Wednesday, 17 February 2016

An Analysis of Relative Clause Type Examples

An Analysis of Relative Clause Type Examples and English to Turkish Conversion Prototypes of Some Linearly Independent Cases
Isn’t that the woman who lives across the road from you?          WHOvprepPHprepPH?
My uncle, who was born in Hong Kong, lived most of his life overseas.    ,WHOvprepPH, v
It took me a while to get used to people who eat popcorn during the movie.   WHOvnPHprepPH.
William Kellogg was the man who lived in the late nineteenth century and had some weird ideas about raising children.
                     nPHWHOvprepPHAND v
I am looking for someone that/who could give me a ride to Chicago.     nomPronTHAT/WHOvoblPronnPHprepPH.
The old lady who lives next door is a teacher.            nPHWHOvprepPH BeV
The girl who wore a red dress attracted everybody's attention at the party.   nph WHOvnPH v
He is the kind of person that/who will never let you down.        nPHTHAT/WHOAuxVAdvvoblPronprep.
 The police said the accident that happened last night was unavoidable    THATvAdv v
 This is the house that had a great Christmas decoration.       THATvnPH.
 William Kellogg was the man that lived in the late nineteenth century and had some weird ideas about raising children.   
                     ,nPHTHATvprepPHAND v
The café that sells the best coffee in town has recently been closed.    nPHTHATvprepPH v
The police usually ask for every detail that helps identify the missing person.  nPH THATvto-INFnPH
He is the kind of person that/who will never let you down.        nPHTHAT/WHOAuxVAdvvoblPronprep.
 The newspaper reported that the tiger which killed its keeper has been put down.   WHICHvnPH v
 I have just read Orwell’s 1984, which is one of the most frightening books ever written. ,WHICHvnPHAdvAdj.
 He was usually late, which always annoyed his father.        ,WHICHAdvvnPH
We’ve missed our train, which means we may be late.         ,WHICHvnomPronModVBeVerbAdj.
The science fair, which lasted all day, ended with an awards ceremony.     ,WHICHvAdv, v
The movie turned out to be a blockbuster hit, which came as a surprise to critics. ,WHICHvprepPHprepPH.
The café, which sells the best coffee in town, has recently been closed.   nPH,WHICHvnPHprepPH, v
 Have you seen those people who we met on holiday?                                  WHOnomPronvprepPH?
 Who was the woman who you were talking to?           WHOnomPronvPrep?
 The woman who you have just spoken to is my teacher.        PrepWHOnomPronAdvv BeVerb
 He decided to telephone Mrs. Jackson, who he had read about in the newspaper.  ,WHOnomPronPrepprepPH.
 My favourite actor is Marlon Brando, who I saw in “On the Waterfront”.    ,WHOnomPronvprepPH.
 He finally met Paul McCartney, who he had always admired.       ,WHOnomPronvAdvv.
 You shouldn’t believe everything that you read in the newspaper.     THATnomPronvprepPH.
 The house that we rented in London was fully furnished.       THATnomPronvprepPH v
 The library did not have the book that I wanted.         THATnomPronv.
 Dessert is all that he wants.              THATnomPronv.
This is the best resource that I have ever read!          THATnomPronAdvv!

That’s the house that my parents live in.           THATnPHvPrep.
The house that Jack built is large.             THATPNv BEVerb
 The food was definitely the thing which I enjoyed most about our holiday.   WHICHnomPronAdvprepPH.
 I haven’t read the book which you were talking about.        WHICHnomPronvPrep.
 I haven’t read the book about which you were talking.        PrepWHICHnomPronv.
 We saw the latest Harry Potter film, which we really enjoyed.      ,WHICHnomPronAdvv.
 We are going back to Venice, which we first visited thirty years ago.    ,WHICHnomPronAdvvAdv.
  That’s the programme which we listened to last night.        WHICHnomPronvPrepAdv.
She has three brothers two of whom are in the army.
 I read three books last week, one of which I really enjoyed.      ONEOFWHICHnomPronAdvv.
 There were some good programmes on the radio, none of which I listened to.   NONEOFWHICHnomPronvPrep.
This is the house where/in which I lived when I first came to the United States.   WHERE/INWHICHnomPronv WHENnomPronadvvprepPH.
The sculpture, which he admired, was moved into the basement of the museum to make room for a new exhibit.   nPH,WHICHnomPronv, v
The theater, in which the play debuted, housed 300 people.       nPH,PrepWHICHnPHv, v
 Have you seen those people whom we met on holiday?         WHOMnomPronvprepPH?
 Who was that woman whom you were talking about.         WHOMnomPronvPRep?
My favourite actor was Marlon Brando, whom I saw in “On the Waterfront”.   ,WHOMnomPronvprepPH.
He finally met Paul McCartney, whom he had always admired.       ,WHOMnomPronvAdvv.
He decided to telephone Mrs. Jackson, whom he had read about in the newspaper.  ,WHOMnomPronPrepprepPH.
He decided to telephone Mrs. Jackson, about whom he had read in the newspaper.  ,PrepWHOMnomPronvprepPH
The professor, whom I respect, recently received tenure.         ,WHOMnomPronv, Advv
The woman to whom you have just spoken is my teacher.        PrepWHOMnomPronAdvv BeVerb
This is the man to whom I wanted to speak and whose name I had forgotten.      prepWHOMnomPronvinf-Verb AND WHOSEnPHnomPronv.
The visitor for whom you were waiting has arrived.         PrepWHOMnomPronv v
That’s the woman whose name I always forget.          WHOSEnPHnomPronAdvv.
I met a man whose brother works in Moscow.
The family whose house burnt in the fire was immediately given a complimentary suite in a hotel. WHOSE nPH v prepPH BeVerb
The book whose author won a Pulitzer has become a bestseller.      WHOSE nPHvnPH v
This is the man to whom I wanted to speak and whose name I had forgotten.      prepWHOMnomPronvinf-Verb AND WHOSEnPHnomPronv.
This is the man I wanted to speak to and whose name I'd forgotten.     nPH nomPronvvinf-Verb AND WHOSEnPHnomPronv.
England won the world cup in 1996. It was the year when we got married.       WHENnomPronv.
 I remember my twentieth birthday. It was the day when the tsunami happened.    WHENnomPronv.
 This is the house where/in which I lived when I first came to the United States.   WHERE/INWHICHnomPronv WHENnomPronadvvprepPH.
 Do you remember the place where we caught the train?        WHEREnomPronvnPH?
 Stratford-upon-Avon is the town where Shakespeare was born.      WHEREPNv.
 This is the house where/in which I lived when I first came to the United States.   WHERE/INWHICHnomPronv WHENnomPronadvvprepPH.
Have you seen those people we met on holiday?          nPH nomPronvprepPH?
 You shouldn’t believe everything you read in the newspaper.      nPH nomPronprepPH.
 The house we rented in London was fully furnished.         nPH nomPronvprepPH v
 The food was definitely the thing I enjoyed most about our holiday.    nPH nomPronAdvprepPH.
Who was the woman you were talking to?            nPH nomPronvPrep?
 That’s the house my parents live in.            nPH nPHvPrep.
It was the year we got married.              nPH nomPronv.
It was the day the tsunami happened.            nPH (Article)nPHv.
The library didn't have the book I wanted.           nPH nomPronv.
The woman you have just spoken to is my teacher.         nPH nomPronAdvv BeVerb
This is the house I lived in when I first came to the United States.    nPH nomPronv WHENnomPronadvvprepPH.
This is the man I wanted to speak to and whose name I'd forgotten.     nPH nomPronvvinf-Verb AND WHOSEnPHnomPronv.

The old lady who lives next door is a teacher.            nPHWHOvprepPH BeV   SUBJECT RESTRICTIVE
My uncle, who was born in Hong Kong, lived most of his life overseas.    ,WHOvprepPH, v  SUBJECT NON-RESTRICTIVE
I am looking for someone that/who could give me a ride to Chicago.     nomPronTHAT/WHOvoblPronnPHprepPH.  OBJECT RESTRICTIVE

INPUT: The old lady who lives next door is a teacher.         
 0   The old lady   The old lady nounPhrase 1 4 WHO clause   next door    Komşu kapıda Komşu kapıda  
 1   who     1 4 WHO clause   The old lady nounPhrase lives     yaşa   yaşayan
 2   lives           is Verb     who      yan   
 3   next door          a teacher nPH   The old lady   yaşlı bayan  yaşlı bayan
 4   is      is Verb           a teacher.    bir öğretmen bir öğretmen
 5  a teacher.   a teacher nPH         is      dir    dir.

OUTPUT: Komşu kapıda yaşıyan yaşlı bayan bir öğretmendir.

INPUT: My uncle, who was born in Hong Kong, lived most of his life overseas.
 0  My uncle   My uncle nPH   1 4, who clause  in Hong Kong   Hong Kong'ta Hong Kong'ta
 1  , who    1 4, who clause   My uncle   was born    doğmuş olmak doğmuş olan
 2  was            most of his life , who     an    amcam,
 3  born           overseas.   My uncle    amcam,   hayatının çoğunu
 4  in Hong Kong  , lived Verb   , lived    most of his life  hayatının çoğunudenizler ötesi
 5  , lived    most of his life nPH      overseas.    denizler ötesi yaşadı.
 6  most of his life overseas. Adj        , lived     yaşadı.  
 7  overseas.    
OUTPUT: Hong Kong'ta doğmuş olan amcam, hayatının çoğunu denizler ötesi yaşadı.

INPUT: I am looking for someone that/who could give me a ride to Chicago.
 0  I     I nomPron    I     I      Ben    Ben
 1  am     am looking Verb   4 10 that/who  to Chicago.    Şikago'ya  Şikago'ya
 2  looking    for someone nPH   for someone nPH  a ride     bir seyehat  bir seyehati
 3  for someone   4 10 that/who   am looking Verb  me      bana   bana
 4  that/who              could give    verebilirdi  verebilecek
 5  could               that/who    en/ecek
 6  give               for someone    birisi için  birini arıyorum.(with phrase smoothing).
 7  me                am looking    bakıyorum.
 8  a ride
 9  to Chicago.

OUTPUT: Ben Chicago'ya bir seyehatı bana verebilecek birisini arıyorum.

INPUT: The woman who you have just spoken to is my teacher.        PrepWHOnomPronAdvv BeVerb
 0  The woman    The women nPH   1 7 to who clause to-who       ona   Ona
 1  who     1 7 who clause   The women nPH  you       siz   sizin
 2  you           my teacher. nPH  just      şimdi  şimdi
 3  have          is BeVerb   have spoken     konuşmuş konuşmuş
 4  just               who       olduğunuz olduğunuz
 5  spoken               The women     kadın  kadın
 6  to                my teacher.     benim öğretmenim benim öğretmenimdir.
 7  is     is BeVerb         is       dir.
 8  my teacher.   my teacher. nPH
OUTPUT:  Ona sizin şimdi konuşmuş olduğunuz kadın benim öğretmenimdir.

INPUT: Have you seen those people who we met on holiday?                                   WHOnomPronvprepPH?
 0  Have    you nomPron    4 8 who clause  on holiday    tatilde   Tatilde
 1  you     have seen Verb ?Flag those people nPH we      biz    gördüğümüz
 2  seen    those people nPH   you     met      gördük   o insanları
 3  those people  4 8 who     have seen Verb ?flag who     ğümüz   siz gördünüz mü?
 4  who                those people   o insanları
 5  we                you      siz
 6  met                have seen?    gördünüz mü?
 7  on holiday?
OUTPUT: Tatilde karşılaştığımız o kişileri gördünüz mü?

INPUT: He decided to telephone Mrs. Jackson, who he had read about in the newspaper.  ,WHOnomPronPrepprepPH.
 0  He     He  nomPron    He     He      O    O
 1  decided    decided Verb   4 9, who clause  in the newspaper.  gazetede  gazetede
 2  to telephone  to telephone to-Inf  Mrs. Jackson  about-who    hakkında  hakkında
 3  Mrs. Jackson  Mrs. Jackson PrivateName to telephone  he       onun   okumuş
 4  , who    4 9, who clause   decided    had read    okumuş   olduğu
 5  he                who      olduğu   Mrs. Jacksona
 6  had read              Mrs. Jackson   Mrs. Jacksona telefon etmeye
 7  about               to telephone   telefon etmeye karar verdi.(with clause smoothing)
 8  in the newspaper. .           decided     karar verdi.

OUTPUT: O hakkında gazetede okumuş olduğu Mrs. Jackson'a telefon etmeye karar verdi.