). Two mechanisms terminate, the light response
0 ).RNRN two ||a. SUBJECT0
1 S mechanisms ||n.||pl. SUBJECT1
0 1 two mechanisms <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 2 S terminate ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Terminated||p. pr. & vb. n. Terminating||v. i. VERB0
3 , the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
4 S light ||n. SUBJECT1
5 S response ||n. SUBJECT2
3 5 the light response <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">
SENTENCE 17226 ---------------------------------------------->
0 ).RNRN two ||a. nPH0 Cl() PuncCl() fr(null) hStr(subjHS0)
1 S mechanisms ||n.||pl. nPH1 Cl() PuncCl() fr(null) hStr(subjHS1)
2 S terminate ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Terminated||p. pr. & vb. n. Terminating||v. i. null Cl() PuncCl() fr(null) hStr(verbHS0)
3 , the ||+def. art. nPH0 Cl() PuncCl({{comma0-0) fr(null) hStr(subjHS0)
4 S light ||n. nPH1 Cl() PuncCl({{comma0-1) fr(null) hStr(subjHS1)
5 S response ||n. nPH2 Cl() PuncCl({{comma0-2) fr(null) hStr(subjHS2)
. Light excites an off-center ganglion cell when it is directed to the surround of the receptive field
0 .S light ||n. SUBJECT0
0 0 light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 1 S excites ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Excited||p. pr. & vb. n. exciting||present t. VERB0
2 S an ||+indef. art. OBJECT0
3 S off-center ||n. OBJECT1
4 SRN ganglion ||n. OBJECT2
5 S cell ||n. OBJECT3
2 5 an off-center ganglion cell <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">6 S when ||+conj. CONJUNCT CLAUSE WHEN
7 S it ||nom. pron. SUBJECT0
8 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
9 S directed ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Directed||p. pr. & vb. n. Directing||v. i. VERB0
11 S the ||+def. art.
12 S surround ||n.
13 S of ||prep.
14 S the ||+def. art.
15 S receptive ||a.
16 S field ||n.
10 16 to the surround of the receptive field <-----preposition p="" phrase="">
. Light applied to the surround inhibits the cell; the most effective inhibitory stimulus is a ring of light on the entire surround
0 .S light ||n. SUBJECT0
0 0 light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 1 S applied ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Applied||p. pr. & vb. n. Applying||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0
1 1 applied <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 2 S to ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
3 S the ||+def. art.
4 S surround ||n.
2 4 to the surround <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 5 S inhibits ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Inhibited||p. pr. & vb. n. Inhibiting||present t. VERB0
6 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
7 S cell ||n. OBJECT1
6 7 the cell <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">
8 ;S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
9 S most ||a. SUBJECT1
10 S effective ||a. SUBJECT2
11 S inhibitory ||a. SUBJECT3
12 SRN stimulus ||n. SUBJECT4
8 12 the most effective inhibitory stimulus <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 13 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
14 S a ||+indef. art. OBJECT0
15 S ring ||n. OBJECT1
16 S of ||prep. OBJECT2
17 S light ||n. OBJECT3
14 17 a ring of light <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 18 S on ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
19 S the ||+def. art.
20 S entire ||a.
21 S surround ||n.
18 21 on the entire surround <-----preposition p="" phrase="">
. The outward current carried by the K+ channels tends to hyperpolarize the photoreceptor toward the equilibrium potential for K+ (around -70 mV
0 .S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
1 S outward ||a. SUBJECT1
2 S current ||n. SUBJECT2
0 2 the outward current <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 3 S carried ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Carried||p. pr. & vb. n. Carrying||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0
4 S by ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 1
5 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 2
6 S k+ ||pn. ---->FRAGMENT 3
7 S channels ||n.||pl. ---->FRAGMENT 4
3 7 carried by the k+ channels <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 8 S tends ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Tended||p. pr. & vb. n. Tending||v. i.||present t. VERB0
9 S to ||to-inf. INFINITIVE TO
10 S hyperpolarize ||v. INFINITIVE VERB
11 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
12 S photoreceptor ||n. OBJECT1
11 12 the photoreceptor <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 13 S toward ||prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
14 S the ||+def. art.
15 S equilibrium ||n.
16 S potential ||n.
13 16 toward the equilibrium potential <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 17 S for ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
18 S k+ ||pn.
17 18 for k+ <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 19 S( around ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
20 S -70 ||n.
21 S mv ||n.
19 21 around -70 mv <-----preposition p="" phrase="">
. Light, by hyperpolarizing the cone, causes a reduction in transmitter release
0 .S light ||n. SUBJECT0
0 0 light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> FRAGMENT CLAUSE PUNCTUATION opening---> ,
1 ,S by ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0
2 S hyperpolarizing ||v. ---->FRAGMENT 1
3 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 2
4 S cone ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 3
1 4 by hyperpolarizing the cone <-----fragment br="" clause=""> FRAGMENT CLAUSE PUNCTUATION closing---> ,
5 ,S causes ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Caused||p. pr. & v.||v. i.||present t. VERB0-----fragment>
6 S a ||+indef. art. OBJECT0
7 S reduction ||n. OBJECT1
6 7 a reduction <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 8 S in ||prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
9 S transmitter ||n.
10 S release ||n.
8 10 in transmitter release <-----preposition p="" phrase="">Sentence=17282-------------------------------------------------------------->
. The receptive fields of ganglion cells have two important features
0 .S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
1 S receptive ||a. SUBJECT1
2 S fields ||n.||pl. SUBJECT2
3 S of ||+prep. SUBJECT3
4 S ganglion ||n. SUBJECT4
5 S cells ||n.||pl. SUBJECT5
0 5 the receptive fields of ganglion cells <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 6 S have ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Had||p. pr. & vb. n. Having VERB0
7 S two ||a. OBJECT0
8 S important ||a. OBJECT1
9 S features ||n.||pl. OBJECT2
7 9 two important features <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">
.) The first change in cones during light adaptation is the slow recovery of the membrane potential
0 .)RN the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
1 S first ||a. SUBJECT1
2 S change ||n. SUBJECT2
0 2 the first change <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 3 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
4 S cones ||n.||pl.
3 4 in cones <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 5 S during ||prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
6 S light ||n.
7 S adaptation ||n.
5 7 during light adaptation <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 8 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
9 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
10 S slow ||a. OBJECT1
11 S recovery ||n. OBJECT2
12 S of ||+prep. OBJECT3
13 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT4
14 S membrane ||n. OBJECT5
15 S potential ||n. OBJECT6
9 15 the slow recovery of the membrane potential <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">
. A lower concentration of Ca2+ also decreases the sensitivity of the cGMP-gated channels to
changes in cGMP.
0 .S a ||+indef. art. SUBJECT0
1 S lower ||a. SUBJECT1
2 S concentration ||n. SUBJECT2
3 S of ||+prep. SUBJECT3
4 S ca2+ ||n. SUBJECT4
0 4 a lower concentration of ca2+ <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">5 S also ||adv. manner
6 S decreases ||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Decreased||p. pr. & vb. n. Decreasing||v. t.||present t. VERB0
7 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
8 S sensitivity ||n. OBJECT1
9 S of ||prep. OBJECT2
10 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT3
11 S cgmp-gated ||a. OBJECT4
12 S channels ||n.||pl. OBJECT5
7 12 the sensitivity of the cgmp-gated channels <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 13 S to ||prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
14 SRN changes ||n.||pl.
13 14 to changes <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 15 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
16 S cgmp ||n.
15 16 in cgmp <-----preposition p="" phrase="">
. For this reason, diffuse illumination of the entire receptive field evokes only a small response in
either type of cell (Figure 26-7)
1 S this ||a.
2 S reason ||n.
0 2 for this reason <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 3 ,S diffuse ||a. SUBJECT0
4 S illumination ||n. SUBJECT1
5 S of ||+prep. SUBJECT2
6 S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT3
7 S entire ||a. SUBJECT4
8 S receptive ||a. SUBJECT5
9 S field ||n. SUBJECT6
3 9 diffuse illumination of the entire receptive field <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 10 S evokes ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Evoked||p. pr. & vb. n. Evoking||present t. VERB0
11 S only ||adv. manner
12 S a ||+indef. art. OBJECT0
13 S small ||a. OBJECT1
14 S response ||n. OBJECT2
12 14 a small response <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 15 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
16 SRN either ||a.
17 S type ||n.
18 S of ||+prep.
19 S cell ||n.
15 19 in either type of cell <-----preposition p="" phrase="">20 S( figure ||n.
21 S 26-7 ||n. SUBJECT0
21 21 26-7 <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">
. Photoactivation of a single rhodopsin molecule can lead to the hydrolysis of more than 105 molecules of cGMP per second
0 .RNRN photoactivation ||pn. SUBJECT0
1 S of ||+prep. SUBJECT1
2 S a ||+indef. art. SUBJECT2
3 S single ||a. SUBJECT3
4 S rhodopsin ||n. SUBJECT4
5 S molecule ||n. SUBJECT5
0 5 photoactivation of a single rhodopsin molecule <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 6 S can ||mod. present VERB0
7 S lead ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Leaded||p. pr. & vb. n. Leading||imp. & p. p. Led||v. i. VERB0
9 S the ||+def. art.
10 S hydrolysis ||n.
11 S of ||prep.
8 11 to the hydrolysis of <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 12 S more ||prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
14 S 105 ||n.
15 S molecules ||n.||pl.
16 S of ||+prep.
17 S cgmp ||n.
12 17 more than 105 molecules of cgmp <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 18 S per ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
19 S second ||n.
18 19 per second <-----preposition p="" phrase="">
. Second, in most ganglion cells the receptive field is divided into two parts
2 S most ||a.
3 S ganglion ||n.
4 S cells ||n.||pl.
1 4 in most ganglion cells <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 5 S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
6 S receptive ||a. SUBJECT1
7 S field ||n. SUBJECT2
5 7 the receptive field <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 8 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
9 S divided ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Divided||p. pr. & vb. n. Dividing||v. i. VERB0
11 S two ||a.
12 S parts ||n.||pl.
10 12 into two parts <-----preposition p="" phrase="">
. The slow decrease in Ca2+ concentration also causes the desensitization of the cone during light adaptation, at least partly through effects on the visual pigments and the cGMP-gated channels
0 .RNRN the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
1 S slow ||a. SUBJECT1
2 S decrease ||n. SUBJECT2
0 2 the slow decrease <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 3 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
4 S ca2+ ||n.
5 S concentration ||n.
3 5 in ca2+ concentration <-----preposition p="" phrase="">6 S also ||adv. manner
7 S causes ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Caused||p. pr. & v.||v. i.||present t. VERB0
8 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
9 S desensitization ||n. OBJECT1
10 S of ||+prep. OBJECT2
11 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT3
12 S cone ||n. OBJECT4
8 12 the desensitization of the cone <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 13 S during ||prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
14 S light ||n.
15 S adaptation ||n.
13 15 during light adaptation <-----preposition p="" phrase="">16 ,S at ||adv. manner COMMA + ADVERB CLAUSE
17 S least ||adv. manner COMMA + ADVERB CLAUSE
18 S partly ||adv. COMMA + ADVERB CLAUSE
20 S effects ||n.||pl.
19 20 through effects <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 21 S on ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
22 S the ||+def. art.
23 S visual ||a.
24 S pigments ||n.||pl.
21 24 on the visual pigments <-----preposition p="" phrase="">FIX nPH AND/OR nPH at PARSEEEE
25 SRN and ||+conj.
26 S the ||+def. art.
27 S cgmp-gated ||a.
28 S channels ||n.||pl.
24 28 pigments and the cgmp-gated channels <-----preposition p="" phrase="">
. The slow decrease in Ca2+ concentration also causes the desensitization of the cone during light adaptation, at least partly through effects on the visual pigments and the cGMP-gated channels
0 .RNRN the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
1 S slow ||a. SUBJECT1
2 S decrease ||n. SUBJECT2
0 2 the slow decrease <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 3 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
4 S ca2+ ||n.
5 S concentration ||n.
3 5 in ca2+ concentration <-----preposition p="" phrase="">6 S also ||adv. manner
7 S causes ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Caused||p. pr. & v.||v. i.||present t. VERB0
8 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
9 S desensitization ||n. OBJECT1
10 S of ||+prep. OBJECT2
11 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT3
12 S cone ||n. OBJECT4
8 12 the desensitization of the cone <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 13 S during ||prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
14 S light ||n.
15 S adaptation ||n.
13 15 during light adaptation <-----preposition p="" phrase="">16 ,S at ||adv. manner COMMA + ADVERB CLAUSE
17 S least ||adv. manner COMMA + ADVERB CLAUSE
18 S partly ||adv. COMMA + ADVERB CLAUSE
20 S effects ||n.||pl.
19 20 through effects <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 21 S on ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
22 S the ||+def. art.
23 S visual ||a.
24 S pigments ||n.||pl.
21 24 on the visual pigments <-----preposition p="" phrase="">FIX nPH AND/OR nPH at PARSEEEE
25 SRN and ||+conj.
26 S the ||+def. art.
27 S cgmp-gated ||a.
28 S channels ||n.||pl.
24 28 pigments and the cgmp-gated channels <-----preposition p="" phrase="">