||+prep. null PCl({{comma1-6) fr(null)
____________________10 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma1-7) fr(null)
____________________11 S specific ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma1-8) fr(null)
____________________12 S protein ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma1-9) fr(null)
____________________13 S kinase ||n. nPH3 PCl({{comma1-10) fr(null)
____________________14 ,S opsin ||n. nPH4 PCl({{comma2-0) fr(null)
____________________15 S kinase ||n. nPH5 PCl({{comma2-1) fr(null)
<------ ------="" a="" by="" kinase="" opsin="" phrase="" preposition="" protein="" specific="">
________________________16 ;S the ||+def. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-2) fr(null)
________________________17 S phosphorylated ||n. nPH1 PCl({{comma2-3) fr(null)
________________________18 S rhodopsin ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma2-4) fr(null)<================SUBJECTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
<------ ------="" noun="" phosphorylated="" phrase="" rhodopsin="" the="">
19 S then ||+adv. manner null PCl({{comma2-5) fr(null)
20 S interacts ||v. i.||present t. null PCl({{comma2-6) fr(null)<----------------------verbbbbbbbbbbb br="">21 S with ||+prep. null PCl({{comma2-7) fr(null)
____________________________22 S a ||+indef. art. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-8) fr(null)
____________________________23 S specific ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma2-9) fr(null)
____________________________24 S regulatory ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma2-10) fr(null)
____________________________25 S protein ||n. nPH3 PCl({{comma2-11) fr(null)
<------ ------="" a="" phrase="" preposition="" protein="" regulatory="" specific="" with="">
________________________________26 S called ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling null PCl({{comma2-12) fr(pprepFR0)
________________________________27 S arrestin ||n. nPH0 PCl({{comma2-13) fr(pprepFR1)
<------ ------="" arrestin="" called="" fragment="">
____________________________________28 ,S leading ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i. null PCl({{comma3-0) fr(prgprFR0)
<------ ------="" fragment="" leading="">
29 S to ||+prep. null PCl({{comma3-1) fr(null)
________________________________________30 SRN its ||+poss. det. nPH0 PCl({{comma3-2) fr(null)
________________________________________31 S rapid ||a. nPH1 PCl({{comma3-3) fr(null)
________________________________________32 S inactivation ||n. nPH2 PCl({{comma3-4) fr(null)
<------ ------="" inactivation="" its="" phrase="" preposition="" rapid="" to="">