First complete translation examples of LANGANA-e.
You may find a comparison of these cases with other (Google, Yandex, Bing)
translation engines at: by Niyazi SARAL.
we are reading the book of politeness
biz kibarlığın kitabını okuyoruz
they are reading the book of politeness
onlar kibarlığın kitabını okuyorlar
she is reading the book of politeness
o kibarlığın kitabını okuyor
i am reading the book of politeness
ben kibarlığın kitabını okuyorum
she could forget the book of politeness
o kibarlığın kitabını unutabilirdi
we are reading the book of politeness
biz kibarlığın kitabını okuyoruz
i was reading the book of politeness
ben kibarlığın kitabını okuyordum
he writes the book of politeness
o kibarlığın kitabını yazar
she will write the book of politeness
o kibarlığın kitabını yazacak
they wrote the book of politeness
onlar kibarlığın kitabını yazdılar
ali had gone
ali gitmişti
she could tell me the future's politeness
o geleceğin kibarlığını bana anlatabilirdi
i have written the book of politeness
ben kibarlığın kitabını yazmışım
she could tell to the lonely man the future's politeness
o geleceğin kibarlığını yalnız ve mutsuz adama anlatabilirdi
she could tell the future's politeness to the lonely man
o yalnız ve mutsuz adama geleceğin kibarlığını anlatabilirdi
they are reading the book of politeness
onlar kibarlığın kitabını okuyorlar
she is reading the book of politeness
o kibarlığın kitabını okuyor
i am reading the book of politeness
ben kibarlığın kitabını okuyorum
ali went to the blue small school
ali mavi küçük okula gitti
ali is reading the book of politeness
ali kibarlığın kitabını okuyor
ali must have studied his lesson hard
ali onun dersini çalışmış olmak zorunda
the little blond boy of the big man went to the small blue house at the corner of the street
büyük adamın küçük sarışın erkek çocuğu sokağın köşesinde küçük mavi eve gitti
the yellow thick book of psychology may have contained valuable information for the students of neurology
psikolojinin sarı renk kalın kitabı sinirbilimin öğrencileri için değerli bilgi içermiş olabilir
the book has been written by the teacher
kitap öğretmen tarafından yazılmış
the book could have been written by the teacher
kitap öğretmen tarafından yazılmış olabilirdi
i forgot to do my homework
ben benim ev ödevimi yapmayı unuttum
i forgot to believe my friend
ben benim arkadaşıma inanmayı unuttum
i began to believe my friend
ben benim arkadaşıma inanmaya başladım
i began to listen my friend
ben benim arkadaşımı dinlemeye başladım
i began to help my friend
ben benim arkadaşıma yardım etmeye başladım
ali read the book of politeness of gentlemen
ali gentlemenin kibarlığının kitabını okudu
ali read the book of their king
ali onların krallarının kitabını okudu
ali read the book of politeness of your king
ali senin kralının kibarlığının kitabını okudu
Friday, 24 July 2015
Friday, 17 July 2015
LANGANA-e English to Turkish translation algorithm examples
0 .S light ||n. SUBJECT0
0 0 light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 1 S entering ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Entered||p. pr. & vb. n. Entering||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0
2 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 1
3 S cornea ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 2
1 3 entering the cornea <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 4 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
5 S projected ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Projected||p. pr. & vb. n. Projecting||v. i. VERB0
7 S the ||+def. art.
8 S back ||n.
9 S of ||prep.
10 S the ||+def. art.
11 S eye ||n.
6 11 onto the back of the eye <-----preposition p="" phrase="">12 ,S where ||+conj.
13 S it ||nom. pron. SUBJECT0
14 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
15 S converted ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Converted||p. pr. & vb. n. Converting||v. i. VERB0
17 S an ||+indef. art.
18 SRN electrical ||a.
19 S signal ||n.
16 19 into an electrical signal <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 20 S by ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
21 S a ||+indef. art.
22 S specialized ||a.
23 S sensory ||a.
24 S organ ||n.
20 24 by a specialized sensory organ <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
25 ,S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
26 S retina ||n. SUBJECT1
25 26 the retina <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">******************************************************************************
Light entering the cornea is projected onto the back of the eye,
Light entering the cornea --- onto the back of the eye --- is projected
Korneaya giren ışık --- gözün arkasına --- projeksiyon edilir-----subject>
where it is converted into an electrical signal by a specialized sensory organ, the retina.
where --- the retina --- by a specialized sensory organ --- into an electrical signal --- it is converted
orada --- retina, --- özelleşmiş bir organ tarafından --- bir elektrik işaretine --- çevrilir.
0 .S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
1 S next ||adv. placetime SUBJECT1
2 S three ||a. SUBJECT2
3 S chapters ||n.||pl. SUBJECT3
0 3 the next three chapters <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 4 S explain ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Explained()||p. pr. & vb. n. Explaining||v. i. VERB0
6 S cell-physiological ||a.
7 S terms ||n.||pl.
5 7 in cell-physiological terms <-----preposition p="" phrase="">8 ,SRN how ||+conj.
9 S processing ||v. t.||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0
9 9 processing <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 10 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
11 S higher ||a.
12 S centers ||n.||pl.
10 12 in higher centers <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 13 S underlies ||v. t.||v. i.||present t. VERB0
14 S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
15 S perception ||n. SUBJECT1
16 S of ||prep. SUBJECT2
17 S form ||n. SUBJECT3
18 ,S motion ||n. SUBJECT4
14 18 the perception of form motion <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">FIX nPH AND/OR nPH at PARSEEEE
19 ,S and ||+conj. SUBJECT4
20 S color ||n. SUBJECT4
19 20 and color <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">*********************************************************
The next three chapters --- explain, --- in cell-physiological terms, --- how --- processing --- in higher centers --- underlies --- the perception of form, motion, and color.
The next three chapters --- how --- the perception of form, motion, and color. --- in higher centers --- processing --- in cell-physiological terms --- explain
Gelecek üç bölüm --- nasıl --- şekil, hareket ve rengin algılamasının --- daha yüksek merkezlerde --- işlenişini --- hücre-yapısal terimlerde --- açıklar.-----subject>
nasıl şekil, hareket ve rengin algılamasının daha yüksek merkezlerde işlenişini
ilk önce
1 ,S it ||nom. pron. SUBJECT0
2 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
3 S useful ||a. OBJECT0
3 3 useful <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">o kullanışlıdır-----object>
4 S for ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0
5 S understanding ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Understood||p. pr. & vb. n. Understanding||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 1
6 S sensory ||a. ---->FRAGMENT 2
7 S transduction ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 3
4 7 for understanding sensory transduction <-----fragment br="" clause="">sens tr U anlamak için-----fragment>
9 S general ||a.
8 9 in general <-----preposition br="" phrase="">genel olarak-----preposition>
10 S because ||+conj. CONJUNCT CLAUSE BECAUSE
11 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl. SUBJECT0
11 11 photoreceptors <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">photoreceptorlar-----subject>
13 S the ||+def. art.
14 S retina ||n.
12 14 in the retina <-----preposition br="" phrase="">retinada-----preposition>
15 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
16 SRN perhaps ||adv.
17 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
18 S best ||n. OBJECT1
17 18 the best <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">en iyi-----object>
19 S understood ||+irreg. v. imp.||+irreg. v. participle VERB0
20 S of ||+prep.
21 S all ||a.
22 S sensory ||a.
23 S cells ||n.||pl.
20 23 of all sensory cells <-----preposition br="" phrase="">bütün algısal hücrelerin
First, --- it is useful --- for understanding sensory transduction --- in general
first --- in general --- for understanding sensory transduction --- it --- is useful
ilk önce --- genel olarak --- sens tr'u anlamak için --- o --- kullanışlıdır-----preposition>
because --- photoreceptors --- in the retina --- are --- perhaps --- the best --- understood ---of all sensory cells
because --- photoreceptors --- in the retina --- of all sensory cells --- perhaps --- are --- the best --- understood
çünkü --- retina içindeki --- photorceptorlar --- bütün hücrelerin --- belki de --- en iyi --- anlaşılmışlarıdır.
1 S the ||+def. art.
2 S same ||a.
3 S time ||n.
0 3 at the same time <-----preposition br="" phrase="">aynı zamanda-----preposition>
4 ,S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
5 S retina ||n. SUBJECT1
4 5 the retina <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">retina-----subject>
6 SRN is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
7 S relatively ||adv.
8 S simple ||a. OBJECT0
8 8 simple <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">göreli basittir-----object>
9 S compared ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Compared||p. pr. & vb. n. Comparing||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0
9 9 compared <-----fragment br="" clause="">karşılaştığında
11 S other ||a.
12 S brain ||n.
13 S regions ||n.||pl.
10 13 with other brain regions <-----preposition br="" phrase="">beynin diğer bölgeleri ile-----preposition>-----fragment>
At the same time, --- the retina --- is --- relatively --- simple --- compared --- with other brain regions
At the same time, --- the retina --- with other brain regions --- compared --- relatively --- simple --- is
Aynı zamanda, --- retina --- beynin diğer bölgeleri ile --- karşılaştığında --- göreli --- basittir.
0 .S it ||nom. pron. SUBJECT0
1 S contains ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Contained||p. pr. & vb. n. Containing||v. i.||present t. VERB0
2 S only ||adv. manner
3 S five ||a. OBJECT0
4 S major ||a. OBJECT1
5 S classes ||n.||pl. OBJECT2
6 S of ||+prep. OBJECT3
7 S neurons ||n.||pl. OBJECT4
3 7 five major classes of neurons <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> FRAGMENT CLAUSE PUNCTUATION opening---> ,
8 ,S linked ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Linked||p. pr. & vb. n. Linking||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0
8 8 linked <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 9 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
10 S an ||+indef. art.
11 S intricate ||a.
12 S pattern ||n.
13 S of ||+prep.
14 S connections ||n.||pl.
9 14 in an intricate pattern of connections <-----preposition p="" phrase="">15 S but ||conj. CONJUNCT CLAUSE BUT
17 S an ||+indef. art.
18 S orderly ||adv. manner
16 18 with an orderly <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 19 ,SRN layered ||a. SUBJECT0
20 S anatomical ||a. SUBJECT1
21 S arrangement ||n. SUBJECT2
19 21 layered anatomical arrangement <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">***********************************************************
It contains only five major classes of neurons, linked in an intricate pattern of connections but with an orderly, layered anatomical arrangement.-----subject>
It --- contains --- only --- five major classes of neurons, ---
It --- only --- five major classes of neurons, --- contains
O nöronların yalnız 5 ana sınıfını içerir
linked --- in an intricate pattern of connections --- but --- with an orderly, --- layered anatomical arrangement.
in an intricate pattern of connections --- linked --- but --- with an orderly, --- layered anatomical arrangement.
bağlantıların karışık bir deseni içinde --- bağlanmış --- fakat --- düzenli, --- tabakalı bir anatomik aranjman --- ile.
1 S the ||+def. art.
2 S second ||n.
0 2 in the second <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 3 S we ||nom. pron. SUBJECT0
4 S consider ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Considered||p. pr. & vb. n. Considering||v. i. VERB0
5 S how ||conj.
6 S these ||a. SUBJECT0
7 S signals ||n.||pl. SUBJECT1
6 7 these signals <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 8 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
9 S shaped ||v. t.||imp.||p. p. Shaped||p. pr. & vb. n. Shaping||v. i. VERB0
11 S other ||a.
12 S retinal ||a.
13 S neurons ||n.||pl.
10 13 by other retinal neurons <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 14 S before ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0
15 S being ||v. i.||p. pr. & vb. n. Being ---->FRAGMENT 1
16 S sent ||+irreg. v. imp. ---->FRAGMENT 2
14 16 before being sent <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 17 S to ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
18 S the ||+def. art.
19 S brain ||n.
17 19 to the brain <-----preposition p="" phrase="">20 S and ||+conj.
21 RN how ||conj.
22 S synaptic ||a. SUBJECT0
23 S connections ||n.||pl. SUBJECT1
22 23 synaptic connections <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 24 S among ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
25 S the ||+def. art.
26 S retinal ||a.
27 S neurons ||n.||pl.
24 27 among the retinal neurons <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 28 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
29 S organized ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Organized||p. pr. & vb. n. Organizing VERB0
30 S to ||to-inf. INFINITIVE TO
31 S accomplish ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Accomplished||p. pr. & vb. n. Accomplishing||v. INFINITIVE VERB
32 S this ||a. OBJECT0
33 S processing ||n. OBJECT1
32 33 this processing <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">******************************************************
In the second --- we --- consider --- how --- these signals --- are shaped --- by other retinal neurons --- before being sent --- to the brain ---
and --- how --- synaptic connections --- among the retinal neurons --- are organized --- to accomplish --- this processing-----object>
İkincide --- biz --- beyne --- gönderilmeden önce --- nasıl --- diğer retinal nöronları tarafından --- bu işaretlerin --- şekillendirildiğini --- dikkate alacağız
ve --- nasıl --- bu işleyişi --- başarmak için --- retinal nöronlar arasında --- synaptik bağlantıların --- organize edildiğini.
0 .S before ||+adv. time ---->FRAGMENT 0
1 S discussing ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Discussed||p. pr. & vb. n. Discussing ---->FRAGMENT 1
2 S phototransduction ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 2
1 2 before discussing phototransduction <-----fragment clause="" p="">3 ,S however ||adv. manner COMMA + ADVERB CLAUSE
4 ,S we ||+nom. pron. SUBJECT0
5 S shall ||mod. present VERB0
6 S review ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Review||p. pr. & vb. n. Reveiwing||v. i. VERB0
7 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
8 SRN organization ||n. OBJECT1
9 S of ||prep. OBJECT2
10 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT3
11 S retina ||n. OBJECT4
7 11 the organization of the retina <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">FIX nPH AND/OR nPH at PARSEEEE
12 S and ||+conj. OBJECT4
13 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT4
14 S basic ||a. OBJECT4
15 S physiological ||a. OBJECT4
16 S properties ||n.||pl. OBJECT4
17 S of ||+prep. OBJECT4
18 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT4
19 S photoreceptor ||n. OBJECT4
20 S cells ||n.||pl. OBJECT4
12 20 and the basic physiological properties of the photoreceptor cells <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">**************************************************************************
Before discussing phototransduction,
however, we shall review the organization of the retina and the basic physiological properties of the photoreceptor cells
Before discussing phototransduction,---
however --- we --- the organization of the retina --- and --- the basic physiological properties of the photoreceptor cells --- shall review
fototransduksiyonu tartışmadan önce, ---
yine de --- biz --- retinanın organizasyonunu --- ve --- fotoreceptor hücrelerinin temel fizyolojik özelliklerini --- gözden geçirmeliyiz
0 .S as ||conj.
1 S a ||+indef. art. SUBJECT0
2 S result ||n. SUBJECT1
1 2 a result <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
3 ,S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
4 S visual ||a. SUBJECT1
5 S image ||n. SUBJECT2
3 5 the visual image <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 6 S received ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Received||p. pr. & vb. n. Receiving||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0
6 6 received <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 7 S at ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
8 S the ||+def. art.
9 S foveola ||n.
7 9 at the foveola <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 10 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
11 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
12 S least ||adv. manner OBJECT1
11 12 the least <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">13 S distorted ||a.
As a result, --- the visual image --- received --- at the foveola --- is the least distorted.
As a result, --- at the foveola --- received --- the visual image --- is the least distorted.
Bir sonuç olarak, --- foveolada --- alınan --- görsel imaj --- en az bozulmuş olandır.
0 .S light ||n. SUBJECT0
0 0 light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 1 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
2 S focused ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Focused||p. pr. & vb. n. Focusing VERB0
4 S the ||+def. art.
5 S cornea ||n.
3 5 by the cornea <-----preposition p="" phrase="">FIX nPH AND/OR nPH at PARSEEEE
6 S and ||+conj.
7 S the ||+def. art.
8 S lens ||n.
5 8 cornea and the lens <-----preposition p="" phrase="">9 ,S then ||+adv. manner COMMA + ADVERB CLAUSE
10 S traverses ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Traversed||p. pr. & vb. n. Traversing||v. i.||present t. VERB0
11 S the ||+def. art.
12 S vitreous ||a.
13 SRN humor ||n.
10 13 traverses the vitreous humor <-----preposition p="" phrase="">14 S that ||+conj. CONJUNCT CLAUSE THAT
15 S fills ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Filled||p. pr. & vb. n. Filling||v. i.||present t. VERB0
16 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
17 S eye ||n. OBJECT1
18 S cavity ||n. OBJECT2
16 18 the eye cavity <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 19 S before ||adv. time ---->FRAGMENT 0
20 S reaching ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reached||p. pr. & vb. n. Reaching ---->FRAGMENT 1
21 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl. ---->FRAGMENT 2
19 21 before reaching photoreceptors <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 22 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
23 S the ||+def. art.
24 S retina ||n.
22 24 in the retina <-----preposition p="" phrase="">25 S( figure ||n.
26 S 26-1 ||n. SUBJECT0
26 26 26-1 <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">************************************************************************
Light --- is focused --- by the cornea and the lens, ---
then --- traverses --- the vitreous humor --- that --- fills --- the eye cavity --- before reaching photoreceptors --- in the retina.
Light --- by the cornea and the lens, --- is focused
then --- in the retina. --- before reaching photoreceptors --- that --- the eye cavity --- fills --- the vitreous humor --- traverses
Işık --- kornea ve mercekte --- odaklanır, ---
daha sonra --- retina içinde --- fotoreseptorlere erişmeden önce --- göz boşluğunu --- dolduran --- vitreous humoru --- aşar.
0 .S cells ||n.||pl. SUBJECT0
0 0 cells <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 1 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
2 S the ||+def. art.
3 S pigment ||n.
4 S epithelium ||n.
1 4 in the pigment epithelium <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 5 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
6 S filled ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Filled||p. pr. & vb. n. Filling||v. i. VERB0
8 S the ||+def. art.
9 S black ||a.
10 S pigment ||n.
11 S melanin ||n.
7 11 with the black pigment melanin <-----preposition p="" phrase="">12 ,S which ||relative pron. CONJUNCT CLAUSE WHICH
13 S absorbs ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Absorbed||p. pr. & vb. n. Absorbing||present t. VERB0
14 S any ||a. SUBJECT0
15 S light ||n. SUBJECT1
14 15 any light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 16 S not ||+adv. manner ---->FRAGMENT 0
17 S captured ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Captured||p. pr. & vb. n. Capturing ---->FRAGMENT 1
18 S by ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 2
19 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 3
20 S retina ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 4
16 20 not captured by the retina <-----fragment br="" clause="">*************************************************************
Cells --- in the pigment epithelium --- are filled --- with the black pigment melanin,--- which --- absorbs --- any light --- not captured by the retina-----fragment>
Pigment epithelium içinde --- hücreler --- siyah pigment melanin ile --- doldurulur, --- retina tarafından yakalanmamış --- herhangi bir ışığı --- yakalayan.
0 .S this ||nom. pron. SUBJECT0
1 S prevents ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Prevented||p. pr. & vb. n. Preventing||v. i.||present t. VERB0
2 S light ||n. OBJECT0
2 2 light <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 3 S from ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0
4 S being ||v. i.||p. pr. & vb. n. Being ---->FRAGMENT 1
5 SRN reflected ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reflected||p. pr. & vb. n. Reflecting||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 2
3 5 from being reflected <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 6 S off ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
7 S the ||+def. art.
8 S back ||n.
9 S of ||prep.
10 S the ||+def. art.
11 S eye ||n.
6 11 off the back of the eye <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 12 S to ||prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
13 S the ||+def. art.
14 S retina ||n.
12 14 to the retina <-----preposition p="" phrase="">15 S again ||adv.
16 S( which ||+nom. pron. SUBJECT0
17 S would ||mod. past VERB0
18 S degrade ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Degraded||p. pr. & vb. n. Degrading||v. i. VERB0
19 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
20 S visual ||a. OBJECT1
21 S image ||n. OBJECT2
19 21 the visual image <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">************************************************************
This --- prevents --- light --- from being reflected --- off the back of the eye --- to the retina --- again ---(which --- would degrade --- the visual image
This --- light --- off the back of the eye --- to the retina --- again --- prevents
Bu --- ışığın --- tekrar --- retinaya --- gözün arkasından --- yansıtılmasını engeller (görsel imajı bozacaktı)
0 .S therefore ||adv. manner INITIAL ADVERB WITH COMMA
1 ,S light ||n. SUBJECT0
1 1 light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 2 S must ||mod. present VERB0
3 S travel ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Traveled||p. pr. & vb. n. Traveling||v. t. VERB0
5 S layers ||n.||pl.
6 S of ||+prep.
7 S other ||a.
8 S retinal ||a.
9 S neurons ||n.||pl.
4 9 through layers of other retinal neurons <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 10 S before ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0
11 S striking ||v. t.||imp.||p. p. Struck||p. pr. & vb. n. Striking||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 1
12 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 2
13 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl. ---->FRAGMENT 3
10 13 before striking the photoreceptors <-----fragment br="" clause="">********************************************************************
Therefore, --- light --- must travel --- through layers of other retinal neurons --- before striking the photoreceptors
Therefore, --- light --- --- before striking the photoreceptors --- through layers of other retinal neurons --- must travel
Bundan dolayı, --- ışık --- fotoreseptorlara çarpmadan önce --- diğer retinal nöronların tabakaları içinden --- geçmek zorundadır.
0 .S to ||to-inf. INFINITIVE TO
1 S allow ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Allowed||p. pr. & vb. n. Allowing||v. i. INFINITIVE VERB-----fragment>
2 S light ||n.
2 2 to allow light <-----infinitive p="" phrase="">3 S to ||to-inf. INFINITIVE TO
4 S reach ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reached||p. pr. & vb. n. Reaching INFINITIVE VERB
5 S the ||+def. art.
6 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl.
5 6 to reach the photoreceptors <-----infinitive p="" phrase=""> 7 S without ||prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0
8 SRN being ||v. i.||p. pr. & vb. n. Being ---->FRAGMENT 1
9 S absorbed ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Absorbed||p. pr. & vb. n. Absorbing||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 2
10 S or ||+conj. ---->FRAGMENT 3
11 S greatly ||+adv. manner ---->FRAGMENT 4
7 11 without being absorbed or greatly <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 12 S scattered ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Scattered||p. pr. & vb. n. Scattering||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0
12 12 scattered <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 13 S( which ||+nom. pron. SUBJECT0
14 S would ||mod. past VERB0
15 S distort ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Distorted||p. pr. & vb. n. Distorting VERB0
16 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
17 S visual ||a. OBJECT1
18 S image ||n. OBJECT2
16 18 the visual image <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
19 ),S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
20 S axons ||n.||pl. SUBJECT1
21 S of ||prep. SUBJECT2
22 S neurons ||n.||pl. SUBJECT3
19 22 the axons of neurons <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 23 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
24 S the ||+def. art.
25 S proximal ||a.
26 S layers ||n.||pl.
27 S of ||+prep.
28 S the ||+def. art.
29 S retina ||n.
23 29 in the proximal layers of the retina <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 30 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
31 S unmyelinated ||n. OBJECT0
31 31 unmyelinated <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">32 S so ||+conj.
33 S that ||+conj.
34 S these ||a. SUBJECT0
35 SRN layers ||n.||pl. SUBJECT1
36 S of ||+prep. SUBJECT2
37 S cells ||n.||pl. SUBJECT3
34 37 these layers of cells <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 38 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
39 S relatively ||adv.
40 S transparent ||adv.
To allow light --- to reach the photoreceptors --- without being absorbed or greatly --- scattered ---
Büyük ölçüde dağılmadan veya emilmeden fotoreseptörlere ulaşması için ışığa izin vermek için
Işığın --- büyük ölçüde dağılmadan veya emilmeden --- fotoreseptörlere ulaşmasına izin vermek için <====================
(which --- would distort --- the visual image),
(görsel imajı --- bozacaktır)
the axons of neurons --- in the proximal layers of the retina --- are unmyelinated ---
nöronların axonları --- retinanın proximal tabakaları içinde --- unmyelinatedtırlar
so that --- these layers of cells --- are --- relatively --- transparent.
böylece --- bu hücre tabakaları --- göreli --- saydam --- olurlar.
0 .S moreover ||+adv. manner INITIAL ADVERB WITH COMMA
2 S one ||a.
3 S region ||n.
4 S of ||+prep.
5 S the ||+def. art.
6 S retina ||n.
1 6 in one region of the retina <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
7 ,S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
8 S fovea ||n. SUBJECT1
7 8 the fovea <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
9 ,S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
10 S cell ||n. SUBJECT1
11 S bodies ||n.||pl. SUBJECT2
12 S of ||+prep. SUBJECT3
13 S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT4
14 S proximal ||a. SUBJECT5
15 S retinal ||a. SUBJECT6
16 S neurons ||n.||pl. SUBJECT7
9 16 the cell bodies of the proximal retinal neurons <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 17 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
18 S shifted ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Shifted||p. pr. & vb. n. Shifting||v. i. VERB0
20 S the ||+def. art.
21 S side ||n.
19 21 to the side <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> FRAGMENT CLAUSE PUNCTUATION opening---> ,
22 ,SRN enabling ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Enabled||p. pr. & vb. n. Enabling ---->FRAGMENT 0
23 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 1
24 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl. ---->FRAGMENT 2
22 24 enabling the photoreceptors <-----fragment clause="" p="">25 S there ||+adv. place
26 S to ||to-inf. INFINITIVE TO
27 S receive ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Received||p. pr. & vb. n. Receiving||v. i. INFINITIVE VERB
28 S the ||+def. art.
29 S visual ||a.
30 S image ||n.
28 30 to receive the visual image <-----infinitive p="" phrase=""> 31 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
32 S its ||+poss. det.
33 S least ||adv. manner
34 S distorted ||a.
35 S form ||n.
31 35 in its least distorted form <-----preposition p="" phrase="">36 S( figure ||n.
37 S 26-1 ||n. SUBJECT0
37 37 26-1 <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">***********************************************
. Moreover, --- in one region of the retina, --- the fovea, ---
Dahası, --- retinanın bir bölgesinde, --- fovea,-----subject>
the cell bodies of the proximal retinal neurons --- are shifted --- to the side,
proximal retinal nöronların hücre gövdeleri --- kenara --- itilir
enabling the photoreceptors --- there --- to receive the visual image --- in its least distorted form (Figure 26-1
en az bozulmuş şeklinde --- görsel imajı almak için --- fotoreseptorlara izin vererek
0 ).S this ||a. SUBJECT0
1 S shifting ||n. SUBJECT1
0 1 this shifting <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 2 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
3 S most ||adv. manner
4 S pronounced ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Pronounced||p. pr. & vb. n. Pronounging||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0
4 4 pronounced <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 5 S at ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
6 S the ||+def. art.
7 S center ||n.
8 S of ||prep.
9 S the ||+def. art.
10 S fovea ||n.
5 10 at the center of the fovea <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
11 ,S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
12 SRN foveola ||n. SUBJECT1
11 12 the foveola <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">**************************************************
This shifting --- is --- most --- pronounced --- at the center of the fovea,--- the foveola.
Bu kayma --- foveanın merkezinde --- en çok belirginleşir, --- foveola.
0 .S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
1 S retina ||n. SUBJECT1
0 1 the retina <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">2 S also ||adv. manner
3 S contains ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Contained||p. pr. & vb. n. Containing||v. i.||present t. VERB0
4 S a ||+indef. art. OBJECT0
5 S region ||n. OBJECT1
4 5 a region <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 6 S called ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling ---->FRAGMENT 0
7 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 1
8 S optic ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 2
9 S disc ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 3
6 9 called the optic disc <-----fragment clause="" p="">10 ,SRN where ||+conj.
11 S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
12 S optic ||n. SUBJECT1
13 S nerve ||n. SUBJECT2
14 S fibers ||n.||pl. SUBJECT3
11 14 the optic nerve fibers <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 15 S leave ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Leaved||p. pr. & vb. n. Leaving||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Left||p. pr. & vb. n. Leaving VERB0
16 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
17 S retina ||n. OBJECT1
16 17 the retina <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">*********************************************************
The retina --- also --- contains --- a region --- called the optic disc,
Retina --- optik disk denilen --- bir bölgeye --- de --- sahiptir-----object>
--- where --- the optic nerve fibers --- leave --- the retina.
optik sinir liflerinin --- retinayı --- terk ettiği --- yerde ---
Retina optik sinir liflerinin retinayı terk ettiği yerde --- optik disk denilen bir bölgeye de sahiptir.
0 ).RNRN the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
1 S most ||adv. manner SUBJECT1
2 S important ||a. SUBJECT2
3 S factors ||n.||pl. SUBJECT3
0 3 the most important factors <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">4 S that ||+conj. CONJUNCT CLAUSE THAT
5 S contribute ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Contributed||p. pr. & vb. n. Contributing||v. i. VERB0
7 S these ||a.
8 S differences ||n.||pl.
6 8 to these differences <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 9 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
10 S summarized ||v. t. VERB0
12 S table ||n.
13 S 26-1 ||n.
11 13 in table 26-1 <-----preposition p="" phrase="">14 S and ||+conj.
15 S discussed ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Discussed||p. pr. & vb. n. Discussing ---->FRAGMENT 0
15 15 discussed <-----fragment clause="" p="">16 S next ||prep.
The most important factors --- that --- contribute --- to these differences --- are summarized --- in Table 26-1 --- and --- discussed --- next
Bu farklılıklara --- katkı yapan --- en önemli unsurlar --- tablo 26-1 içinde --- özetlenmiştir --- ve --- sonra --- tartışılmıştır.
Rods Detect Dim Light; Rods contain more photosensitive visual pigment than cones, enabling them to capture more light
0 .RNRN rods ||n.||pl. SUBJECT0
0 0 rods <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 1 S detect ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Detected||p. pr. & vb. n. Detecting VERB0
2 S dim ||a. OBJECT0
3 S light ||n. OBJECT1
2 3 dim light <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">
4 RN; rods ||n.||pl. SUBJECT0
4 4 rods <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 5 S contain ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Contained||p. pr. & vb. n. Containing||v. i. VERB0
6 S more ||adv. manner
7 S photosensitive ||a. OBJECT0
8 S visual ||a. OBJECT1
9 S pigment ||n. OBJECT2
7 9 photosensitive visual pigment <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 10 S than ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
11 S cones ||n.||pl.
10 11 than cones <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> FRAGMENT CLAUSE PUNCTUATION opening---> ,
12 ,S enabling ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Enabled||p. pr. & vb. n. Enabling ---->FRAGMENT 0
13 S them ||+obliq. pron. ---->FRAGMENT 1
12 13 enabling them <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 14 S to ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
15 S capture ||n.
16 S more ||a.
17 S light ||n.
14 17 to capture more light <-----preposition br="" phrase="">*******************************************************************
Rods --- Detect --- Dim Light; --- Rods --- contain --- more --- photosensitive visual pigment --- than cones, --- enabling them --- to capture more light ---
Rods -- hafif ışığı --- algılar; --- Rods --- conelardan --- daha çok --- fotosensitiv görsel pigment --- içerir, onların daha çok ışık almasını sağlayarak.
0 .S second ||a.||adv. INITIAL ADVERB WITH COMMA
1 ,S cones ||n.||pl. SUBJECT0
1 1 cones <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 2 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
3 S concentrated ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Concentrated||p. pr. & vb. n. Concentrating||v. i. VERB0
5 S the ||+def. art.
6 S fovea ||n.
4 6 in the fovea <-----preposition p="" phrase="">7 ,S where ||+conj.
8 S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
9 S visual ||a. SUBJECT1
10 SRN image ||n. SUBJECT2
8 10 the visual image <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 11 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
12 S least ||adv. manner
13 S distorted ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Distorted||p. pr. & vb. n. Distorting ---->FRAGMENT 0
13 13 distorted <-----fragment br="" clause="">***********************************************************************
Second, --- cones --- are concentrated --- in the fovea, --- where --- the visual image --- is --- least --- distorted.-----fragment>
İkinci, --- konelar --- görsel imajın --- en az bozulduğu --- yerde, --- foveada --- yoğunlaşırlar.
1 S light ||n. SUBJECT0
1 1 light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 2 S strikes ||v. t.||imp.||p. p. Struck||p. pr. & vb. n. Striking||v. i.||present t. VERB0
3 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
4 S photoreceptor ||n. OBJECT1
3 4 the photoreceptor <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 5 S( illustrated ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Illustrated||p. pr. & vb. n. Illustrating ---->FRAGMENT 0
6 S here ||+adv. place ---->FRAGMENT 1
7 S by ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 2
8 S a ||+indef. art. ---->FRAGMENT 3
9 S rod ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 4
10 S cell ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 5
5 10 illustrated here by a rod cell <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 11 )S the ||+def. art.
12 S cgmp-gated ||a.
13 S channels ||n.||pl.
10 13 cell the cgmp-gated channels <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 14 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
15 S closed ||adv.
16 S by ||adv.
17 S a ||+indef. art.
18 S three-step ||n.
19 S process ||n.
16 19 by a three-step process <-----preposition br="" phrase="">*************************************************************
When --- light --- strikes --- the photoreceptor --- (illustrated here by a rod cell) --- the cGMP-gated channels are closed by a three-step process
Işık --- fotoreseptorlere --- çarptığı --- zaman --- cGMP-kapılı kanallar --- üç adımlı bir süreç tarafından --- kapatılır.
0 .RNRN the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
1 S pattern ||n. SUBJECT1
2 S of ||prep. SUBJECT2
3 S synaptic ||a. SUBJECT3
4 S connections ||n.||pl. SUBJECT4
0 4 the pattern of synaptic connections <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 5 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
6 S the ||+def. art.
7 S retina ||n.
5 7 in the retina <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 8 S explains ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Explained()||p. pr. & vb. n. Explaining||v. i.||present t. VERB0
9 S how ||+conj.
10 S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
11 S various ||a. SUBJECT1
12 S responses ||n.||pl. SUBJECT2
13 S of ||+prep. SUBJECT3
14 S ganglion ||n. SUBJECT4
15 S cells ||n.||pl. SUBJECT5
10 15 the various responses of ganglion cells <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 16 S arise ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. i.||imp.||p. pr. & vb. n. Arising||p. p. Arisen VERB0
The pattern of synaptic connections --- in the retina --- explains --- how --- the various responses of ganglion cells --- arise.
REtinada --- Sinaptik bağlantıların desenleri --- nasıl --- ganglion hücrelerinin çeşitli yanıtlarının --- ayağa kalktığını açıklar. <====
1 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl.
0 1 unlike photoreceptors <-----preposition p="" phrase="">2 ,S which ||relative pron. CONJUNCT CLAUSE WHICH
3 S respond ||v. t.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Responded||p. pr. & vb. n. Responding VERB0
5 S light ||n.
4 5 to light <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 6 S with ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0
7 S graded ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Graded||p. pr. & vb. n. Grading ---->FRAGMENT 1
8 S changes ||n.||pl. ---->FRAGMENT 2
6 8 with graded changes <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 9 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
10 S membrane ||n.
11 S potential ||n.
9 11 in membrane potential <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 12 ,SRN ganglion ||n. SUBJECT0
13 S cells ||n.||pl. SUBJECT1
12 13 ganglion cells <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 14 S transmit ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Transmitted||p. pr. & vb. n. Transmitting VERB0
15 S information ||n. OBJECT0
15 15 information <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 16 S as ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
17 S trains ||n.||pl.
18 S of ||+prep.
19 S action ||n.
20 S potentials ||n.||pl.
16 20 as trains of action potentials <-----preposition br="" phrase="">***********************************************************************
Unlike photoreceptors, --- which --- respond --- to light --- with graded changes --- in membrane potential,
zar potansiyelinde --- dereceli değişikliklerle --- Işığa yanıt veren ,--- Fotoresptorların aksine ,---
ganglion cells --- transmit --- information --- as trains of action potentials.
ganglion hücreleri --- aksiyon potansiyellerinin dizileri şeklinde --- bilgi --- iletirler.
0 .S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
1 S activated ||a. SUBJECT1
2 S pigment ||n. SUBJECT2
3 S molecules ||n.||pl. SUBJECT3
0 3 the activated pigment molecules <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 4 S stimulate ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Stimulated||p. pr. & vb. n. Stimulating VERB0
5 S a ||+indef. art. OBJECT0
6 S g ||pn. OBJECT1
7 S protein ||n. OBJECT2
8 ,S transducin ||n. OBJECT3
5 8 a g protein transducin <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">9 ,S which ||relative pron. CONJUNCT CLAUSE WHICH
11 S turn ||n.
10 11 in turn <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 12 S activates ||v. t.||present t. VERB0
13 S a ||+indef. art. SUBJECT0
14 S phosphodiesterase ||n. SUBJECT1
13 14 a phosphodiesterase <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">15 S that ||+conj.
16 S catalyzes ||n. SUBJECT0
16 16 catalyzes <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 17 S the ||+def. art.
18 S hydrolysis ||n.
19 S of ||prep.
20 SRN cgmp ||n.
16 20 catalyzes the hydrolysis of cgmp <-----preposition br="" phrase="">**********************************************************************
The activated pigment molecules --- stimulate --- a G protein, transducin, ---
Aktiflenmiş pigment molekülleri --- bir G protein, transducini --- harekete geçirir --------preposition>
which --- in turn --- activates --- a phosphodiesterase --- that --- catalyzes --- the hydrolysis of cGMP.
cGMP'nin hidrolizini --- katalize eden, --- bir phosphodiesterase'ı --- sıra içinde --- harekete geçiren
Aktiflenmiş pigment molekülleri --- cGMP'nin hidrolizini --- katalize eden,
--- bir phosphodiesterase'ı --- sıra içinde --- harekete geçiren --- bir G protein, transducini --- harekete geçirir ---
0 .S light ||n. SUBJECT0
0 0 light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 1 S entering ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Entered||p. pr. & vb. n. Entering||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0
2 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 1
3 S cornea ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 2
1 3 entering the cornea <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 4 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
5 S projected ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Projected||p. pr. & vb. n. Projecting||v. i. VERB0
7 S the ||+def. art.
8 S back ||n.
9 S of ||prep.
10 S the ||+def. art.
11 S eye ||n.
6 11 onto the back of the eye <-----preposition p="" phrase="">12 ,S where ||+conj.
13 S it ||nom. pron. SUBJECT0
14 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
15 S converted ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Converted||p. pr. & vb. n. Converting||v. i. VERB0
17 S an ||+indef. art.
18 SRN electrical ||a.
19 S signal ||n.
16 19 into an electrical signal <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 20 S by ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
21 S a ||+indef. art.
22 S specialized ||a.
23 S sensory ||a.
24 S organ ||n.
20 24 by a specialized sensory organ <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
25 ,S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
26 S retina ||n. SUBJECT1
25 26 the retina <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">******************************************************************************
Light entering the cornea is projected onto the back of the eye,
Light entering the cornea --- onto the back of the eye --- is projected
Korneaya giren ışık --- gözün arkasına --- projeksiyon edilir-----subject>
where it is converted into an electrical signal by a specialized sensory organ, the retina.
where --- the retina --- by a specialized sensory organ --- into an electrical signal --- it is converted
orada --- retina, --- özelleşmiş bir organ tarafından --- bir elektrik işaretine --- çevrilir.
0 .S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
1 S next ||adv. placetime SUBJECT1
2 S three ||a. SUBJECT2
3 S chapters ||n.||pl. SUBJECT3
0 3 the next three chapters <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 4 S explain ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Explained()||p. pr. & vb. n. Explaining||v. i. VERB0
6 S cell-physiological ||a.
7 S terms ||n.||pl.
5 7 in cell-physiological terms <-----preposition p="" phrase="">8 ,SRN how ||+conj.
9 S processing ||v. t.||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0
9 9 processing <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 10 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
11 S higher ||a.
12 S centers ||n.||pl.
10 12 in higher centers <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 13 S underlies ||v. t.||v. i.||present t. VERB0
14 S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
15 S perception ||n. SUBJECT1
16 S of ||prep. SUBJECT2
17 S form ||n. SUBJECT3
18 ,S motion ||n. SUBJECT4
14 18 the perception of form motion <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">FIX nPH AND/OR nPH at PARSEEEE
19 ,S and ||+conj. SUBJECT4
20 S color ||n. SUBJECT4
19 20 and color <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">*********************************************************
The next three chapters --- explain, --- in cell-physiological terms, --- how --- processing --- in higher centers --- underlies --- the perception of form, motion, and color.
The next three chapters --- how --- the perception of form, motion, and color. --- in higher centers --- processing --- in cell-physiological terms --- explain
Gelecek üç bölüm --- nasıl --- şekil, hareket ve rengin algılamasının --- daha yüksek merkezlerde --- işlenişini --- hücre-yapısal terimlerde --- açıklar.-----subject>
nasıl şekil, hareket ve rengin algılamasının daha yüksek merkezlerde işlenişini
ilk önce
1 ,S it ||nom. pron. SUBJECT0
2 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
3 S useful ||a. OBJECT0
3 3 useful <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">o kullanışlıdır-----object>
4 S for ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0
5 S understanding ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Understood||p. pr. & vb. n. Understanding||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 1
6 S sensory ||a. ---->FRAGMENT 2
7 S transduction ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 3
4 7 for understanding sensory transduction <-----fragment br="" clause="">sens tr U anlamak için-----fragment>
9 S general ||a.
8 9 in general <-----preposition br="" phrase="">genel olarak-----preposition>
10 S because ||+conj. CONJUNCT CLAUSE BECAUSE
11 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl. SUBJECT0
11 11 photoreceptors <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">photoreceptorlar-----subject>
13 S the ||+def. art.
14 S retina ||n.
12 14 in the retina <-----preposition br="" phrase="">retinada-----preposition>
15 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
16 SRN perhaps ||adv.
17 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
18 S best ||n. OBJECT1
17 18 the best <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">en iyi-----object>
19 S understood ||+irreg. v. imp.||+irreg. v. participle VERB0
20 S of ||+prep.
21 S all ||a.
22 S sensory ||a.
23 S cells ||n.||pl.
20 23 of all sensory cells <-----preposition br="" phrase="">bütün algısal hücrelerin
First, --- it is useful --- for understanding sensory transduction --- in general
first --- in general --- for understanding sensory transduction --- it --- is useful
ilk önce --- genel olarak --- sens tr'u anlamak için --- o --- kullanışlıdır-----preposition>
because --- photoreceptors --- in the retina --- are --- perhaps --- the best --- understood ---of all sensory cells
because --- photoreceptors --- in the retina --- of all sensory cells --- perhaps --- are --- the best --- understood
çünkü --- retina içindeki --- photorceptorlar --- bütün hücrelerin --- belki de --- en iyi --- anlaşılmışlarıdır.
1 S the ||+def. art.
2 S same ||a.
3 S time ||n.
0 3 at the same time <-----preposition br="" phrase="">aynı zamanda-----preposition>
4 ,S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
5 S retina ||n. SUBJECT1
4 5 the retina <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">retina-----subject>
6 SRN is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
7 S relatively ||adv.
8 S simple ||a. OBJECT0
8 8 simple <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">göreli basittir-----object>
9 S compared ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Compared||p. pr. & vb. n. Comparing||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0
9 9 compared <-----fragment br="" clause="">karşılaştığında
11 S other ||a.
12 S brain ||n.
13 S regions ||n.||pl.
10 13 with other brain regions <-----preposition br="" phrase="">beynin diğer bölgeleri ile-----preposition>-----fragment>
At the same time, --- the retina --- is --- relatively --- simple --- compared --- with other brain regions
At the same time, --- the retina --- with other brain regions --- compared --- relatively --- simple --- is
Aynı zamanda, --- retina --- beynin diğer bölgeleri ile --- karşılaştığında --- göreli --- basittir.
0 .S it ||nom. pron. SUBJECT0
1 S contains ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Contained||p. pr. & vb. n. Containing||v. i.||present t. VERB0
2 S only ||adv. manner
3 S five ||a. OBJECT0
4 S major ||a. OBJECT1
5 S classes ||n.||pl. OBJECT2
6 S of ||+prep. OBJECT3
7 S neurons ||n.||pl. OBJECT4
3 7 five major classes of neurons <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> FRAGMENT CLAUSE PUNCTUATION opening---> ,
8 ,S linked ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Linked||p. pr. & vb. n. Linking||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0
8 8 linked <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 9 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
10 S an ||+indef. art.
11 S intricate ||a.
12 S pattern ||n.
13 S of ||+prep.
14 S connections ||n.||pl.
9 14 in an intricate pattern of connections <-----preposition p="" phrase="">15 S but ||conj. CONJUNCT CLAUSE BUT
17 S an ||+indef. art.
18 S orderly ||adv. manner
16 18 with an orderly <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 19 ,SRN layered ||a. SUBJECT0
20 S anatomical ||a. SUBJECT1
21 S arrangement ||n. SUBJECT2
19 21 layered anatomical arrangement <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">***********************************************************
It contains only five major classes of neurons, linked in an intricate pattern of connections but with an orderly, layered anatomical arrangement.-----subject>
It --- contains --- only --- five major classes of neurons, ---
It --- only --- five major classes of neurons, --- contains
O nöronların yalnız 5 ana sınıfını içerir
linked --- in an intricate pattern of connections --- but --- with an orderly, --- layered anatomical arrangement.
in an intricate pattern of connections --- linked --- but --- with an orderly, --- layered anatomical arrangement.
bağlantıların karışık bir deseni içinde --- bağlanmış --- fakat --- düzenli, --- tabakalı bir anatomik aranjman --- ile.
1 S the ||+def. art.
2 S second ||n.
0 2 in the second <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 3 S we ||nom. pron. SUBJECT0
4 S consider ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Considered||p. pr. & vb. n. Considering||v. i. VERB0
5 S how ||conj.
6 S these ||a. SUBJECT0
7 S signals ||n.||pl. SUBJECT1
6 7 these signals <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 8 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
9 S shaped ||v. t.||imp.||p. p. Shaped||p. pr. & vb. n. Shaping||v. i. VERB0
11 S other ||a.
12 S retinal ||a.
13 S neurons ||n.||pl.
10 13 by other retinal neurons <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 14 S before ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0
15 S being ||v. i.||p. pr. & vb. n. Being ---->FRAGMENT 1
16 S sent ||+irreg. v. imp. ---->FRAGMENT 2
14 16 before being sent <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 17 S to ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
18 S the ||+def. art.
19 S brain ||n.
17 19 to the brain <-----preposition p="" phrase="">20 S and ||+conj.
21 RN how ||conj.
22 S synaptic ||a. SUBJECT0
23 S connections ||n.||pl. SUBJECT1
22 23 synaptic connections <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 24 S among ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
25 S the ||+def. art.
26 S retinal ||a.
27 S neurons ||n.||pl.
24 27 among the retinal neurons <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 28 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
29 S organized ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Organized||p. pr. & vb. n. Organizing VERB0
30 S to ||to-inf. INFINITIVE TO
31 S accomplish ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Accomplished||p. pr. & vb. n. Accomplishing||v. INFINITIVE VERB
32 S this ||a. OBJECT0
33 S processing ||n. OBJECT1
32 33 this processing <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">******************************************************
In the second --- we --- consider --- how --- these signals --- are shaped --- by other retinal neurons --- before being sent --- to the brain ---
and --- how --- synaptic connections --- among the retinal neurons --- are organized --- to accomplish --- this processing-----object>
İkincide --- biz --- beyne --- gönderilmeden önce --- nasıl --- diğer retinal nöronları tarafından --- bu işaretlerin --- şekillendirildiğini --- dikkate alacağız
ve --- nasıl --- bu işleyişi --- başarmak için --- retinal nöronlar arasında --- synaptik bağlantıların --- organize edildiğini.
0 .S before ||+adv. time ---->FRAGMENT 0
1 S discussing ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Discussed||p. pr. & vb. n. Discussing ---->FRAGMENT 1
2 S phototransduction ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 2
1 2 before discussing phototransduction <-----fragment clause="" p="">3 ,S however ||adv. manner COMMA + ADVERB CLAUSE
4 ,S we ||+nom. pron. SUBJECT0
5 S shall ||mod. present VERB0
6 S review ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Review||p. pr. & vb. n. Reveiwing||v. i. VERB0
7 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
8 SRN organization ||n. OBJECT1
9 S of ||prep. OBJECT2
10 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT3
11 S retina ||n. OBJECT4
7 11 the organization of the retina <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">FIX nPH AND/OR nPH at PARSEEEE
12 S and ||+conj. OBJECT4
13 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT4
14 S basic ||a. OBJECT4
15 S physiological ||a. OBJECT4
16 S properties ||n.||pl. OBJECT4
17 S of ||+prep. OBJECT4
18 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT4
19 S photoreceptor ||n. OBJECT4
20 S cells ||n.||pl. OBJECT4
12 20 and the basic physiological properties of the photoreceptor cells <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">**************************************************************************
Before discussing phototransduction,
however, we shall review the organization of the retina and the basic physiological properties of the photoreceptor cells
Before discussing phototransduction,---
however --- we --- the organization of the retina --- and --- the basic physiological properties of the photoreceptor cells --- shall review
fototransduksiyonu tartışmadan önce, ---
yine de --- biz --- retinanın organizasyonunu --- ve --- fotoreceptor hücrelerinin temel fizyolojik özelliklerini --- gözden geçirmeliyiz
0 .S as ||conj.
1 S a ||+indef. art. SUBJECT0
2 S result ||n. SUBJECT1
1 2 a result <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
3 ,S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
4 S visual ||a. SUBJECT1
5 S image ||n. SUBJECT2
3 5 the visual image <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 6 S received ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Received||p. pr. & vb. n. Receiving||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0
6 6 received <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 7 S at ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
8 S the ||+def. art.
9 S foveola ||n.
7 9 at the foveola <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 10 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
11 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
12 S least ||adv. manner OBJECT1
11 12 the least <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">13 S distorted ||a.
As a result, --- the visual image --- received --- at the foveola --- is the least distorted.
As a result, --- at the foveola --- received --- the visual image --- is the least distorted.
Bir sonuç olarak, --- foveolada --- alınan --- görsel imaj --- en az bozulmuş olandır.
0 .S light ||n. SUBJECT0
0 0 light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 1 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
2 S focused ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Focused||p. pr. & vb. n. Focusing VERB0
4 S the ||+def. art.
5 S cornea ||n.
3 5 by the cornea <-----preposition p="" phrase="">FIX nPH AND/OR nPH at PARSEEEE
6 S and ||+conj.
7 S the ||+def. art.
8 S lens ||n.
5 8 cornea and the lens <-----preposition p="" phrase="">9 ,S then ||+adv. manner COMMA + ADVERB CLAUSE
10 S traverses ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Traversed||p. pr. & vb. n. Traversing||v. i.||present t. VERB0
11 S the ||+def. art.
12 S vitreous ||a.
13 SRN humor ||n.
10 13 traverses the vitreous humor <-----preposition p="" phrase="">14 S that ||+conj. CONJUNCT CLAUSE THAT
15 S fills ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Filled||p. pr. & vb. n. Filling||v. i.||present t. VERB0
16 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
17 S eye ||n. OBJECT1
18 S cavity ||n. OBJECT2
16 18 the eye cavity <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 19 S before ||adv. time ---->FRAGMENT 0
20 S reaching ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reached||p. pr. & vb. n. Reaching ---->FRAGMENT 1
21 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl. ---->FRAGMENT 2
19 21 before reaching photoreceptors <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 22 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
23 S the ||+def. art.
24 S retina ||n.
22 24 in the retina <-----preposition p="" phrase="">25 S( figure ||n.
26 S 26-1 ||n. SUBJECT0
26 26 26-1 <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">************************************************************************
Light --- is focused --- by the cornea and the lens, ---
then --- traverses --- the vitreous humor --- that --- fills --- the eye cavity --- before reaching photoreceptors --- in the retina.
Light --- by the cornea and the lens, --- is focused
then --- in the retina. --- before reaching photoreceptors --- that --- the eye cavity --- fills --- the vitreous humor --- traverses
Işık --- kornea ve mercekte --- odaklanır, ---
daha sonra --- retina içinde --- fotoreseptorlere erişmeden önce --- göz boşluğunu --- dolduran --- vitreous humoru --- aşar.
0 .S cells ||n.||pl. SUBJECT0
0 0 cells <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 1 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
2 S the ||+def. art.
3 S pigment ||n.
4 S epithelium ||n.
1 4 in the pigment epithelium <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 5 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
6 S filled ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Filled||p. pr. & vb. n. Filling||v. i. VERB0
8 S the ||+def. art.
9 S black ||a.
10 S pigment ||n.
11 S melanin ||n.
7 11 with the black pigment melanin <-----preposition p="" phrase="">12 ,S which ||relative pron. CONJUNCT CLAUSE WHICH
13 S absorbs ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Absorbed||p. pr. & vb. n. Absorbing||present t. VERB0
14 S any ||a. SUBJECT0
15 S light ||n. SUBJECT1
14 15 any light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 16 S not ||+adv. manner ---->FRAGMENT 0
17 S captured ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Captured||p. pr. & vb. n. Capturing ---->FRAGMENT 1
18 S by ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 2
19 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 3
20 S retina ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 4
16 20 not captured by the retina <-----fragment br="" clause="">*************************************************************
Cells --- in the pigment epithelium --- are filled --- with the black pigment melanin,--- which --- absorbs --- any light --- not captured by the retina-----fragment>
Pigment epithelium içinde --- hücreler --- siyah pigment melanin ile --- doldurulur, --- retina tarafından yakalanmamış --- herhangi bir ışığı --- yakalayan.
0 .S this ||nom. pron. SUBJECT0
1 S prevents ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Prevented||p. pr. & vb. n. Preventing||v. i.||present t. VERB0
2 S light ||n. OBJECT0
2 2 light <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 3 S from ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0
4 S being ||v. i.||p. pr. & vb. n. Being ---->FRAGMENT 1
5 SRN reflected ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reflected||p. pr. & vb. n. Reflecting||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 2
3 5 from being reflected <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 6 S off ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
7 S the ||+def. art.
8 S back ||n.
9 S of ||prep.
10 S the ||+def. art.
11 S eye ||n.
6 11 off the back of the eye <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 12 S to ||prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
13 S the ||+def. art.
14 S retina ||n.
12 14 to the retina <-----preposition p="" phrase="">15 S again ||adv.
16 S( which ||+nom. pron. SUBJECT0
17 S would ||mod. past VERB0
18 S degrade ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Degraded||p. pr. & vb. n. Degrading||v. i. VERB0
19 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
20 S visual ||a. OBJECT1
21 S image ||n. OBJECT2
19 21 the visual image <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">************************************************************
This --- prevents --- light --- from being reflected --- off the back of the eye --- to the retina --- again ---(which --- would degrade --- the visual image
This --- light --- off the back of the eye --- to the retina --- again --- prevents
Bu --- ışığın --- tekrar --- retinaya --- gözün arkasından --- yansıtılmasını engeller (görsel imajı bozacaktı)
0 .S therefore ||adv. manner INITIAL ADVERB WITH COMMA
1 ,S light ||n. SUBJECT0
1 1 light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 2 S must ||mod. present VERB0
3 S travel ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Traveled||p. pr. & vb. n. Traveling||v. t. VERB0
5 S layers ||n.||pl.
6 S of ||+prep.
7 S other ||a.
8 S retinal ||a.
9 S neurons ||n.||pl.
4 9 through layers of other retinal neurons <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 10 S before ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0
11 S striking ||v. t.||imp.||p. p. Struck||p. pr. & vb. n. Striking||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 1
12 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 2
13 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl. ---->FRAGMENT 3
10 13 before striking the photoreceptors <-----fragment br="" clause="">********************************************************************
Therefore, --- light --- must travel --- through layers of other retinal neurons --- before striking the photoreceptors
Therefore, --- light --- --- before striking the photoreceptors --- through layers of other retinal neurons --- must travel
Bundan dolayı, --- ışık --- fotoreseptorlara çarpmadan önce --- diğer retinal nöronların tabakaları içinden --- geçmek zorundadır.
0 .S to ||to-inf. INFINITIVE TO
1 S allow ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Allowed||p. pr. & vb. n. Allowing||v. i. INFINITIVE VERB-----fragment>
2 S light ||n.
2 2 to allow light <-----infinitive p="" phrase="">3 S to ||to-inf. INFINITIVE TO
4 S reach ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Reached||p. pr. & vb. n. Reaching INFINITIVE VERB
5 S the ||+def. art.
6 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl.
5 6 to reach the photoreceptors <-----infinitive p="" phrase=""> 7 S without ||prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0
8 SRN being ||v. i.||p. pr. & vb. n. Being ---->FRAGMENT 1
9 S absorbed ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Absorbed||p. pr. & vb. n. Absorbing||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 2
10 S or ||+conj. ---->FRAGMENT 3
11 S greatly ||+adv. manner ---->FRAGMENT 4
7 11 without being absorbed or greatly <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 12 S scattered ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Scattered||p. pr. & vb. n. Scattering||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0
12 12 scattered <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 13 S( which ||+nom. pron. SUBJECT0
14 S would ||mod. past VERB0
15 S distort ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Distorted||p. pr. & vb. n. Distorting VERB0
16 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
17 S visual ||a. OBJECT1
18 S image ||n. OBJECT2
16 18 the visual image <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
19 ),S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
20 S axons ||n.||pl. SUBJECT1
21 S of ||prep. SUBJECT2
22 S neurons ||n.||pl. SUBJECT3
19 22 the axons of neurons <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 23 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
24 S the ||+def. art.
25 S proximal ||a.
26 S layers ||n.||pl.
27 S of ||+prep.
28 S the ||+def. art.
29 S retina ||n.
23 29 in the proximal layers of the retina <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 30 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
31 S unmyelinated ||n. OBJECT0
31 31 unmyelinated <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">32 S so ||+conj.
33 S that ||+conj.
34 S these ||a. SUBJECT0
35 SRN layers ||n.||pl. SUBJECT1
36 S of ||+prep. SUBJECT2
37 S cells ||n.||pl. SUBJECT3
34 37 these layers of cells <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 38 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
39 S relatively ||adv.
40 S transparent ||adv.
To allow light --- to reach the photoreceptors --- without being absorbed or greatly --- scattered ---
Büyük ölçüde dağılmadan veya emilmeden fotoreseptörlere ulaşması için ışığa izin vermek için
Işığın --- büyük ölçüde dağılmadan veya emilmeden --- fotoreseptörlere ulaşmasına izin vermek için <====================
(which --- would distort --- the visual image),
(görsel imajı --- bozacaktır)
the axons of neurons --- in the proximal layers of the retina --- are unmyelinated ---
nöronların axonları --- retinanın proximal tabakaları içinde --- unmyelinatedtırlar
so that --- these layers of cells --- are --- relatively --- transparent.
böylece --- bu hücre tabakaları --- göreli --- saydam --- olurlar.
0 .S moreover ||+adv. manner INITIAL ADVERB WITH COMMA
2 S one ||a.
3 S region ||n.
4 S of ||+prep.
5 S the ||+def. art.
6 S retina ||n.
1 6 in one region of the retina <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
7 ,S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
8 S fovea ||n. SUBJECT1
7 8 the fovea <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
9 ,S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
10 S cell ||n. SUBJECT1
11 S bodies ||n.||pl. SUBJECT2
12 S of ||+prep. SUBJECT3
13 S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT4
14 S proximal ||a. SUBJECT5
15 S retinal ||a. SUBJECT6
16 S neurons ||n.||pl. SUBJECT7
9 16 the cell bodies of the proximal retinal neurons <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 17 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
18 S shifted ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Shifted||p. pr. & vb. n. Shifting||v. i. VERB0
20 S the ||+def. art.
21 S side ||n.
19 21 to the side <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> FRAGMENT CLAUSE PUNCTUATION opening---> ,
22 ,SRN enabling ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Enabled||p. pr. & vb. n. Enabling ---->FRAGMENT 0
23 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 1
24 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl. ---->FRAGMENT 2
22 24 enabling the photoreceptors <-----fragment clause="" p="">25 S there ||+adv. place
26 S to ||to-inf. INFINITIVE TO
27 S receive ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Received||p. pr. & vb. n. Receiving||v. i. INFINITIVE VERB
28 S the ||+def. art.
29 S visual ||a.
30 S image ||n.
28 30 to receive the visual image <-----infinitive p="" phrase=""> 31 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
32 S its ||+poss. det.
33 S least ||adv. manner
34 S distorted ||a.
35 S form ||n.
31 35 in its least distorted form <-----preposition p="" phrase="">36 S( figure ||n.
37 S 26-1 ||n. SUBJECT0
37 37 26-1 <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">***********************************************
. Moreover, --- in one region of the retina, --- the fovea, ---
Dahası, --- retinanın bir bölgesinde, --- fovea,-----subject>
the cell bodies of the proximal retinal neurons --- are shifted --- to the side,
proximal retinal nöronların hücre gövdeleri --- kenara --- itilir
enabling the photoreceptors --- there --- to receive the visual image --- in its least distorted form (Figure 26-1
en az bozulmuş şeklinde --- görsel imajı almak için --- fotoreseptorlara izin vererek
0 ).S this ||a. SUBJECT0
1 S shifting ||n. SUBJECT1
0 1 this shifting <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 2 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
3 S most ||adv. manner
4 S pronounced ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Pronounced||p. pr. & vb. n. Pronounging||v. i. ---->FRAGMENT 0
4 4 pronounced <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 5 S at ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
6 S the ||+def. art.
7 S center ||n.
8 S of ||prep.
9 S the ||+def. art.
10 S fovea ||n.
5 10 at the center of the fovea <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> PUNCTUATION , CLAUSE WITH ARTICLE BEG
11 ,S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
12 SRN foveola ||n. SUBJECT1
11 12 the foveola <-----subject br="" noun="" phrase="">**************************************************
This shifting --- is --- most --- pronounced --- at the center of the fovea,--- the foveola.
Bu kayma --- foveanın merkezinde --- en çok belirginleşir, --- foveola.
0 .S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
1 S retina ||n. SUBJECT1
0 1 the retina <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">2 S also ||adv. manner
3 S contains ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Contained||p. pr. & vb. n. Containing||v. i.||present t. VERB0
4 S a ||+indef. art. OBJECT0
5 S region ||n. OBJECT1
4 5 a region <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 6 S called ||+reg. v.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Called||vb. n. Calling ---->FRAGMENT 0
7 S the ||+def. art. ---->FRAGMENT 1
8 S optic ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 2
9 S disc ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 3
6 9 called the optic disc <-----fragment clause="" p="">10 ,SRN where ||+conj.
11 S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
12 S optic ||n. SUBJECT1
13 S nerve ||n. SUBJECT2
14 S fibers ||n.||pl. SUBJECT3
11 14 the optic nerve fibers <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 15 S leave ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Leaved||p. pr. & vb. n. Leaving||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Left||p. pr. & vb. n. Leaving VERB0
16 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
17 S retina ||n. OBJECT1
16 17 the retina <-----object br="" noun="" phrase="">*********************************************************
The retina --- also --- contains --- a region --- called the optic disc,
Retina --- optik disk denilen --- bir bölgeye --- de --- sahiptir-----object>
--- where --- the optic nerve fibers --- leave --- the retina.
optik sinir liflerinin --- retinayı --- terk ettiği --- yerde ---
Retina optik sinir liflerinin retinayı terk ettiği yerde --- optik disk denilen bir bölgeye de sahiptir.
0 ).RNRN the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
1 S most ||adv. manner SUBJECT1
2 S important ||a. SUBJECT2
3 S factors ||n.||pl. SUBJECT3
0 3 the most important factors <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">4 S that ||+conj. CONJUNCT CLAUSE THAT
5 S contribute ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Contributed||p. pr. & vb. n. Contributing||v. i. VERB0
7 S these ||a.
8 S differences ||n.||pl.
6 8 to these differences <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 9 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
10 S summarized ||v. t. VERB0
12 S table ||n.
13 S 26-1 ||n.
11 13 in table 26-1 <-----preposition p="" phrase="">14 S and ||+conj.
15 S discussed ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Discussed||p. pr. & vb. n. Discussing ---->FRAGMENT 0
15 15 discussed <-----fragment clause="" p="">16 S next ||prep.
The most important factors --- that --- contribute --- to these differences --- are summarized --- in Table 26-1 --- and --- discussed --- next
Bu farklılıklara --- katkı yapan --- en önemli unsurlar --- tablo 26-1 içinde --- özetlenmiştir --- ve --- sonra --- tartışılmıştır.
Rods Detect Dim Light; Rods contain more photosensitive visual pigment than cones, enabling them to capture more light
0 .RNRN rods ||n.||pl. SUBJECT0
0 0 rods <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 1 S detect ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Detected||p. pr. & vb. n. Detecting VERB0
2 S dim ||a. OBJECT0
3 S light ||n. OBJECT1
2 3 dim light <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">
4 RN; rods ||n.||pl. SUBJECT0
4 4 rods <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 5 S contain ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Contained||p. pr. & vb. n. Containing||v. i. VERB0
6 S more ||adv. manner
7 S photosensitive ||a. OBJECT0
8 S visual ||a. OBJECT1
9 S pigment ||n. OBJECT2
7 9 photosensitive visual pigment <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 10 S than ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
11 S cones ||n.||pl.
10 11 than cones <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> FRAGMENT CLAUSE PUNCTUATION opening---> ,
12 ,S enabling ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Enabled||p. pr. & vb. n. Enabling ---->FRAGMENT 0
13 S them ||+obliq. pron. ---->FRAGMENT 1
12 13 enabling them <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 14 S to ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
15 S capture ||n.
16 S more ||a.
17 S light ||n.
14 17 to capture more light <-----preposition br="" phrase="">*******************************************************************
Rods --- Detect --- Dim Light; --- Rods --- contain --- more --- photosensitive visual pigment --- than cones, --- enabling them --- to capture more light ---
Rods -- hafif ışığı --- algılar; --- Rods --- conelardan --- daha çok --- fotosensitiv görsel pigment --- içerir, onların daha çok ışık almasını sağlayarak.
0 .S second ||a.||adv. INITIAL ADVERB WITH COMMA
1 ,S cones ||n.||pl. SUBJECT0
1 1 cones <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 2 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
3 S concentrated ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Concentrated||p. pr. & vb. n. Concentrating||v. i. VERB0
5 S the ||+def. art.
6 S fovea ||n.
4 6 in the fovea <-----preposition p="" phrase="">7 ,S where ||+conj.
8 S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
9 S visual ||a. SUBJECT1
10 SRN image ||n. SUBJECT2
8 10 the visual image <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 11 S is ||+reg. v.||v. i. VERB0
12 S least ||adv. manner
13 S distorted ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Distorted||p. pr. & vb. n. Distorting ---->FRAGMENT 0
13 13 distorted <-----fragment br="" clause="">***********************************************************************
Second, --- cones --- are concentrated --- in the fovea, --- where --- the visual image --- is --- least --- distorted.-----fragment>
İkinci, --- konelar --- görsel imajın --- en az bozulduğu --- yerde, --- foveada --- yoğunlaşırlar.
1 S light ||n. SUBJECT0
1 1 light <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 2 S strikes ||v. t.||imp.||p. p. Struck||p. pr. & vb. n. Striking||v. i.||present t. VERB0
3 S the ||+def. art. OBJECT0
4 S photoreceptor ||n. OBJECT1
3 4 the photoreceptor <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 5 S( illustrated ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Illustrated||p. pr. & vb. n. Illustrating ---->FRAGMENT 0
6 S here ||+adv. place ---->FRAGMENT 1
7 S by ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 2
8 S a ||+indef. art. ---->FRAGMENT 3
9 S rod ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 4
10 S cell ||n. ---->FRAGMENT 5
5 10 illustrated here by a rod cell <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 11 )S the ||+def. art.
12 S cgmp-gated ||a.
13 S channels ||n.||pl.
10 13 cell the cgmp-gated channels <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 14 S are ||+reg. v. VERB0
15 S closed ||adv.
16 S by ||adv.
17 S a ||+indef. art.
18 S three-step ||n.
19 S process ||n.
16 19 by a three-step process <-----preposition br="" phrase="">*************************************************************
When --- light --- strikes --- the photoreceptor --- (illustrated here by a rod cell) --- the cGMP-gated channels are closed by a three-step process
Işık --- fotoreseptorlere --- çarptığı --- zaman --- cGMP-kapılı kanallar --- üç adımlı bir süreç tarafından --- kapatılır.
0 .RNRN the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
1 S pattern ||n. SUBJECT1
2 S of ||prep. SUBJECT2
3 S synaptic ||a. SUBJECT3
4 S connections ||n.||pl. SUBJECT4
0 4 the pattern of synaptic connections <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 5 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
6 S the ||+def. art.
7 S retina ||n.
5 7 in the retina <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 8 S explains ||+reg. v.||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Explained()||p. pr. & vb. n. Explaining||v. i.||present t. VERB0
9 S how ||+conj.
10 S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
11 S various ||a. SUBJECT1
12 S responses ||n.||pl. SUBJECT2
13 S of ||+prep. SUBJECT3
14 S ganglion ||n. SUBJECT4
15 S cells ||n.||pl. SUBJECT5
10 15 the various responses of ganglion cells <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 16 S arise ||+irreg. v. neutral||v. i.||imp.||p. pr. & vb. n. Arising||p. p. Arisen VERB0
The pattern of synaptic connections --- in the retina --- explains --- how --- the various responses of ganglion cells --- arise.
REtinada --- Sinaptik bağlantıların desenleri --- nasıl --- ganglion hücrelerinin çeşitli yanıtlarının --- ayağa kalktığını açıklar. <====
1 S photoreceptors ||n.||pl.
0 1 unlike photoreceptors <-----preposition p="" phrase="">2 ,S which ||relative pron. CONJUNCT CLAUSE WHICH
3 S respond ||v. t.||v. i.||imp. & p. p. Responded||p. pr. & vb. n. Responding VERB0
5 S light ||n.
4 5 to light <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 6 S with ||+prep. ---->FRAGMENT 0
7 S graded ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Graded||p. pr. & vb. n. Grading ---->FRAGMENT 1
8 S changes ||n.||pl. ---->FRAGMENT 2
6 8 with graded changes <-----fragment clause="" p=""> 9 S in ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
10 S membrane ||n.
11 S potential ||n.
9 11 in membrane potential <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 12 ,SRN ganglion ||n. SUBJECT0
13 S cells ||n.||pl. SUBJECT1
12 13 ganglion cells <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 14 S transmit ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Transmitted||p. pr. & vb. n. Transmitting VERB0
15 S information ||n. OBJECT0
15 15 information <-----object noun="" p="" phrase=""> 16 S as ||+prep. PREPOSITION PHRASE BEGINNING
17 S trains ||n.||pl.
18 S of ||+prep.
19 S action ||n.
20 S potentials ||n.||pl.
16 20 as trains of action potentials <-----preposition br="" phrase="">***********************************************************************
Unlike photoreceptors, --- which --- respond --- to light --- with graded changes --- in membrane potential,
zar potansiyelinde --- dereceli değişikliklerle --- Işığa yanıt veren ,--- Fotoresptorların aksine ,---
ganglion cells --- transmit --- information --- as trains of action potentials.
ganglion hücreleri --- aksiyon potansiyellerinin dizileri şeklinde --- bilgi --- iletirler.
0 .S the ||+def. art. SUBJECT0
1 S activated ||a. SUBJECT1
2 S pigment ||n. SUBJECT2
3 S molecules ||n.||pl. SUBJECT3
0 3 the activated pigment molecules <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 4 S stimulate ||v. t.||imp. & p. p. Stimulated||p. pr. & vb. n. Stimulating VERB0
5 S a ||+indef. art. OBJECT0
6 S g ||pn. OBJECT1
7 S protein ||n. OBJECT2
8 ,S transducin ||n. OBJECT3
5 8 a g protein transducin <-----object noun="" p="" phrase="">9 ,S which ||relative pron. CONJUNCT CLAUSE WHICH
11 S turn ||n.
10 11 in turn <-----preposition p="" phrase=""> 12 S activates ||v. t.||present t. VERB0
13 S a ||+indef. art. SUBJECT0
14 S phosphodiesterase ||n. SUBJECT1
13 14 a phosphodiesterase <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase="">15 S that ||+conj.
16 S catalyzes ||n. SUBJECT0
16 16 catalyzes <-----subject noun="" p="" phrase=""> 17 S the ||+def. art.
18 S hydrolysis ||n.
19 S of ||prep.
20 SRN cgmp ||n.
16 20 catalyzes the hydrolysis of cgmp <-----preposition br="" phrase="">**********************************************************************
The activated pigment molecules --- stimulate --- a G protein, transducin, ---
Aktiflenmiş pigment molekülleri --- bir G protein, transducini --- harekete geçirir --------preposition>
which --- in turn --- activates --- a phosphodiesterase --- that --- catalyzes --- the hydrolysis of cGMP.
cGMP'nin hidrolizini --- katalize eden, --- bir phosphodiesterase'ı --- sıra içinde --- harekete geçiren
Aktiflenmiş pigment molekülleri --- cGMP'nin hidrolizini --- katalize eden,
--- bir phosphodiesterase'ı --- sıra içinde --- harekete geçiren --- bir G protein, transducini --- harekete geçirir ---
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