Friday, 17 July 2015

LANGANA-e English to Turkish translation algorithm examples

        0 .S light ||n.  SUBJECT0       
0 0 light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">                    1 S entering ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Entered||p. pr. & vb. n. Entering||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
                    2 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 1                                       
                    3 S cornea ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 2                                       
1 3 entering the cornea <-----fragment clause="" p="">               4 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.  VERB0
               5 S projected ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Projected||p. pr. & vb. n. Projecting||v. i.  VERB0
                    6 S onto ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    7 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    8 S back ||n.                    
                    9 S of ||prep.                    
                    10 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    11 S eye ||n.                    
6 11 onto the back of the eye <-----preposition p="" phrase="">12 ,S where ||+conj.
        13 S it ||nom. pron.  SUBJECT0
               14 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.  VERB0
               15 S converted ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Converted||p. pr. & vb. n. Converting||v. i.  VERB0
                    16 S into ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    17 S an ||+indef. art.                    
                    18 SRN electrical ||a.                    
                    19 S signal ||n.                    
16 19 into an electrical signal <-----preposition p="" phrase="">                    20 S by ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    21 S a ||+indef. art.                    
                    22 S specialized ||a.                    
                    23 S sensory ||a.                    
                    24 S organ ||n.                    
20 24 by a specialized sensory organ <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
        25 ,S the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT0       
        26 S retina ||n.  SUBJECT1       
25 26 the retina <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">******************************************************************************
Light entering the cornea is projected onto the back of the eye,
Light entering the cornea --- onto the back of the eye --- is projected
Korneaya giren ışık --- gözün arkasına --- projeksiyon edilir

where it is converted into an electrical signal by a specialized sensory organ, the retina.
where --- the retina --- by a specialized sensory organ --- into an electrical signal --- it is converted
orada --- retina, --- özelleşmiş bir organ tarafından --- bir elektrik işaretine --- çevrilir.
        0 .S the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT0       
        1 S next ||adv. placetime  SUBJECT1       
        2 S three ||a.  SUBJECT2       
        3 S chapters ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT3       
0 3 the next three chapters <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">               4 S explain ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Explained()||p. pr. & vb. n. Explaining||v. i.  VERB0
                    5 ,S in ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    6 S cell-physiological ||a.                    
                    7 S terms ||n.||pl.                    
5 7 in cell-physiological terms <-----preposition p="" phrase="">8 ,SRN how ||+conj.
                    9 S processing ||v. t.||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
9 9 processing <-----fragment clause="" p="">                    10 S in ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    11 S higher ||a.                    
                    12 S centers ||n.||pl.                    
10 12 in higher centers <-----preposition p="" phrase="">               13 S underlies ||v. t.||v. i.||present t.  VERB0
        14 S the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT0       
        15 S perception ||n.  SUBJECT1       
        16 S of ||prep.  SUBJECT2       
        17 S form ||n.  SUBJECT3       
        18 ,S motion ||n.  SUBJECT4       
14 18 the perception of form motion <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">FIX nPH AND/OR nPH at PARSEEEE
        19 ,S and ||+conj.  SUBJECT4       
        20 S color ||n.  SUBJECT4       
19 20 and color <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">*********************************************************
The next three chapters --- explain, --- in cell-physiological terms, --- how --- processing --- in higher centers --- underlies --- the perception of form, motion, and color.
The next three chapters --- how --- the perception of form, motion, and color. --- in higher centers --- processing --- in cell-physiological terms --- explain
Gelecek üç bölüm --- nasıl --- şekil, hareket ve rengin algılamasının --- daha yüksek merkezlerde --- işlenişini --- hücre-yapısal terimlerde --- açıklar.

nasıl şekil, hareket ve rengin algılamasının daha yüksek merkezlerde işlenişini
ilk önce
        1 ,S it ||nom. pron.  SUBJECT0
               2 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.  VERB0
                    3 S useful ||a.  OBJECT0                   
3 3 useful <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">o kullanışlıdır
                    4 S for ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
                    5 S understanding ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Understood||p. pr. & vb. n. Understanding||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 1                   
                    6 S sensory ||a. ---->FRAGMENT 2                                       
                    7 S transduction ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 3                                       
4 7 for understanding sensory transduction <-----fragment br="" clause="">sens tr U anlamak için
                    8 S in ||prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    9 S general ||a.                    
8 9 in general <-----preposition br="" phrase="">genel olarak
10 S because ||+conj.  CONJUNCT CLAUSE BECAUSE
        11 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT0       
11 11 photoreceptors <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">photoreceptorlar

                    12 S in ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    13 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    14 S retina ||n.                    
12 14 in the retina <-----preposition br="" phrase="">retinada

               15 S are ||+reg. v.  VERB0
16 SRN perhaps ||adv.
                    17 S the ||+def. art.  OBJECT0                   
                    18 S best ||n.  OBJECT1                   
17 18 the best <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">en iyi

               19 S understood ||+irreg. v. imp.||+irreg. v. participle  VERB0

20 S of ||+prep.
                    21 S all ||a.                    
                    22 S sensory ||a.                    
                    23 S cells ||n.||pl.                    
20 23 of all sensory cells <-----preposition br="" phrase="">bütün algısal hücrelerin
First, --- it is useful --- for understanding sensory transduction --- in general
first  --- in general --- for understanding sensory transduction --- it --- is useful
ilk önce --- genel olarak --- sens tr'u anlamak için --- o --- kullanışlıdır
because --- photoreceptors --- in the retina --- are --- perhaps --- the best --- understood ---of all sensory cells
because --- photoreceptors --- in the retina --- of all sensory cells ---  perhaps --- are --- the best --- understood
çünkü --- retina içindeki --- photorceptorlar --- bütün hücrelerin --- belki de --- en iyi --- anlaşılmışlarıdır.
                    0 .S at ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    1 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    2 S same ||a.                    
                    3 S time ||n.                    
0 3 at the same time <-----preposition br="" phrase="">aynı zamanda
        4 ,S the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT0       
        5 S retina ||n.  SUBJECT1       
4 5 the retina <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">retina
               6 SRN is ||+reg. v.||v. i.  VERB0
7 S relatively ||adv.
                    8 S simple ||a.  OBJECT0                   
8 8 simple <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">göreli basittir
                    9 S compared ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Compared||p. pr. & vb. n. Comparing||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
9 9 compared <-----fragment br="" clause="">karşılaştığında
                    10 S with ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    11 S other ||a.                    
                    12 S brain ||n.                    
                    13 S regions ||n.||pl.                    
10 13 with other brain regions <-----preposition br="" phrase="">beynin diğer bölgeleri ile
 At the same time, --- the retina --- is --- relatively --- simple --- compared --- with other brain regions
 At the same time, --- the retina --- with other brain regions --- compared --- relatively --- simple  --- is
 Aynı zamanda, --- retina --- beynin diğer bölgeleri ile --- karşılaştığında --- göreli --- basittir.
        0 .S it ||nom. pron.  SUBJECT0
               1 S contains ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Contained||p. pr. & vb. n. Containing||v. i.||present t.  VERB0
2 S only ||adv. manner
                    3 S five ||a.  OBJECT0                   
                    4 S major ||a.  OBJECT1                   
                    5 S classes ||n.||pl.  OBJECT2                   
                    6 S of ||+prep.  OBJECT3                   
                    7 S neurons ||n.||pl.  OBJECT4                   
3 7 five major classes of neurons <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> FRAGMENT CLAUSE PUNCTUATION opening---> ,
                    8 ,S linked ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Linked||p. pr. & vb. n. Linking||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
8 8 linked <-----fragment clause="" p="">                    9 S in ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    10 S an ||+indef. art.                    
                    11 S intricate ||a.                    
                    12 S pattern ||n.                    
                    13 S of ||+prep.                    
                    14 S connections ||n.||pl.                    
9 14 in an intricate pattern of connections <-----preposition p="" phrase="">15 S but ||conj.  CONJUNCT CLAUSE BUT
                    16 S with ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    17 S an ||+indef. art.                    
                    18 S orderly ||adv. manner                    
16 18 with an orderly <-----preposition p="" phrase="">        19 ,SRN layered ||a.  SUBJECT0       
        20 S anatomical ||a.  SUBJECT1       
        21 S arrangement ||n.  SUBJECT2       
19 21 layered anatomical arrangement <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">***********************************************************
It contains only five major classes of neurons, linked in an intricate pattern of connections but with an orderly, layered anatomical arrangement.
It --- contains --- only --- five major classes of neurons, ---
It --- only --- five major classes of neurons, --- contains
O nöronların yalnız 5 ana sınıfını içerir
linked --- in an intricate pattern of connections --- but --- with an orderly, --- layered anatomical arrangement.
in an intricate pattern of connections --- linked --- but --- with an orderly, --- layered anatomical arrangement.
bağlantıların karışık bir deseni içinde --- bağlanmış --- fakat --- düzenli, --- tabakalı bir anatomik aranjman --- ile.
                    0 .S in ||prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    1 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    2 S second ||n.                    
0 2 in the second <-----preposition p="" phrase="">        3 S we ||nom. pron.  SUBJECT0
               4 S consider ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Considered||p. pr. & vb. n. Considering||v. i.  VERB0
5 S how ||conj.
        6 S these ||a.  SUBJECT0       
        7 S signals ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT1       
6 7 these signals <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">               8 S are ||+reg. v.  VERB0
               9 S shaped ||v. t.||imp.||p. p. Shaped||p. pr. & vb. n. Shaping||v. i.  VERB0
                    10 S by ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    11 S other ||a.                    
                    12 S retinal ||a.                    
                    13 S neurons ||n.||pl.                    
10 13 by other retinal neurons <-----preposition p="" phrase="">                    14 S before ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
                    15 S being ||v. i.||p. pr. & vb. n. Being ---->FRAGMENT 1                   
                    16 S sent ||+irreg. v. imp. ---->FRAGMENT 2                   
14 16 before being sent <-----fragment clause="" p="">                    17 S to ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    18 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    19 S brain ||n.                    
17 19 to the brain <-----preposition p="" phrase="">20 S and ||+conj.
21 RN how ||conj.
        22 S synaptic ||a.  SUBJECT0       
        23 S connections ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT1       
22 23 synaptic connections <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">                    24 S among ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    25 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    26 S retinal ||a.                    
                    27 S neurons ||n.||pl.                    
24 27 among the retinal neurons <-----preposition p="" phrase="">               28 S are ||+reg. v.  VERB0
               29 S organized ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Organized||p. pr. & vb. n. Organizing  VERB0
30 S to ||to-inf.  INFINITIVE TO
31 S accomplish ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Accomplished||p. pr. & vb. n. Accomplishing||v.  INFINITIVE VERB
                    32 S this ||a.  OBJECT0                   
                    33 S processing ||n.  OBJECT1                   
32 33 this processing <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">******************************************************
In the second --- we --- consider --- how --- these signals --- are shaped --- by other retinal neurons --- before being sent --- to the brain ---
and --- how --- synaptic connections --- among the retinal neurons --- are organized --- to accomplish --- this processing
İkincide --- biz --- beyne --- gönderilmeden önce --- nasıl --- diğer retinal nöronları tarafından --- bu işaretlerin --- şekillendirildiğini --- dikkate alacağız
ve --- nasıl --- bu işleyişi --- başarmak için --- retinal nöronlar arasında --- synaptik bağlantıların --- organize edildiğini.
                    0 .S before ||+adv. time ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
                    1 S discussing ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Discussed||p. pr. & vb. n. Discussing ---->FRAGMENT 1                   
                    2 S phototransduction ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 2                                       
1 2 before discussing phototransduction <-----fragment clause="" p="">3 ,S however ||adv. manner  COMMA + ADVERB CLAUSE
        4 ,S we ||+nom. pron.  SUBJECT0
               5 S shall ||mod. present  VERB0
               6 S review ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Review||p. pr. & vb. n. Reveiwing||v. i.  VERB0
                    7 S the ||+def. art.  OBJECT0                   
                    8 SRN organization ||n.  OBJECT1                   
                    9 S of ||prep.  OBJECT2                   
                    10 S the ||+def. art.  OBJECT3                   
                    11 S retina ||n.  OBJECT4                   
7 11 the organization of the retina <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">FIX nPH AND/OR nPH at PARSEEEE
                    12 S and ||+conj.  OBJECT4                   
                    13 S the ||+def. art.  OBJECT4                   
                    14 S basic ||a.  OBJECT4                   
                    15 S physiological ||a.  OBJECT4                   
                    16 S properties ||n.||pl.  OBJECT4                   
                    17 S of ||+prep.  OBJECT4                   
                    18 S the ||+def. art.  OBJECT4                   
                    19 S photoreceptor ||n.  OBJECT4                   
                    20 S cells ||n.||pl.  OBJECT4                   
12 20 and the basic physiological properties of the photoreceptor cells <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">**************************************************************************
Before discussing phototransduction,
however, we shall review the organization of the retina and the basic physiological properties of the photoreceptor cells
Before discussing phototransduction,---
however --- we --- the organization of the retina --- and --- the basic physiological properties of the photoreceptor cells --- shall review
fototransduksiyonu tartışmadan önce, ---
yine de --- biz --- retinanın organizasyonunu --- ve --- fotoreceptor hücrelerinin temel fizyolojik özelliklerini --- gözden geçirmeliyiz
0 .S as ||conj.
        1 S a ||+indef. art.  SUBJECT0       
        2 S result ||n.  SUBJECT1       
1 2 a result <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
        3 ,S the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT0       
        4 S visual ||a.  SUBJECT1       
        5 S image ||n.  SUBJECT2       
3 5 the visual image <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">                    6 S received ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Received||p. pr. & vb. n. Receiving||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
6 6 received <-----fragment clause="" p="">                    7 S at ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    8 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    9 S foveola ||n.                    
7 9 at the foveola <-----preposition p="" phrase="">               10 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.  VERB0
                    11 S the ||+def. art.  OBJECT0                   
                    12 S least ||adv. manner  OBJECT1                   
11 12 the least <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">13 S distorted ||a.
As a result, --- the visual image --- received --- at the foveola --- is the least distorted.
As a result, --- at the foveola --- received --- the visual image --- is the least distorted.
Bir sonuç olarak, ---  foveolada --- alınan --- görsel imaj --- en az bozulmuş olandır.
        0 .S light ||n.  SUBJECT0       
0 0 light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">               1 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.  VERB0
               2 S focused ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Focused||p. pr. & vb. n. Focusing  VERB0
                    3 S by ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    4 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    5 S cornea ||n.                    
3 5 by the cornea <-----preposition p="" phrase="">FIX nPH AND/OR nPH at PARSEEEE
                    6 S and ||+conj.                    
                    7 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    8 S lens ||n.                    
5 8 cornea and the lens <-----preposition p="" phrase="">9 ,S then ||+adv. manner  COMMA + ADVERB CLAUSE
               10 S traverses ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Traversed||p. pr. & vb. n. Traversing||v. i.||present t.  VERB0
                    11 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    12 S vitreous ||a.                    
                    13 SRN humor ||n.                    
10 13 traverses the vitreous humor <-----preposition p="" phrase="">14 S that ||+conj.  CONJUNCT CLAUSE THAT
               15 S fills ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Filled||p. pr. & vb. n. Filling||v. i.||present t.  VERB0
                    16 S the ||+def. art.  OBJECT0                   
                    17 S eye ||n.  OBJECT1                   
                    18 S cavity ||n.  OBJECT2                   
16 18 the eye cavity <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">                    19 S before ||adv. time ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
                    20 S reaching ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reached||p. pr. & vb. n. Reaching ---->FRAGMENT 1                   
                    21 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl. ---->FRAGMENT 2                                       
19 21 before reaching photoreceptors <-----fragment clause="" p="">                    22 S in ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    23 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    24 S retina ||n.                    
22 24 in the retina <-----preposition p="" phrase="">25 S( figure ||n.
        26 S 26-1 ||n.  SUBJECT0       
26 26 26-1 <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">************************************************************************
Light --- is focused --- by the cornea and the lens, ---
then --- traverses --- the vitreous humor --- that --- fills --- the eye cavity --- before reaching photoreceptors --- in the retina.
Light --- by the cornea and the lens, --- is focused
then --- in the retina. --- before reaching photoreceptors --- that --- the eye cavity  --- fills --- the vitreous humor --- traverses
Işık --- kornea ve mercekte --- odaklanır, ---
daha sonra  --- retina içinde --- fotoreseptorlere erişmeden önce --- göz boşluğunu --- dolduran --- vitreous humoru --- aşar.
        0 .S cells ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT0       
0 0 cells <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">                    1 S in ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    2 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    3 S pigment ||n.                    
                    4 S epithelium ||n.                    
1 4 in the pigment epithelium <-----preposition p="" phrase="">               5 S are ||+reg. v.  VERB0
               6 S filled ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Filled||p. pr. & vb. n. Filling||v. i.  VERB0
                    7 S with ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    8 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    9 S black ||a.                    
                    10 S pigment ||n.                    
                    11 S melanin ||n.                    
7 11 with the black pigment melanin <-----preposition p="" phrase="">12 ,S which ||relative pron.  CONJUNCT CLAUSE WHICH
               13 S absorbs ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Absorbed||p. pr. & vb. n. Absorbing||present t.  VERB0
        14 S any ||a.  SUBJECT0       
        15 S light ||n.  SUBJECT1       
14 15 any light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">                    16 S not ||+adv. manner ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
                    17 S captured ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Captured||p. pr. & vb. n. Capturing ---->FRAGMENT 1                   
                    18 S by ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 2                   
                    19 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 3                                       
                    20 S retina ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 4                                       
16 20 not captured by the retina <-----fragment br="" clause="">*************************************************************
Cells --- in the pigment epithelium --- are filled --- with the black pigment melanin,--- which --- absorbs --- any light --- not captured by the retina
Pigment epithelium içinde --- hücreler --- siyah pigment melanin ile --- doldurulur, --- retina tarafından yakalanmamış --- herhangi bir ışığı --- yakalayan.
        0 .S this ||nom. pron.  SUBJECT0
               1 S prevents ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Prevented||p. pr. & vb. n. Preventing||v. i.||present t.  VERB0
                    2 S light ||n.  OBJECT0                   
2 2 light <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">                    3 S from ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
                    4 S being ||v. i.||p. pr. & vb. n. Being ---->FRAGMENT 1                   
                    5 SRN reflected ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reflected||p. pr. & vb. n. Reflecting||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 2                   
3 5 from being reflected <-----fragment clause="" p="">                    6 S off ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    7 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    8 S back ||n.                    
                    9 S of ||prep.                    
                    10 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    11 S eye ||n.                    
6 11 off the back of the eye <-----preposition p="" phrase="">                    12 S to ||prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    13 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    14 S retina ||n.                    
12 14 to the retina <-----preposition p="" phrase="">15 S again ||adv.
        16 S( which ||+nom. pron.  SUBJECT0
               17 S would ||mod. past  VERB0
               18 S degrade ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Degraded||p. pr. & vb. n. Degrading||v. i.  VERB0
                    19 S the ||+def. art.  OBJECT0                   
                    20 S visual ||a.  OBJECT1                   
                    21 S image ||n.  OBJECT2                   
19 21 the visual image <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">************************************************************
This --- prevents --- light --- from being reflected --- off the back of the eye --- to the retina --- again ---(which --- would degrade --- the visual image
This --- light --- off the back of the eye --- to the retina --- again --- prevents
Bu --- ışığın --- tekrar --- retinaya --- gözün arkasından  --- yansıtılmasını engeller (görsel imajı bozacaktı)
0 .S therefore ||adv. manner  INITIAL ADVERB WITH COMMA
        1 ,S light ||n.  SUBJECT0       
1 1 light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">               2 S must ||mod. present  VERB0
               3 S travel ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Traveled||p. pr. & vb. n. Traveling||v. t.  VERB0
                    4 S through ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    5 S layers ||n.||pl.                    
                    6 S of ||+prep.                    
                    7 S other ||a.                    
                    8 S retinal ||a.                    
                    9 S neurons ||n.||pl.                    
4 9 through layers of other retinal neurons <-----preposition p="" phrase="">                    10 S before ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
                    11 S striking ||v. t.||imp.||p. p. Struck||p. pr. & vb. n. Striking||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 1                   
                    12 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 2                                       
                    13 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl. ---->FRAGMENT 3                                       
10 13 before striking the photoreceptors <-----fragment br="" clause="">********************************************************************
 Therefore, --- light --- must travel --- through layers of other retinal neurons --- before striking the photoreceptors
 Therefore, --- light --- --- before striking the photoreceptors --- through layers of other retinal neurons --- must travel
 Bundan dolayı, --- ışık --- fotoreseptorlara çarpmadan önce --- diğer retinal nöronların tabakaları içinden --- geçmek zorundadır.
0 .S to ||to-inf.  INFINITIVE TO
1 S allow ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Allowed||p. pr. & vb. n. Allowing||v. i.  INFINITIVE VERB
                    2 S light ||n.                    
2 2 to allow light <-----infinitive p="" phrase="">3 S to ||to-inf.  INFINITIVE TO
4 S reach ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reached||p. pr. & vb. n. Reaching  INFINITIVE VERB
                    5 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    6 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl.                    
5 6 to reach the photoreceptors <-----infinitive p="" phrase="">                    7 S without ||prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
                    8 SRN being ||v. i.||p. pr. & vb. n. Being ---->FRAGMENT 1                   
                    9 S absorbed ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Absorbed||p. pr. & vb. n. Absorbing||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 2                   
                    10 S or ||+conj. ---->FRAGMENT 3                   
                    11 S greatly ||+adv. manner ---->FRAGMENT 4                   
7 11 without being absorbed or greatly <-----fragment clause="" p="">                    12 S scattered ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Scattered||p. pr. & vb. n. Scattering||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
12 12 scattered <-----fragment clause="" p="">        13 S( which ||+nom. pron.  SUBJECT0
               14 S would ||mod. past  VERB0
               15 S distort ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Distorted||p. pr. & vb. n. Distorting  VERB0
                    16 S the ||+def. art.  OBJECT0                   
                    17 S visual ||a.  OBJECT1                   
                    18 S image ||n.  OBJECT2                   
16 18 the visual image <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
        19 ),S the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT0       
        20 S axons ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT1       
        21 S of ||prep.  SUBJECT2       
        22 S neurons ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT3       
19 22 the axons of neurons <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">                    23 S in ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    24 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    25 S proximal ||a.                    
                    26 S layers ||n.||pl.                    
                    27 S of ||+prep.                    
                    28 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    29 S retina ||n.                    
23 29 in the proximal layers of the retina <-----preposition p="" phrase="">               30 S are ||+reg. v.  VERB0
                    31 S unmyelinated ||n.  OBJECT0                   
31 31 unmyelinated <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">32 S so ||+conj.
33 S that ||+conj.
        34 S these ||a.  SUBJECT0       
        35 SRN layers ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT1       
        36 S of ||+prep.  SUBJECT2       
        37 S cells ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT3       
34 37 these layers of cells <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">               38 S are ||+reg. v.  VERB0
39 S relatively ||adv.
40 S transparent ||adv.
 To allow light --- to reach the photoreceptors --- without being absorbed or greatly --- scattered ---

Büyük ölçüde dağılmadan veya emilmeden fotoreseptörlere ulaşması için ışığa izin vermek için
Işığın --- büyük ölçüde dağılmadan veya emilmeden --- fotoreseptörlere ulaşmasına izin vermek için   <====================
 (which --- would distort --- the visual image),
 (görsel imajı --- bozacaktır)

 the axons of neurons --- in the proximal layers of the retina --- are unmyelinated ---
 nöronların axonları --- retinanın proximal tabakaları içinde --- unmyelinatedtırlar

 so that --- these layers of cells --- are --- relatively --- transparent.
 böylece --- bu hücre tabakaları --- göreli --- saydam --- olurlar.
0 .S moreover ||+adv. manner  INITIAL ADVERB WITH COMMA
                    1 ,S in ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    2 S one ||a.                    
                    3 S region ||n.                    
                    4 S of ||+prep.                    
                    5 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    6 S retina ||n.                    
1 6 in one region of the retina <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
        7 ,S the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT0       
        8 S fovea ||n.  SUBJECT1       
7 8 the fovea <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
        9 ,S the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT0       
        10 S cell ||n.  SUBJECT1       
        11 S bodies ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT2       
        12 S of ||+prep.  SUBJECT3       
        13 S the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT4       
        14 S proximal ||a.  SUBJECT5       
        15 S retinal ||a.  SUBJECT6       
        16 S neurons ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT7       
9 16 the cell bodies of the proximal retinal neurons <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">               17 S are ||+reg. v.  VERB0
               18 S shifted ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Shifted||p. pr. & vb. n. Shifting||v. i.  VERB0
                    19 S to ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    20 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    21 S side ||n.                    
19 21 to the side <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> FRAGMENT CLAUSE PUNCTUATION opening---> ,
                    22 ,SRN enabling ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Enabled||p. pr. & vb. n. Enabling ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
                    23 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 1                                       
                    24 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl. ---->FRAGMENT 2                                       
22 24 enabling the photoreceptors <-----fragment clause="" p="">25 S there ||+adv. place
26 S to ||to-inf.  INFINITIVE TO
27 S receive ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Received||p. pr. & vb. n. Receiving||v. i.  INFINITIVE VERB
                    28 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    29 S visual ||a.                    
                    30 S image ||n.                    
28 30 to receive the visual image <-----infinitive p="" phrase="">                    31 S in ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    32 S its ||+poss. det.                    
                    33 S least ||adv. manner                    
                    34 S distorted ||a.                    
                    35 S form ||n.                    
31 35 in its least distorted form <-----preposition p="" phrase="">36 S( figure ||n.
        37 S 26-1 ||n.  SUBJECT0       
37 37 26-1 <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">***********************************************
. Moreover, --- in one region of the retina, --- the fovea, ---
Dahası, --- retinanın bir bölgesinde, --- fovea,
the cell bodies of the proximal retinal neurons --- are shifted --- to the side,
 proximal retinal nöronların hücre gövdeleri --- kenara --- itilir

enabling the photoreceptors --- there --- to receive the visual image --- in its least distorted form (Figure 26-1
en az bozulmuş şeklinde --- görsel imajı almak için --- fotoreseptorlara izin vererek
        0 ).S this ||a.  SUBJECT0       
        1 S shifting ||n.  SUBJECT1       
0 1 this shifting <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">               2 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.  VERB0
3 S most ||adv. manner
                    4 S pronounced ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Pronounced||p. pr. & vb. n. Pronounging||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
4 4 pronounced <-----fragment clause="" p="">                    5 S at ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    6 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    7 S center ||n.                    
                    8 S of ||prep.                    
                    9 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    10 S fovea ||n.                    
5 10 at the center of the fovea <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
        11 ,S the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT0       
        12 SRN foveola ||n.  SUBJECT1       
11 12 the foveola <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">**************************************************
This shifting --- is --- most --- pronounced --- at the center of the fovea,--- the foveola.
Bu kayma --- foveanın merkezinde --- en çok belirginleşir, --- foveola.
        0 .S the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT0       
        1 S retina ||n.  SUBJECT1       
0 1 the retina <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">2 S also ||adv. manner
               3 S contains ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Contained||p. pr. & vb. n. Containing||v. i.||present t.  VERB0
                    4 S a ||+indef. art.  OBJECT0                   
                    5 S region ||n.  OBJECT1                   
4 5 a region <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">                    6 S called ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
                    7 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 1                                       
                    8 S optic ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 2                                       
                    9 S disc ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 3                                       
6 9 called the optic disc <-----fragment clause="" p="">10 ,SRN where ||+conj.
        11 S the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT0       
        12 S optic ||n.  SUBJECT1       
        13 S nerve ||n.  SUBJECT2       
        14 S fibers ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT3       
11 14 the optic nerve fibers <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">               15 S leave ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Leaved||p. pr. & vb. n. Leaving||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Left||p. pr. & vb. n. Leaving  VERB0
                    16 S the ||+def. art.  OBJECT0                   
                    17 S retina ||n.  OBJECT1                   
16 17 the retina <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">*********************************************************
The retina --- also --- contains --- a region --- called the optic disc,
Retina --- optik disk denilen --- bir bölgeye --- de --- sahiptir
--- where --- the optic nerve fibers --- leave --- the retina.
optik sinir liflerinin --- retinayı --- terk ettiği --- yerde ---
Retina optik sinir liflerinin retinayı terk ettiği yerde --- optik disk denilen bir bölgeye de sahiptir.
        0 ).RNRN the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT0       
        1 S most ||adv. manner  SUBJECT1       
        2 S important ||a.  SUBJECT2       
        3 S factors ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT3       
0 3 the most important factors <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">4 S that ||+conj.  CONJUNCT CLAUSE THAT
               5 S contribute ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Contributed||p. pr. & vb. n. Contributing||v. i.  VERB0
                    6 S to ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    7 S these ||a.                    
                    8 S differences ||n.||pl.                    
6 8 to these differences <-----preposition p="" phrase="">               9 S are ||+reg. v.  VERB0
               10 S summarized ||v. t.  VERB0
                    11 S in ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    12 S table ||n.                    
                    13 S 26-1 ||n.                    
11 13 in table 26-1 <-----preposition p="" phrase="">14 S and ||+conj.
                    15 S discussed ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Discussed||p. pr. & vb. n. Discussing ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
15 15 discussed <-----fragment clause="" p="">16 S next ||prep.
  The most important factors --- that --- contribute --- to these differences --- are summarized --- in Table 26-1 --- and --- discussed --- next
Bu farklılıklara --- katkı yapan --- en önemli unsurlar --- tablo 26-1 içinde --- özetlenmiştir --- ve --- sonra --- tartışılmıştır.
 Rods Detect Dim Light; Rods contain more photosensitive visual pigment than cones, enabling them to capture more light
        0 .RNRN rods ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT0       
0 0 rods <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">               1 S detect ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Detected||p. pr. & vb. n. Detecting  VERB0
                    2 S dim ||a.  OBJECT0                   
                    3 S light ||n.  OBJECT1                   
2 3 dim light <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">
        4 RN; rods ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT0       
4 4 rods <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">               5 S contain ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Contained||p. pr. & vb. n. Containing||v. i.  VERB0
6 S more ||adv. manner
                    7 S photosensitive ||a.  OBJECT0                   
                    8 S visual ||a.  OBJECT1                   
                    9 S pigment ||n.  OBJECT2                   
7 9 photosensitive visual pigment <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">                    10 S than ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    11 S cones ||n.||pl.                    
10 11 than cones <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> FRAGMENT CLAUSE PUNCTUATION opening---> ,
                    12 ,S enabling ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Enabled||p. pr. & vb. n. Enabling ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
                    13 S them ||+obliq. pron. ---->FRAGMENT 1                   
12 13 enabling them <-----fragment clause="" p="">                    14 S to ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    15 S capture ||n.                    
                    16 S more ||a.                    
                    17 S light ||n.                    
14 17 to capture more light <-----preposition br="" phrase="">*******************************************************************
Rods --- Detect --- Dim Light; --- Rods --- contain --- more --- photosensitive visual pigment --- than cones, --- enabling them --- to capture more light ---
Rods -- hafif ışığı --- algılar; --- Rods --- conelardan --- daha çok --- fotosensitiv görsel pigment --- içerir, onların daha çok ışık almasını sağlayarak.
0 .S second ||a.||adv.  INITIAL ADVERB WITH COMMA
        1 ,S cones ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT0       
1 1 cones <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">               2 S are ||+reg. v.  VERB0
               3 S concentrated ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Concentrated||p. pr. & vb. n. Concentrating||v. i.  VERB0
                    4 S in ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    5 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    6 S fovea ||n.                    
4 6 in the fovea <-----preposition p="" phrase="">7 ,S where ||+conj.
        8 S the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT0       
        9 S visual ||a.  SUBJECT1       
        10 SRN image ||n.  SUBJECT2       
8 10 the visual image <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">               11 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i.  VERB0
12 S least ||adv. manner
                    13 S distorted ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Distorted||p. pr. & vb. n. Distorting ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
13 13 distorted <-----fragment br="" clause="">***********************************************************************
Second, --- cones --- are concentrated --- in the fovea, --- where --- the visual image --- is --- least --- distorted.
İkinci, --- konelar --- görsel imajın --- en az bozulduğu --- yerde, --- foveada --- yoğunlaşırlar.
        1 S light ||n.  SUBJECT0       
1 1 light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">               2 S strikes ||v. t.||imp.||p. p. Struck||p. pr. & vb. n. Striking||v. i.||present t.  VERB0
                    3 S the ||+def. art.  OBJECT0                   
                    4 S photoreceptor ||n.  OBJECT1                   
3 4 the photoreceptor <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">                    5 S( illustrated ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Illustrated||p. pr. & vb. n. Illustrating ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
                    6 S here ||+adv. place ---->FRAGMENT 1                   
                    7 S by ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 2                   
                    8 S a ||+indef. art. ---->FRAGMENT 3                                       
                    9 S rod ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 4                                       
                    10 S cell ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 5                                       
5 10 illustrated here by a rod cell <-----fragment clause="" p="">                    11 )S the ||+def. art.                    
                    12 S cgmp-gated ||a.                    
                    13 S channels ||n.||pl.                    
10 13 cell the cgmp-gated channels <-----preposition p="" phrase="">               14 S are ||+reg. v.  VERB0
15 S closed ||adv.
16 S by ||adv.
                    17 S a ||+indef. art.                    
                    18 S three-step ||n.                    
                    19 S process ||n.                    
16 19 by a three-step process <-----preposition br="" phrase="">*************************************************************
 When --- light --- strikes --- the photoreceptor --- (illustrated here by a rod cell) --- the cGMP-gated channels are closed by a three-step process

 Işık --- fotoreseptorlere --- çarptığı --- zaman --- cGMP-kapılı kanallar --- üç adımlı bir süreç tarafından --- kapatılır.
        0 .RNRN the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT0       
        1 S pattern ||n.  SUBJECT1       
        2 S of ||prep.  SUBJECT2       
        3 S synaptic ||a.  SUBJECT3       
        4 S connections ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT4       
0 4 the pattern of synaptic connections <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">                    5 S in ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    6 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    7 S retina ||n.                    
5 7 in the retina <-----preposition p="" phrase="">               8 S explains ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Explained()||p. pr. & vb. n. Explaining||v. i.||present t.  VERB0
9 S how ||+conj.
        10 S the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT0       
        11 S various ||a.  SUBJECT1       
        12 S responses ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT2       
        13 S of ||+prep.  SUBJECT3       
        14 S ganglion ||n.  SUBJECT4       
        15 S cells ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT5       
10 15 the various responses of ganglion cells <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">               16 S arise ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. i.||imp.||p. pr. & vb. n. Arising||p. p. Arisen  VERB0
 The pattern of synaptic connections --- in the retina --- explains --- how --- the various responses of ganglion cells --- arise.
 REtinada --- Sinaptik bağlantıların desenleri --- nasıl --- ganglion hücrelerinin çeşitli yanıtlarının --- ayağa kalktığını açıklar. <====
                    0 .S unlike ||+prep.||a.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    1 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl.                    
0 1 unlike photoreceptors <-----preposition p="" phrase="">2 ,S which ||relative pron.  CONJUNCT CLAUSE WHICH
               3 S respond ||v. t.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Responded||p. pr. & vb. n. Responding  VERB0
                    4 S to ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    5 S light ||n.                    
4 5 to light <-----preposition p="" phrase="">                    6 S with ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0                   
                    7 S graded ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Graded||p. pr. & vb. n. Grading ---->FRAGMENT 1                   
                    8 S changes ||n.||pl. ---->FRAGMENT 2                                       
6 8 with graded changes <-----fragment clause="" p="">                    9 S in ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    10 S membrane ||n.                    
                    11 S potential ||n.                    
9 11 in membrane potential <-----preposition p="" phrase="">        12 ,SRN ganglion ||n.  SUBJECT0       
        13 S cells ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT1       
12 13 ganglion cells <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">               14 S transmit ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Transmitted||p. pr. & vb. n. Transmitting  VERB0
                    15 S information ||n.  OBJECT0                   
15 15 information <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">                    16 S as ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    17 S trains ||n.||pl.                    
                    18 S of ||+prep.                    
                    19 S action ||n.                    
                    20 S potentials ||n.||pl.                    
16 20 as trains of action potentials <-----preposition br="" phrase="">***********************************************************************
Unlike photoreceptors, --- which --- respond --- to light --- with graded changes --- in membrane potential,
zar potansiyelinde --- dereceli değişikliklerle --- Işığa yanıt veren ,--- Fotoresptorların aksine ,---
ganglion cells --- transmit --- information --- as trains of action potentials.
ganglion hücreleri --- aksiyon potansiyellerinin dizileri şeklinde --- bilgi --- iletirler.
        0 .S the ||+def. art.  SUBJECT0       
        1 S activated ||a.  SUBJECT1       
        2 S pigment ||n.  SUBJECT2       
        3 S molecules ||n.||pl.  SUBJECT3       
0 3 the activated pigment molecules <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">               4 S stimulate ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Stimulated||p. pr. & vb. n. Stimulating  VERB0
                    5 S a ||+indef. art.  OBJECT0                   
                    6 S g ||pn.  OBJECT1                   
                    7 S protein ||n.  OBJECT2                   
                    8 ,S transducin ||n.  OBJECT3                   
5 8 a g protein transducin <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">9 ,S which ||relative pron.  CONJUNCT CLAUSE WHICH
                    10 S in ||+prep.  PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
                    11 S turn ||n.                    
10 11 in turn <-----preposition p="" phrase="">               12 S activates ||v. t.||present t.  VERB0
        13 S a ||+indef. art.  SUBJECT0       
        14 S phosphodiesterase ||n.  SUBJECT1       
13 14 a phosphodiesterase <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">15 S that ||+conj.
        16 S catalyzes ||n.  SUBJECT0       
16 16 catalyzes <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">                    17 S the ||+def. art.                    
                    18 S hydrolysis ||n.                    
                    19 S of ||prep.                    
                    20 SRN cgmp ||n.                    
16 20 catalyzes the hydrolysis of cgmp <-----preposition br="" phrase="">**********************************************************************
The activated pigment molecules --- stimulate --- a G protein, transducin, ---
Aktiflenmiş pigment molekülleri --- bir G protein, transducini --- harekete geçirir ---
which --- in turn --- activates --- a phosphodiesterase --- that --- catalyzes --- the hydrolysis of cGMP.
cGMP'nin hidrolizini --- katalize eden, --- bir phosphodiesterase'ı --- sıra içinde --- harekete geçiren
Aktiflenmiş pigment molekülleri --- cGMP'nin hidrolizini --- katalize eden,
 --- bir phosphodiesterase'ı --- sıra içinde --- harekete geçiren --- bir G protein, transducini --- harekete geçirir ---